
Much has been written over the years, and a lot of speculation has been agonised over regarding the end times, especially with respect to the “mark of the beast.” This Scripture, is found in Revelation 13, verses 16 through 18, and reads as follows:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

All sorts of interpretations of “the mark” have been offered, everything from enforced “Sunday Worship” as believed by the Seventh Day Adventists, to other quite bizarre non literal notions. My intention is to explain a quite literal interpretation of this Scripture, based on the Cabbalistic expectation of a future incarnation of Lucifer (occultists generally do not accept his fallen state as Satan), into a human vessel, where he will quite literally rule the world as a despotic king, through the vehicle of a One World Government. During this time of the Devil’s limited rulership, he will force virtually the whole population of the earth to receive a physical, discernible mark for control and identification purposes, a mark without which, life generally will be made very difficult, to say the least. (for Christians anyway)

Down through the centuries the Jews have always been recognised by the frequent use of their own unique distinguishing mark, that of the two interlacing triangles. However, most Jews do not have the faintest idea of the true Cabalistic meaning of this symbol and its widespread use amongst the higher initiates within all the Luciferian and Freemasonry sects.   This most occult of all symbols is worn as a charm by countless Christians who naively believe that it is a harmless token representing the chosen people of God, and hope that it will bring a kind of blessing on themselves. However the exact opposite is the case; this symbol especially, brings with it powerful curses, leading to spiritual and moral degeneration and physical sickness with continued use. These symbols when worn or displayed by high initiates or “the profane” alike, evoke the same powerful forces within the supernatural realm.

The following extracts by Warren Weston, at the time the world’s foremost authority on Gnostic and other sects, demonstrates the phallic nature of the so-called “Star of David” or “Solomon’s Seal” more correctly called the “Double Divinity,” outlining its esoteric occult history.

Extracts from “The Father of Lies” by Warren Weston (1938)

The fundamental doctrine of magic (more correctly, magick) is phallicism. New life is created by the act of generation (the argument runs): therefore the life force is generated by the sexual forces, the union of male and female elements. As represented by the two opposing equilateral triangles:

  • The triangle with the broad base up is the male principle (spirit of fire – red) Jehovah White and positive.
  • The triangle with the broad base down is the female principle (spirit of water – blue) Jehovah Black and negative.
  • The symbolic representation of which is sexual union.

(Interestingly enough you will notice that the emblem itself is actually made up of three pairs of triangles with their apexes touching. Each pair collectively represents the number 6, which qualifies the whole symbol as a graphical representation of 666.)


Fig. 1  Fig. 2 
Jehovah White & Jehovah Black The Magical Head of the Zohar 
(The Double Divinity)  (The “Zohar” is the Talmud’s Cabbalistic Code) 

Their phallic God is therefore hermaphroditic or bi-sexual. The sexual organs are considered sacred, while the rites and rituals are designed to liberate the passions and the natural instincts from the control of (wait for it) reason. The novice must denounce as fraud the existence of a moral order, together with that of its creator. This is the exact reverse of what the Bible stands for.

The creation of the universe (according to the phallic adepts) is the work of the hermaphrodite god. The universe was not created but procreated or engendered by him in successive stages. The god himself is supposed to have been the original and unique emanation of the divine substance of which all things are made. In this role the god is known as Pan, the first principle of nature.   Thus man is placed on a par with his creator: both are divine and immortal; man therefore creates when he procreates.

No doctrine was ever better designed to destroy reason by self conceit and to degenerate man into lust and crime.

In closing, let us recapitulate some of the points concerning the character of magic as follows:

Man is attracted to magic by the notion of “getting something for nothing” of the “secret heritage,” as opposed to the idea of earning an honest living. Magic appeals to man’s baser nature, to his greed and his appetite, most of all to his ego.

1.    The magic mirror flatters the ego, by making him believe that he’s on a par with God . . . (now where have we heard that before? . . .) At the same time, it distorts his outlook; leads him to reject reason, and to accept nonreason and hypocrisy in its place. Vice becomes virtue. Man becomes the slave of his own ego. 2.    The person becomes part of a secret society (whether he knows it, wants it, or not), held together by a common hatred, depravity, and greed. It is one of the thousand or so occult fraternities which secretly worship the phallic god and practice magic for their own ends. These fraternities, which are the plague of humanity, have always exploited religion as a screen for these activities. Good old paganism, in all its forms!

Continuing our study of the interlaced triangles, let us make a slight modification by removing most of the triangle with its broad base down and only leave the portion of the base line that passes through the remaining triangle causing a truncation or a “capstone” effect. (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3  Fig. 4
The base 2D form of the “Insignia of the Illuminati” The completed 3D form. 

Extracts from . . . “The Red Fog Over America” by William Guy Carr (1958)

The complete insignia as shown in Fig. 4 was originally adopted by Weishaupt at the time he founded the order on May 1, 1776. It is that event that is memorialised by the MDCCLXXVI (666 in Arabic) at the base of the pyramid, and not the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as the uninformed have supposed.   The esoteric significance of the design is as follows:

  • The Pyramid represents the conspiracy for the total destruction of Christianity and the establishment of a “One World Government,” the big “secret” of the Order.
  • The eye radiating in all directions from the capstone is not the all-seeing eye as we would suppose, but the all “spying” eye that symbolises the terrorist, Big Brother-like agency, that Weishaupt set up under the name of “Insinuating Brethren,” to guard the “secret” of the Order and to terrorise the populace into the acceptance of its rule. This “Ogpu” (Gestapo-like system) had its first workout in the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, which it was instrumental in organising.

The words “ANNUIT COEPTIS” means “our enterprise (conspiracy) has been crowned with success.” Below, the words “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” explains the nature of the enterprise and means “a New Social Order.”

It should be noted that this insignia acquired Masonic significance only after the merger of that Order with the Order of Illuminati at the Congress of Wilhemsbad, in 1782.   Benjamin Franklin, John Adams (a Roosevelt kinsman) and Thomas Jefferson, all ardent Illuminists, and defenders of Adam Weishaupt, proposed that this insignia be commissioned as the reverse of the seal, on the face of which was to be the eagle symbol, which was subsequently adopted on June 10, 1782. Upon adoption of the Constitution, Congress decreed by Act, of September 15, 1789, its retention and official seal of the United States Government. It is stated, interestingly enough, by the State Department in its latest publication on the subject, that “the reverse has never been cut and used as a seal” and that only the obverse bearing the eagle symbol has been used as an official seal and coat of arms. It was first published on the reverse of all dollar bills at the beginning of the Roosevelt “New Deal” in 1933.

Fig. 5    The Great Seal Fig. 6    Obverse Overlay 

Figure 5: Illustrates the present official Seal of the United States. In the top right hand corner is the original thirteen star cluster as submitted by the designer C.L. Totten, originally featuring a cross incorporated within the Constellation in the crest. Interestingly enough, this design was subsequently changed to a cluster resembling a Star of David, which was ultimately approved and ratified by Congress.

Figure 6: Illustrates another interesting result when the great seal is overlaid with the Illuminati Crest. Note carefully how the eye in the triangle symbol matches perfectly with the centroid of the stars within the crest. The incredible consistency of it all has to be marveled at.

. . .So what is the meaning of the publication of this symbol (Fig. 4) that had been so carefully suppressed up to that date that so few Americans knew of its existence, other than as a Masonic symbol? It can only mean one thing, that with the advent of the New Deal, the Illuminist-Socialist-Communist conspirators, ardent followers of Professor Weishaupt, regarded their followers as beginning to be crowned with success.

In effect this seal proclaims to the people of the United States, that the entire power of their Government supports the conspiracy to undermine and destroy them and the Constitution on which it rests – proving that it is a Government of Traitors.

Is this then the reason why successive administrations within the White House have so staunchly supported the state of Israel, both financially and militarily?

Albert Pike, quoted in A.C. de la Rive: La Femme et l’Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588:

“. . .To the crowd we must say: we worship a God, but it is a God one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, you may repeat it only to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him. Yes! Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. . . .religious philosophy in its purity and truth consists in the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay.”

Most Masonic Lodge Symbols contain only two or three primary elements, with slight variations depending on the particular sect. If you look closely, you will see that the compass and square here is a disguised form of two interlaced triangles, with some lodges bold enough to display the symbol outright.

Also, many commonly used company logos are represented by graphical forms of 666, which are easily spotted once you know what to look for. The Mitsubishi symbol, for example, is a classic. Three pairs of diamonds in a triangulate form.

Below is a copy of the sworn oath of the Illuminati. It is interesting to compare the renunciation of vows portion of the oath with that of the Jewish Kol Nidre, which absolves the Jew yearly from any legally undertaken oath, whether it be a Judge, Magistrate, Lawyer, Doctor or whatever.

Here is the Oath administered to the Illuminati:

“In the name of the son crucified (the Pentagram, the illuminised man), swear to break the bonds which still bind you to your father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistresses, kings chiefs, benefactors, and all person to whomsoever you may have promised faith, obedience, and service. Nam and curse the place where you were born, so that you may dwell in another place where you will attain only after having renounced this pestilential globe, vile refuse of the heavens! From this moment you are free from the so-called oath to country and laws: swear to reveal to the new chief, recognised by you, what you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised, and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honour and respect Aqua Tofana as a sure, prompt, and necessary means of purging the globe by death of those who seek to vilify the truth and seize it from our hands. Fly from Spain, Naples, and all accursed land; finally fly from the temptation to reveal what you may hear, for the thunder is no prompter than the knife which awaits you in whatsoever place you may be. Live in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (This is the Trinity of Illuminism — Cabalistic and Gnostic. The Father — the generating fire; the Holy Spirit — the Great Mother Nature, reproducing all things; the Son — the manifestation, the vital fluid, the astral light of Illuminism. It is a perversion of Christian symbolism.)

Miscellaneous Symbols and Emblems

“The star of the microcosm, or the MAGIC PENTAGRAM, that star wherein the human figure was represented by Agrippa, with the head in the ascenidng point and the four members in the four other points–the Burning STAR, WHICH, WHEN INVERTED, IS THE HIEROGLYPHIC SIGN OF THE GOAT OF BLACK MAGIC, whose head can then be sketched in the star with the two horns above, the ears on the right and left, and the beard below, sign of antagonism and blind fatality, the goat of lewdness assaulting heaven with its horns, a sign execrated even in the Sabbath by initiates of a superior order. . .

“The PENTAGRAM WITH TWO HORNS IN THE ASCENDANT REPRESENTS SATAN, or the goat of the Sabbath. . . .IT IS THE FIGURE OF A HUMAN BODY with the four members and a point representing the head; a human figure HEAD DOWNWARD NATURALLY REPRESENTS THE DEMON, that is, intellectual subversion, disorder and folly.” [Dr. Cathy Burns quoting Eliphas Levi in Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, pp. 52-3]

“There are two parts, or division, of humanity whose history is closely related to that of the Wisdom Teachings. They embody the doctrines of fire and water, the two opposites of nature. Those who follow the path of faith (or the heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL, the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons. . .” [Ibid, p. 191, quoting Manley P. Hall]

“. . .in the Kabbalah SAMAEL . . . IS SATAN. . .” [Ibid., quoting H.P. Blavatsky]

Crop Circles: The Barbury Castle Tetrahedron

[The following are excepts from Secrets In The Fields by Freddy Silva.  See other images at ]

In 1991 the town of Wroughton had been having its own share of excitement. During the night of July 16th the whole town suddenly found itself electricity-free. At the same time, country residents around the nearby Neolithic hill fort of Barbury Castle had witnessed the by-now usual aerobatic display of small, brightly colored flying objects, followed by what many described as a low rumbling noise akin to that heard at Alton Barnes the previous year. Next morning the headlines in the British press read ‘NOW EXPLAIN THIS ONE’.

Covering 12,000sq yards, the Barbury Castle tetrahedron marked a further incursion into crop circle evolution. It was also an unmistakable and identifiable philosophical and alchemical symbol dealing with the very creation of the universe.

Not only was this soon-to-be-famous glyph to keep scholars busy for some time to come, it also attracted the interest of the now supposedly disinterested army who proceeded to block access to local roads, an act which blatantly overstepped their jurisdiction.

This pattern is one of the most important alchemical and Hermetic symbols. It is featured in Michespacher’s 1654 book Cabala in Alchymia as the diagram describing the very process of Creation. The three balls are said to represent the three alchemical elements- salt, sulphur and mercury, in conjunction with the Godhead at the center which unites the three to create the Universe; in other words, the three elements are spun together and held in equilibrium until an energy from the Creator activates the process. This is the act of material manifestation. The diagram is also well known to Qabbalists and Rosicrucians whose roots can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. Their description tallies with Michespacher’s, but because the source is older it is inevitably devoid of centuries of misinterpretation. The alchemical connotations which were fashionable in the Middle Ages are here replaced by water, fire and light respectively. These are contained by the triangle of complete equality (equilibrium), which in turn interacts with the three circles of the high throne – Father, Son and Spirit, the three sources of Light, also referred to as the Three In One. Generated by this diagram are the seven creative spirits; from this master plan evolves the true nature of the solar system.

The principle of Three in One is in itself a cosmic law. But as John Michell discovered, the whole structure is also a collection of numeric, musical and geometrical harmonies which founded the prevailing order in every old civilization: “It demonstrates the principle of Three in One by means of a central circle which exactly contains the combined areas of the three circles around it. Moreover, the sum of all the four circular areas in the diagram is 31680 square feet. . . In traditional cosmology, this was taken to be the measure around the sub-lunary world, and the early Christian scholars calculated the number 3168 as emblematic of Lord Jesus Christ. The same number was previously applied to the name of a leading principle in the pagan religion.”

Michell further explores this number: 316.8 as the number of feet in the circumference of the lintel ring at Stonehenge and the perimeter square of St. Mary’s Chapel in Glastonbury, which relates to the 31680 miles of the perimeter square around the Earth or the number of furlongs of its mean radius. Michell further wrote, “The number 3168 is superabundant, the Pythagorean term for a number which is exceeded by the sum of its factors. The sum of all the numbers which divide into 3168 is 6660, connecting the number of the Lord Jesus Christ with that of the Beast of Revelation.” To Michell the Barbury Castle tetrahedron is nothing short of “a divine revelation.”

One World Order: The Beast Has Risen

The Six~Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast

Marks of the Beast ~ Tattoos & Brands

Designer Marks of the Beast

The Illuminati Volume 3: Murdered by the Monarchy..

….is the latest release from Enigma Motion Pictures. It takes a long hard look at the gruesome history of the ‘Royals’ and shows how they bludgeoned, murdered and tortured their way to power. It also looks at events surrounding Princess Diana’s untimely death and reveals information the Royals would rather stay hidden. After seeing this film ‘Royal’ is the last word you’ll use to describe them.


…Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, the sadistic sex romps in the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Nostradamus at the Royal French Court, the real-life Prince Dracula impaling virgins, Ivan the Terribles enforced campaign of cannibalism, the links between Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Royal Families of Europe, plus the historical facts behind the occult underground temples and catacombs at the place where Princess Diana was killed… One cannot catch ones breath with all the rabid hatred and murder at the hands of the Royal Establishment… This film is a powerful exposure of the torture, strangulations, poisonings, rapes, hangings, impalings and methods of vehicular homicide perpetrated by the Royal Elite throughout history… Alarmingly, not one minute of this film (which has a running time in excess of two hours) slips into any form of theoretical rhetoric all the evidence is backed up by huge amounts of documents, old photographs and film footage… The revelations about King Solomon, the ancient book of spirit communication called The Goetia, and Aleister Crowleys minor role in the horrific Jack The Ripper murders is all new evidence which is fresh to my eyes and ears. Chris Everards new film, released through Enigma Motion Pictures, continues this rebellious British directors assault on the senses, combining a thoroughly educational, historical documentary, which at once is erudite and shocking. A film most definitely not for the feint of heart, but essential viewing for those of us who want to make sense of the wickedness at the pinnacle of government and society


January 1992

Kenneth V. Lanning
Supervisory Special Agent

Behavioral Science Unit
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Academy
Quantico, Virginia 22135

From :



  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Historical Overview.
  • — a. “Stranger Danger”.
  • — b. Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse.
  • — c. Return to “Stranger Danger”.
  • — d. The Acquaintance Molester.
  • — e. Satanism: A New Form of “Stranger Danger”.
  • 3. Law Enforcement Training.
  • 4. Definitions.
  • — a. What is Ritual?
  • — b. What is “Ritual” Child Abuse?
  • — c. What Makes a Crime Satanic, Occult, or Ritualistic?
  • 5. Multidimensional Child Sex Rings.
  • — a. Dynamics of Cases.
  • —- (1) Multiple Young Victims.
  • —- (2) Multiple Offenders.
  • —- (3) Fear as a Controlling Tactic.
  • —- (4) Bizarre or Ritualistic Activity.
  • — b. Characteristics of Multidimensional Child Sex Rings.
  • —- (1) Female Offenders.
  • —- (2) Situational Molesters.
  • —- (3) Male and Female Victims.
  • —- (4) Multidimensional Motivation.
  • —- (5) Pornography and Paraphernalia.
  • —- (6) Control through Fear.
  • — c. Scenarios.
  • —- (1) Adult Survivors.
  • —- (2) Day Care Cases.
  • —- (3) Family/Isolated Neighborhood Cases.
  • —- (4) Custody/Visitation Disputes.
  • — d. Why Are Victims Alleging Things that Do Not Seem to be True?
  • 6. Alternative Explanations.
  • — a. Pathological Distortion.
  • — b. Traumatic Memory.
  • — c. Normal Childhood Fears and Fantasy.
  • — d. Misperception, Confusion, and Trickery.
  • — e. Overzealous Intervenors.
  • — f. Urban Legends.
  • — g. Combination.
  • 7. Do Victims Lie About Sexual Abuse and Exploitation?
  • — a. Personal Knowledge.
  • — b. Other Children or Victims.
  • — c. Media.
  • — d. Suggestions and Leading Questions.
  • — e. Misperception and Confusion.
  • — f. Education and Awareness Programs.
  • 8. Law Enforcement Perspective.
  • 9. Investigating Multidimensional Child Sex Rings.
  • — a. Minimize Satanic/Occult Aspect.
  • — b. Keep Investigation and Religious Beliefs Separate.
  • — c. Listen to the Victims.
  • — d. Assess and Evaluate Victim Statements.
  • — e. Evaluate Contagion.
  • — f. Establish Communication with Parents.
  • — g. Develop a Contingency Plan.
  • — h. Multidisciplinary Task Forces.
  • — i. Summary.
  • 10. Conclusion.
  • 11. References.
  • 12. Suggested Reading.


Since 1981 I have been assigned to the Behavioral Science Unit at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and have specialized in studying all aspects of the sexual victimization of children. The FBI Behavioral Science Unit provides assistance to criminal justice professionals in the United States and foreign countries. It attempts to develop practical applications of the behavioral sciences to the criminal justice system. As a result of training and research conducted by the Unit and its successes in analyzing violent crime, many professionals contact the Behavioral Science Unit for assistance and guidance in dealing with violent crime, especially those cases considered different, unusual, or bizarre. This service is provided at no cost and is not limited to crimes under the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.

In 1983 and 1984, when I first began to hear stories of what sounded like satanic or occult activity in connection with allegations of sexual victimization of children (allegations that have come to be referred to most often as “ritual” child abuse), I tended to believe them. I had been dealing with bizarre, deviant behavior for many years and had long since realized that almost anything is possible. Just when you think that you have heard it all, along comes another strange case. The idea that there are a few cunning, secretive individuals in positions of power somewhere in this country regularly killing a few people as part of some satanic ritual or ceremony and getting away with it is certainly within the realm of possibility. But the number of alleged cases began to grow and grow. We now have hundreds of victims alleging that thousands of offenders are abusing and even murdering tens of thousands of people as part of organized satanic cults, and there is little or no corroborative evidence. The very reason many “experts” cite for believing these allegations (i.e. many victims, who never met each other, reporting the same events), is the primary reason I began to question at least some aspects of these allegations.

I have devoted more than seven years part-time, and eleven years full-time, of my professional life to researching, training, and consulting in the area of the sexual victimization of children. The issues of child sexual abuse and exploitation are a big part of my professional life’s work. I have no reason to deny their existence or nature. In fact I have done everything I can to make people more aware of the problem Some have even blamed me for helping to create the hysteria that has led to these bizarre allegations. I can accept no outside income and am paid the same salary by the FBI whether or not children are abused and exploited – and whether the number is one or one million. As someone deeply concerned about and professionally committed to the issue, I did not lightly question the allegations of hundreds of victims child sexual abuse and exploitation.

In response to accusations by a few that I am a “satanist” who has infiltrated the FBI to facilitate cover-up, how does anyone (or should anyone have to) disprove such allegations? Although reluctant to dignify such absurd accusations with a reply, all I can say to those who have made such allegations that they are wrong and to those who heard such allegations is to carefully consider the source.

The reason I have taken the position I have is not because I support or believe in “satanism”, but because I sincerely believe that my approach is the proper and most effective investigative strategy. I believe that my approach is in the best interest of victims of child sexual abuse. It would have been easy to sit back, as many have, and say nothing publicly about this controversy. I have spoken out and published on this issue because I am concerned about the credibility of the child sexual abuse issue and outraged that, in some cases, individuals are getting away with molesting children because we can’t prove they are satanic devil worshippers who engage in brainwashing, human sacrifice, and cannibalism as part of a large conspiracy.

There are many valid perspectives from which to assess and evaluate victim allegations of sex abuse and exploitation. Parents may choose to believe simply because their children make the claims. The level of proof necessary may be minimal because the consequences of believing are within the family. One parent correctly told me, “I believe what my child needs me to believe.”

Therapists may choose to believe simply because their professional assessment is that their patient believes the victimization and describes it so vividly. The level of proof necessary may be no more than therapeutic evaluation because the consequences are between therapist and patient. No independent corroboration may be required.

A social worker must have more real, tangible evidence of abuse in order to take protective action and initiate legal proceedings. The level of proof necessary must be higher because the consequences (denial of visitation, foster care) are greater.

The law enforcement officer deals with the criminal justice system. The levels of proof necessary are reasonable suspicion, probable cause, and beyond a reasonable doubt because the consequences (criminal investigation, search and seizure, arrest, incarceration) are so great. This discussion will focus primarily on the criminal justice system and the law enforcement perspective. The level of proof necessary for taking action on allegations of criminal acts must be more than simply the victim alleged it and it is possible. This in no way denies the validity and importance of the parental, therapeutic, social welfare, or any other perspective of these allegations.

When, however, therapists and other professionals begin to conduct training, publish articles, and communicate through the media, the consequences become greater, and therefore the level of proof must be greater. The amount of corroboration necessary to act upon allegations of abuse is dependent upon the consequences of such action. We need to be concerned about the distribution and publication of unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre sexual abuse. Information needs to be disseminated to encourage communication and research about the phenomena. The risks, however, of intervenor and victim “contagion” and public hysteria are potential negative aspects of such dissemination. Because of the highly emotional and religious nature of this topic, there is a greater possibility that the spreading of information will result in a kind of self-fulfilling prophesy.

If such extreme allegations are going to be disseminated to the general public, they must be presented in the context of being assessed and evaluated, at least, from the professional perspective of the disseminator and, at best, also from the professional perspective of relevant others. This is what I will attempt to do in this discussion. The assessment and evaluation of such allegations are areas where law enforcement, mental health, and other professionals (anthropologists, folklorists, sociologists, historians, engineers, surgeons, etc.) may be of some assistance to each other in validating these cases individually and in general.


In order to attempt to deal with extreme allegations of what constitute child sex rings, it is important to have an historical perspective of society’s attitudes about child sexual abuse. I will provide a brief synopsis of recent attitudes in the United States here, but those desiring more detailed information about such societal attitudes, particularly in other cultures and in the more distant past, should refer to Florence Rush’s book _The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children_ (1980) and Sander J. Breiner’s book _Slaughter of the Innocents_ (1990).

Society’s attitude about child sexual abuse and exploitation can be summed up in one word: *denial*. Most people do not want to hear about it and would prefer to pretend that child sexual victimization just does not occur. Today, however, it is difficult to pretend that it does not happen. Stories and reports about child sexual victimization are daily occurrences.

It is important for professionals dealing with child sexual abuse to recognize and learn to manage this denial of a serious problem. Professionals must overcome the denial and encourage society to deal with, report, and prevent sexual victimization of children.

Some professionals, however, in their zeal to make American society more aware of this victimization, tend to exaggerate the problem. Presentations and literature with poorly documented or misleading claims about one in three children being sexually molested, the $5 billion child pornography industry, child slavery rings, and 50,000 stranger-abducted children are not uncommon. The problem is bad enough; it is not necessary to exaggerate it. Professionals should cite reputable and scientific studies and note the sources of information. If they do not, when the exaggerations and distortions are discovered, their credibility and the credibility of the issue are lost.


During the 1950s and 1960s the primary focus in the literature and discussions on sexual abuse of children was on “stranger danger” -the dirty old man in the wrinkled raincoat. If one could not deny the existence of child sexual abuse, one described victimization in simplistic terms of good and evil. The “stranger danger” approach to preventing child sexual abuse is clear-cut. We immediately know who the good guys and bad guys are and what they look like.

The FBI distributed a poster that epitomized this attitude. It showed a man, with his hat pulled down, hiding behind a tree with a bag of candy in his hands. He was waiting for a sweet little girl walking home from school alone. At the top it read: “Boys and Girls, color the page, memorize the rules.” At the bottom it read: “For your protection, remember to turn down gifts from strangers, and refuse rides offered by strangers.” The poster clearly contrasts the evil of the offender with the goodness of the child victim.

The myth of the child molester as the dirty old man in the wrinkled raincoat is now being reevaluated, based on what we now know about the kinds of people who victimize children. The fact is a child molester can look like anyone else and even be someone we know and like.

There is another myth that is still with us and is far less likely to be discussed. This is the myth of the child victim as a completely innocent little girl walking down the street minding her own business. It may be more important to dispel this myth than the myth of the evil offender, especially when talking about the sexual exploitation of children and child sex rings. Child victims can be boys as well as girls, and not all victims are little “angels”.

Society seems to have a problem dealing with any sexual abuse case in which the offender is not completely “bad” or the victim is not completely “good”. Child victims who, for example, simply behave like human beings and respond to the attention and affection of offenders by voluntarily and repeatedly returning to the offender’s home are troubling. It confuses us to see the victims in child pornography giggling or laughing. At professional conferences on child sexual abuse, child prostitution is almost never discussed. It is the form of sexual victimization of children most unlike the stereotype of the innocent girl victim. Child prostitutes, by definition, participate in and often initiate their victimization. Furthermore child prostitutes and the participants in child sex rings are frequently boys. One therapist recently told me that a researcher’s data on child molestation were misleading because many of the child victims in question were child prostitutes. This implies that child prostitutes are not “real” child victims. In a survey by the _Los Angeles Times_, only 37 percent of those responding thought that child prostitution constituted child sexual abuse (Timnik, 1985). Whether or not it seems fair, when adults and children have sex, the child is always the victim.


During the 1970s, primarily as a result of the women’s movement, society began to learn more about the sexual victimization of children. We began to realize that most children are sexually molested by someone they know who is usually a relative – a father, step-father, uncle, grandfather, older brother, or even a female relative. Some mitigate the difficulty of accepting this by adopting the view that only members of socio-economic groups other than theirs engage in such behavior.

It quickly became apparent that warnings about not taking gifts from strangers were not good enough to prevent child sexual abuse. Consequently, we began to develop prevention programs based on more complex concepts, such as good touching and bad touching. the “yucky” feeling, and the child’s right to say no. These are not the kinds of things you can easily and effectively communicate in fifty minutes to hundreds of kids packed into a school auditorium. These are very difficult issues, and programs must he carefully developed and evaluated.

In the late 1970s child sexual abuse became almost synonymous with incest, and incest meant father-daughter sexual relations. Therefore, the focus of child sexual abuse intervention became father-daughter incest. Even today, the vast majority of training materials, articles, and books on this topic refer to child sexual abuse only in terms of intrafamilial father-daughter incest.

Incest is, in fact, sexual relations between individuals of any age too closely related to marry. It need not necessarily involve an adult and a child, and it goes beyond child sexual abuse. But more importantly child sexual abuse goes beyond father-daughter incest. Intrafamilial incest between an adult and child may be the most common form of child sexual abuse, but it is not the only form.

The progress of the 1970s in recognizing that child sexual abuse was not simply a result of “stranger danger” was an important breakthrough in dealing with society’s denial. The battle, however, is not over. The persistent voice of society luring us back to the more simple concept of “stranger danger” may never go away. It is the voice of denial.


In the early 1980s the issue of missing children rose to prominence and was focused primarily on the stranger abduction of little children. Runaways, throwaways, noncustodial abductions, nonfamily abductions of teenagers – all major problems within the missing children’s issue – were almost forgotten. People no longer wanted to hear about good touching and bad touching and the child’s right to say “no”. They wanted to be told, in thirty minutes or less, how they could protect their children from abduction by strangers. We were back to the horrible but simple and clear-cut concept of “stranger danger”.

In the emotional zeal over the problem of missing children, isolated horror stories and distorted numbers were sometimes used. The American public was led to believe that most of the missing children had been kidnapped by pedophiles – a new term for child molesters. The media, profiteers, and well-intentioned zealots all played big roles in this hype and hysteria over missing children.


Only recently has society begun to deal openly with a critical piece in the puzzle of child sexual abuse – acquaintance molestation. This seems to be the most difficult aspect of the problem for us to face. People seem more willing to accept a father or stepfather, particularly one from another socio-economic group, as a child molester than a parish priest, a next-door neighbor, a police officer, a pediatrician, an FBI agent, or a Scout leader. The acquaintance molester, by definition, is one of us. These kinds of molesters have always existed, but our society has not been willing to accept that fact.

Sadly, one of the main reasons that the criminal justice system and the public were forced to confront the problem of acquaintance molestation was the preponderance of lawsuits arising from the negligence of many institutions.

One of the unfortunate outcomes of society’s preference for the “stranger danger” concept is what I call “say no, yell, and tell” guilt. This is the result of prevention programs that tell potential child victims to avoid sexual abuse by saying no, yelling, and telling. This might work with the stranger hiding behind a tree. Adolescent boys seduced by a Scout leader or children who actively participate in their victimization often feel guilty and blame themselves because they did not do what they were “supposed” to do. They may feel a need to describe their victimization in more socially acceptable but sometimes inaccurate ways that relieve them of this guilt.

While American society has become increasingly more aware of the problem of the acquaintance molester and related problems such as child pornography, the voice calling us back to “stranger danger” still persists.


In today’s version of “stranger danger”, it is the satanic devil worshipers who are snatching and victimizing the children. Many who warned us in the early 1980s about pedophiles snatching fifty thousand kids a year now contend they were wrong only about who was doing the kidnapping, not about the number abducted. This is again the desire for the simple and clear-cut explanation for a complex problem.

For those who know anything about criminology, one of the oldest theories of crime is demonology: The devil makes you do it. This makes it even easier to deal with the child molester who is the “pillar of the community”. It is not his fault; it is not our fault. There is no way we could have known; the devil made him do it. This explanation has tremendous appeal because, like “stranger danger”, it presents the clear-cut, black-and-white struggle between good and evil as the explanation for child abduction, exploitation, and abuse.

In regard to satanic “ritual” abuse, today we may not be where we were with incest in the 1960s, but where we were with missing children in the early 1980s. The best data now available (the 1990 _National Incidence Studies on Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in America_) estimate the number of stereotypical child abductions at between 200 and 300 a year, and the number of stranger abduction homicides of children at between 43 and 147 a year. Approximately half of the abducted children are teenagers. Today’s facts are significantly different from yesterday’s perceptions, and those who exaggerated the problem, however well- intentioned, have lost credibility and damaged the reality of the problem.


The belief that there is a connection between satanism and crime is certainly not new. As previously stated, one of the oldest theories concerning the causes of crime is demonology. Fear of satanic or occult activity has peaked from time to time throughout history. Concern in the late 1970s focused primarily on “unexplained” deaths and mutilations of animals, and in recent years has focused on child sexual abuse and the alleged human sacrifice of missing children. In 1999 it will probably focus on the impending “end of the world”.

Today satanism and a wide variety of other terms are used interchangeably in reference to certain crimes. This discussion will analyze the nature of “satanic, occult, ritualistic” crime primarily as it pertains to the abuse of children and focus on appropriate *law enforcement* responses to it.

Recently a flood of law enforcement seminars and conferences have dealt with satanic and ritualistic crime. These training conferences have various titles, such as “Occult in Crime”, “Satanic Cults”, ‘Ritualistic Crime Seminar”, “Satanic Influences in Homicide”, “Occult Crimes, Satanism and Teen Suicide”, and “Ritualistic Abuse of Children”.

The typical conference runs from one to three days, and many of them include the same presenters and instructors. A wide variety of topics are usually discussed during this training either as individual presentations by different instructors or grouped together by one or more instructors. Typical topics covered include the following:

— Historical overview of satanism, witchcraft, and paganism from ancient to modern times.

— Nature and influence of fantasy role-playing games, such as “Dungeons and Dragons“.

— Lyrics, symbolism, and influence of rock and roll, Heavy Metal, and Black Metal music.

— Teenage “stoner” gangs, their symbols, and their vandalism.

— Teenage suicide by adolescents dabbling in the occult.

— Crimes committed by self-styled satanic practitioners, including grave and church desecrations and robberies, animal mutilations, and even murders.

— Ritualistic abuse of children as part of bizarre ceremonies and human sacrifices.

— Organized, Traditional, or Multigenerational satanic groups involved in organized conspiracies, such as taking over day care centers, infiltrating police departments, and trafficking in human sacrifice victims.

— The “Big Conspiracy” theory, which implies that satanists are responsible for such things as Adolph Hitler, World War II, abortion, illegal drugs, pornography, Watergate, and Irangate, and have infiltrated the Department of Justice, the Pentagon, and the White House.

During the conferences, these nine areas are linked together through the liberal use of the word “satanism” and some common symbolism (pentagrams, 666, demons, etc.). The implication often is that all are part of a continuum of behavior, a single problem or some common conspiracy. The distinctions among the different areas are blurred even if occasionally a presenter tries to make them. The information presented is a mixture of fact, theory, opinion, fantasy, and paranoia, and because some of it can be proven or corroborated (symbols on rock albums, graffiti on walls, desecration of cemeteries, vandalism, etc.), the implication is that it is all true and documented. Material produced by religious organizations, photocopies and slides of newspaper articles, and videotapes of tabloid television programs are used to supplement the training and are presented as “evidence” of the existence and nature of the problem.

All of this is complicated by the fact that almost any discussion of satanism and the occult is interpreted in the light of the religious beliefs of those in the audience. Faith, not logic and reason, governs the religious beliefs of most people. As a result, some normally skeptical law enforcement officers accept the information disseminated at these conferences without critically evaluating it or questioning the sources. Officers who do not normally depend on church groups for law enforcement criminal intelligence, who know that media accounts of their own cases are notoriously inaccurate, and who scoff at and joke about tabloid television accounts of bizarre behavior suddenly embrace such material when presented in the context of satanic activity. Individuals not in law enforcement seem even more likely to do so. Other disciplines, especially therapists, have also conducted training conferences on the characteristics and identification of “ritual” child abuse. Nothing said at such conferences will change the religious beliefs of those in attendance. Such conferences illustrate the highly emotional nature of and the ambiguity and wide variety of terms involved in this issue.


The words “satanic”, “occult”, and “ritual” are often used interchangeably. It is difficult to define “satanism” precisely. No attempt will be made to do so here However, it is important to realize that, for some people, any religious belief system other than their own is “satanic”. The Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein referred to the United States as the “Great Satan”. In the British Parliament a Protestant leader called the Pope the Antichrist. In a book titled _Prepare For War_ (1987), Rebecca Brown, M.D. has a chapter entitled “Is Roman Catholicism Witchcraft?” Dr. Brown also lists among the “doorways” to satanic power and/or demon infestation the following: fortune tellers, horoscopes, fraternity oaths, vegetarianism, yoga, self-hypnosis, relaxation tapes, acupuncture, biofeedback, fantasy role-playing games, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, judo, karate, and rock music. Dr. Brown states that rock music “was a carefully masterminded plan by none other than Satan himself” (p. 84). The ideas expressed in this book may seem extreme and even humorous. This book, however, has been recommended as a serious reference in law enforcement training material on this topic.

In books, lectures, handout material, and conversations, I have heard all of the following referred to as satanism:

— Church of Satan — Ordo Templi Orientis — Temple of Set — Demonology — Witchcraft — Occult — Paganism — Santeria — Voodoo — Rosicrucians — Freemasonry — Knights Templar — Stoner Gangs — Heavy Metal Music — Rock Music — KKK — Nazis — Skinheads — Scientology — Unification Church — The Way — Hare Krishna — Rajneesh — Religious Cults — New Age — Astrology — Channeling — Transcendental Meditation — Holistic Medicine — Buddhism — Hinduism — Mormonism — Islam — Orthodox Church — Roman Catholicism

At law enforcement training conferences, it is witchcraft, santeria, paganism, and the occult that are most often referred to as forms of satanism. It may be a matter of definition, but these things are not necessarily the same as traditional satanism. The worship of lunar goddesses and nature and the practice of fertility rituals are not satanism. Santeria is a combination of 17th century Roman Catholicism and African paganism.

Occult means simply “hidden”. All unreported or unsolved crimes might be regarded as occult, but in this context the term refers to the action or influence of supernatural powers, some secret knowledge of them, or an interest in paranormal phenomena, and does not imply satanism, evil, wrongdoing, or crime. Indeed, historically, the principal crimes deserving of consideration as “occult crimes” are the frauds perpetrated by faith healers, fortune tellers and “psychics” who for a fee claim cures, arrange visitations with dead loved ones, and commit other financial crimes against the gullible.

Many individuals define satanism from a totally Christian perspective, using this word to describe the power of evil in the world. With this definition, any crimes, especially those which are particularly bizarre, repulsive, or cruel, can be viewed as satanic in nature. Yet it is just as difficult to precisely define satanism as it is to precisely define Christianity or any complex spiritual belief system.


The biggest confusion is over the word “ritual”. During training conferences on this topic, ritual almost always comes to mean “satanic” or at least “spiritual”. “Ritual” can refer to a prescribed religious ceremony, but in its broader meaning refers to any customarily-repeated act or series of acts. The need to repeat these acts can be cultural, sexual, or psychological as well as spiritual.

Cultural rituals could include such things as what a family eats on Thanksgiving Day, or when and how presents are opened at Christmas. The initiation ceremonies of fraternities, sororities, gangs, and other social clubs are other examples of cultural rituals.

Since 1972 I have lectured about sexual ritual, which is nothing more than repeatedly engaging in an act or series of acts in a certain manner because of a *sexual* need. In order to become aroused and/or gratified, a person must engage in the act in a certain way. This sexual ritual can include such things as the physical characteristics, age, or gender of the victim, the particular sequence of acts, the bringing or taking of specific objects, and the use of certain words or phrases. This is more than the concept of M.O. (Method of Operation) known to most police officers. M.O. is something done by an offender because it works. Sexual ritual is something done by an offender because of a need. Deviant acts, such as urinating on, defecating on, or even eviscerating a victim, are far more likely to be the result of sexual ritual than religious or “satanic” ritual.

From a criminal investigative perspective, two other forms of ritualism must be recognized. The _Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders_ (DSM-III-R) (APA, 1987) defines “Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder” as “repetitive, purposeful, and intentional behaviors that are performed in response to an obsession, or according to certain rules or in a stereotyped fashion” (p. 247).. Such compulsive behavior frequently involves rituals. Although such behavior usually involves noncriminal activity such as excessive hand washing or checking that doors are locked, occasionally compulsive ritualism can be part of criminal activity. Certain gamblers or firesetters, for example, are thought by some authorities to be motivated in part through such compulsions. Ritual can also stem from psychotic hallucinations and delusions. A crime can be committed in a precise manner because a voice told the offender to do it that way or because a divine mission required it.

To make this more confusing, cultural, religious, sexual, and psychological ritual can overlap. Some psychotic people are preoccupied with religious delusions and hear the voice of God or Satan telling them to do things of a religious nature. Offenders who feel little, if any, guilt over their crimes may need little justification for their antisocial behavior. As human beings, however, they may have fears, concerns, and anxiety over getting away with their criminal acts. It is difficult to pray to God for success in doing things that are against His Commandments. A negative spiritual belief system may fulfill their human need for assistance from and belief in a greater power or to deal with their superstitions. Compulsive ritualism (e.g., excessive cleanliness or fear of disease) can be introduced into sexual behavior. Even many “normal” people have a need for order and predictability and therefore may engage in family or work rituals. Under stress or in times of change, this need for order and ritual may increase.

Ritual crime may fulfill the cultural, spiritual, sexual, and psychological needs of an offender. Crimes may be ritualistically motivated or may have ritualistic elements. The ritual behavior may also fulfill basic criminal needs to manipulate victims, get rid of rivals, send a message to enemies, and intimidate co-conspirators. The leaders of a group may want to play upon the beliefs and superstitions of those around them and try to convince accomplices and enemies that they, the leaders, have special or “supernatural” powers.

The important point for the criminal investigator is to realize that most ritualistic criminal behavior is not motivated simply by satanic or any religious ceremonies. At some conferences, presenters have attempted to make an issue of distinguishing between “ritual”, “ritualized”, and “ritualistic” abuse of children. These subtle distinctions, however, seem to be of no significant value to the criminal investigator.


I cannot define “ritual child abuse” precisely and prefer not to use the term. I am frequently forced to use it (as throughout this discussion) so that people will have some idea what I am discussing. Use of the term, however, is confusing, misleading, and counterproductive. The newer term “satanic ritual abuse” (abbreviated “SRA”) is even worse. Certain observations, however, are important for investigative understanding.

Most people today use the term to refer to abuse of children that is part of some evil spiritual belief system, which almost by definition must be satanic.

Dr. Lawrence Pazder, coauthor of _Michelle Remembers_, defines “ritualized abuse of children” as “repeated physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual assaults combined with a systematic use of symbols and secret ceremonies designed to turn a child against itself, family, society, and God” (presentation, Richmond, Va., May 7,1987). He also states that “the sexual assault has ritualistic meaning and is not for sexual gratification”.

This definition may have value for academics, sociologists, and therapists, but it creates potential problems for law enforcement. Certain acts engaged in with children (i.e. kissing, touching, appearing naked, etc.) may be criminal if performed for sexual gratification. If the ritualistic acts were in fact performed for spiritual indoctrination, potential prosecution can be jeopardized, particularly if the acts can be defended as constitutionally protected religious expression. The mutilation of a baby’s genitals for sadistic sexual pleasure is a crime. The circumcision of a baby’s genitals for religious reasons is most likely *not* a crime. The intent of the acts is important for criminal prosecution.

Not all spiritually motivated ritualistic activity is satanic. Santeria, witchcraft, voodoo, and most religious cults are not satanism. In fact, most spiritually- or religiously-based abuse of children has nothing to do with satanism. Most child abuse that could be termed “ritualistic” by various definitions is more likely to be physical and psychological rather than sexual in nature. If a distinction needs to be made between satanic and nonsatanic child abuse, the indicators for that distinction must be related to specific satanic symbols, artifacts, or doctrine rather than the mere presence of any ritualistic element.

Not all such ritualistic activity with a child is a crime. Almost all parents with religious beliefs indoctrinate their children into that belief system. Is male circumcision for religious reasons child abuse? Is the religious circumcision of females child abuse? Does having a child kneel on a hard floor reciting the rosary constitute child abuse? Does having a child chant a satanic prayer or attend a black mass constitute child abuse? Does a religious belief in corporal punishment constitute child abuse? Does group care of children in a commune or cult constitute child abuse? Does the fact that any acts in question were performed with parental permission affect the nature of the crime? Many ritualistic acts, whether satanic or not, are simply not crimes. To open the Pandora’s box of labeling child abuse as “ritualistic” simply because it involves a spiritual belief system means to apply the definition to all acts by all spiritual belief systems. The day may come when many in the forefront of concern about ritual abuse will regret they opened the box.

When a victim describes and investigation corroborates what sounds like ritualistic activity. several possibilities must be considered. The ritualistic activity may be part of the excessive religiosity of mentally disturbed, even psychotic offenders. It may be a misunderstood part of sexual ritual. The ritualistic activity may be incidental to any real abuse. The offender may be involved in ritualistic activity with a child and also may be abusing a child, but one may have little or nothing to do with the other.

The offender may be deliberately engaging in ritualistic activity with a child as part of child abuse and exploitation. The motivation, however, may be not to indoctrinate the child into a belief system, but to lower the inhibitions of, control, manipulate, and/or confuse the child. In all the turmoil over this issue, it would be very effective strategy for any child molester deliberately to introduce ritualistic elements into his crime in order to confuse the child and therefore the criminal justice system. This would, however, make the activity M.O. and not ritual.

The ritualistic activity and the child abuse may be integral parts of some spiritual belief system. In that case the greatest risk is to the children of the practitioners. But this is true of all cults and religions, not just satanic cults. A high potential of abuse exists for any children raised in a group isolated from the mainstream of society, especially if the group has a charismatic leader whose orders are unquestioned and blindly obeyed by the members. Sex, money, and power are often the main motivations of the leaders of such cults.


Some would answer that it is the offender’s spiritual beliefs or membership in a cult or church. If that is the criterion, why not label the crimes committed by Protestants, Catholics, and Jews in the same way? Are the atrocities of Jim Jones in Guyana Christian crimes?

Some would answer that it is the presence of certain symbols in the possession or home of the perpetrator. What does it mean then to find a crucifix, Bible, or rosary in the possession or home of a bank robber, embezzler, child molester, or murderer? If different criminals possess the same symbols, are they necessarily part of one big conspiracy?

Others would answer that it is the presence of certain symbols such as pentagrams, inverted crosses, and 666 at the crime scene. What does it mean then to find a cross spray painted on a wall or carved into the body of a victim? What does it mean for a perpetrator, as in one recent case profiled by my Unit, to leave a Bible tied to his murder victim? What about the possibility that an offender deliberately left such symbols to make it look like a “satanic” crime?

Some would argue that it is the bizarreness or cruelness of the crime: body mutilation, amputation, drinking of blood, eating of flesh, use of urine or feces. Does this mean that all individuals involved in lust murder, sadism, vampirism, cannibalism, urophilia, and coprophilia are satanists or occult practitioners? What does this say about the bizarre crimes of psychotic killers such as Ed Gein or Richard Trenton Chase, both of whom mutilated their victims as part of their psychotic delusions? Can a crime that is not sexually deviant, bizarre, or exceptionally violent be satanic? Can white collar crime be satanic?

A few might even answer that it is the fact that the crime was committed on a date with satanic or occult significance (Halloween, May Eve, etc.) or the fact that the perpetrator claims that Satan told him to commit the crime. What does this mean for crimes committed on Thanksgiving or Christmas? What does this say about crimes committed by perpetrators who claim that God or Jesus told them to do it? One note of interest is the fact that in handout and reference material I have collected, the number of dates with satanic or occult significance ranges from 8 to 110. This is compounded by the fact that it is sometimes stated that satanists can celebrate these holidays on several days on either side of the official date or that the birthdays of practitioners can also be holidays. The exact names and exact dates of the holidays and the meaning of symbols listed may also vary depending on who prepared the material The handout material is often distributed without identifying the author or documenting the original source of the information. It is then frequently photocopied by attendees and passed on to other police officers with no one really knowing its validity or origin.

Most, however, would probably answer that what makes a crime satanic, occult, or ritualistic is the motivation for the crime. It is a crime that is spiritually motivated by a religious belief system. How then do we label the following true crimes?

— Parents defy a court order and send their children to an unlicensed Christian school.

— Parents refuse to send their children to any school because they are waiting for the second coming of Christ.

— Parents beat their child to death because he or she will not follow their Christian belief.

— Parents violate child labor laws because they believe the Bible requires such work.

— Individuals bomb an abortion clinic or kidnap the doctor because their religious belief system says abortion is murder.

— A child molester reads the Bible to his victims in order to justify his sex acts with them.

— Parents refuse life-saving medical treatment for a child because of their religious beliefs.

— Parents starve and beat their child to death because their minister said the child was possessed by demonic spirits.

Some people would argue that the Christians who committed the above crimes misunderstood and distorted their religion while satanists who commit crimes are following theirs. But who decides what constitutes a misinterpretation of a religious belief system? The individuals who committed the above-described crimes, however misguided, believed that they were following their religion as they understood it. Religion was and is used to justify such social behavior as the Crusades, the Inquisition, Apartheid, segregation, and recent violence in Northern Ireland, India, Lebanon and Nigeria.

Who decides exactly what “satanists” believe? In this country, we cannot even agree on what Christians believe. At many law enforcement conferences The _Satanic Bible_ is used for this, and it is often contrasted or compared with the Judeo-Christian Bible. The _Satanic Bible_ is, in essence, a short paperback book written by one man, Anton LaVey, in 1969. To compare it to a book written by multiple authors over a period of thousands of years is ridiculous, even ignoring the possibility of Divine revelation in the Bible. What satanists believe certainly isn’t limited to other people’s interpretation of a few books. More importantly it is subject to some degree of interpretation by individual believers just as Christianity is. Many admitted “satanists” claim they do not even believe in God, the devil, or any supreme deity. The criminal behavior of one person claiming belief in a religion does not necessarily imply guilt or blame to others sharing that belief. In addition, simply claiming membership in a religion does not necessarily make you a member.

The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus, Mohammed, and other mainstream religion than has ever been committed in the name of Satan. Many people, including myself, don’t like that statement, but the truth of it is undeniable.

Although defining a crime as satanic, occult, or ritualistic would probably involve a combination of the criteria set forth above, I have been unable to clearly define such a crime. Each potential definition presents a different set of problems when measured against an objective, rational, and constitutional perspective. In a crime with multiple subjects, each offender may have a different motivation for the same crime. Whose motivation determines the label for the crime? It is difficult to count or track something you cannot even define.

I have discovered, however, that the facts of so-called “satanic crimes” are often significantly different from what is described st training conferences or in the media. The actual involvement of satanism or the occult in these cases usually turns out to be secondary, insignificant, or nonexistent. Occult or ritual crime surveys done by the states of Michigan (1990) and Virginia (1991) have only confirmed this “discovery”. Some law enforcement officers, unable to find serious “satanic” crime in their communities, assume they are just lucky or vigilant and the serious problems must be in other jurisdictions. The officers in the other jurisdictions, also unable find it, assume the same.


Sometime in early 1983 I was first contacted by a law enforcement agency for guidance in what was then thought to be an unusual case. The exact date of the contact is unknown because its significance was not recognized at the time. In the months and years that followed, I received more and more inquiries about “these kinds of cases”. The requests for assistance came (and continue to come) from all over the United States. Many of the aspects of these cases varied, but there were also some commonalties. Early on, however, one particularly difficult and potentially significant issue began to emerge.

These cases involved and continue to involve unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre activity that are difficult either to prove or disprove. Many of the unsubstantiated allegations, however, do not seem to have occurred or even be possible. These cases seem to call into question the credibility of victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation. These are the most polarizing, frustrating, and baffling cases I have encountered in more than 18 years of studying the criminal aspects of deviant sexual behavior. I privately sought answers, but said nothing publicly about those cases until 1985.

In October 1984 the problems in investigating and prosecuting one of these cases in Jordan, Minnesota became publicly known. In February 1985, at the FBI Academy, the FBI sponsored and I coordinated the first national seminar held to study “these kinds of cases”. Later in 1985, similar conferences sponsored by other organizations were held in Washington, D.C.; Sacramento, California; and Chicago, Illinois. These cases have also been discussed at many recent regional and national conferences dealing with the sexual victimization of children and Multiple Personality Disorder. Few answers have come from these conferences. I continue to be contacted on these cases on a regular basis. Inquiries have been received from law enforcement officers, prosecutors, therapists, victims, families of victims, and the media from all over the United States and now foreign countries. I do not claim to understand completely all the dynamics of these cases. I continue to keep an open mind and to search for answers to the questions and solutions to the problems they pose. This discussion is based on my analysis of the several hundred of “these kinds of cases” on which I have consulted since 1983.


What are “these kinds of cases”? They were and continue to be difficult to define. They all involve allegations of what sounds like child sexual abuse, but with a combination of some atypical dynamics. These cases seem to have the following four dynamics in common: (1) multiple young victims, (2) multiple offenders, (3) fear as the controlling tactic, and (4) bizarre or ritualistic activity.


In almost all the cases the sexual abuse was alleged to have taken place or at least begun when the victims were between the ages of birth and six. This very young age may be an important key to understanding these cases. In addition the victims all described multiple children being abused. The numbers ranged from three or four to as many as several hundred victims.


In almost all the cases the victims reported numerous offenders. The numbers ranged from two or three all the way up to dozens of offenders. In one recent case the victims alleged 400-500 offenders were involved. Interestingly many of the offenders (perhaps as many as 40-50 percent) were reported to be females. The multiple offenders were often family members and were described as being part of a cult, occult, or satanic group.


Child molesters in general are able to maintain control and ensure the secrecy of their victims in a variety of ways. These include attention and affection, coercion, blackmail, embarrassment, threats, and violence. In almost all of these cases I have studied, the victims described being frightened and reported threats against themselves, their families, their friends, and even their pets. They reported witnessing acts of violence perpetrated to reinforce this fear. It is my belief that this fear and the traumatic memory of the events may be another key to understanding many of these cases.


This is the most difficult dynamic of these cases to describe. “Bizarre” is a relative term. Is the use of urine or feces in sexual activity bizarre, or is it a well-documented aspect of sexual deviancy, or is it part of established satanic rituals? As previously discussed, the ritualistic aspect is even more difficult to define. How do you distinguish acts performed in a precise manner to enhance or allow sexual arousal from those acts that fulfill spiritual needs or comply with “religious” ceremonies? Victims in these cases report ceremonies, chanting, robes and costumes, drugs, use of urine and feces, animal sacrifice, torture, abduction, mutilation, murder, and even cannibalism and vampirism. All things considered, the word “bizarre” is probably preferable to the word “ritual” to describe this activity.

When I was contacted on these cases, it was very common for a prosecutor or investigator to say that the alleged victims have been evaluated by an “expert” who will stake his or her professional reputation on the fact that the victims are telling the “truth”. When asked how many cases this expert had previously evaluated involving these four dynamics, the answer was always the same: none! The experts usually had only dealt with one-on-one intrafamilial sexual abuse cases. Recently an even more disturbing trend has developed. More and more of the victims have been identified or evaluated by experts who have been trained to identify and specialize in satanic ritual abuse.


As previously stated, a major problem in communicating, training, and researching in this area is the term used to define “these kinds of cases”. Many refer to them as “ritual, ritualistic, or ritualized abuse of children cases” or “satanic ritual abuse (SRA) cases”. Such words carry specialized meanings for many people and might imply that all these cases are connected to occult or satanic activity. If ritual abuse is not necessarily occult or satanic, but is “merely” severe, repeated, prolonged abuse, why use a term that, in the minds of so many, implies such specific motivation?

Others refer to these cases as “multioffender/multivictim cases”. The problem with this term is that most multiple offender and victim cases do not involve the four dynamics discussed above.

For want of a better term, I have decided to refer to “these kinds of cases” as “multidimensional child sex rings”. Right now I seem to be the only one using this term. I am, however, not sure if this is truly a distinct kind of child sex ring case or just a case not properly handled. Following are the general characteristics of these multidimensional child sex ring cases as contrasted with more common historical child sex ring cases [see my monograph _Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis] (1989) for a discussion of the characteristics of historical child sex ring cases].


As many as 40-50 percent of the offenders in these cases are reported to be women. This is in marked contrast to historical child sex rings in which almost all the offenders are men.


The offenders appear to be sexually interacting with the child victims for reasons other than a true sexual preference for children. The children are substitute victims, and the abusive activity may have little to do with pedophilia [see my monograph _Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis_ (1987) for a further explanation about types of molesters].


Both boys and girls appear to be targeted, but with an apparent preference for girls. Almost all the adult survivors are female, but day care cases frequently involve male as well as female victims. The most striking characteristic of the victims, however, is their young age (generally birth to six years old when the abuse began).


Sexual gratification appears to be only part of the motivation for the “sexual” activity. Many people today argue that the motivation is “spiritual” – possibly part of an occult ceremony. It is my opinion that the motivation may have more to do with anger, hostility, rage and resentment carried out against weak and vulnerable victims. Much of the ritualistic abuse of children may not be sexual in nature. Some of the activity may, in fact, be physical abuse directed at sexually-significant body parts (penis, anus, nipples). This may also partially explain the large percentage of female offenders. Physical abuse of children by females is well-documented.


Although many of the victims of multidimensional child sex rings claim that pictures and videotapes of the activity were made, no such visual record has been found by law enforcement. In recent years, American law enforcement has seized large amounts of child pornography portraying children in a wide variety of sexual activity and perversions. None of it, however, portrays the kind of bizarre and/or ritualistic activity described by these victims. Perhaps these offenders use and store their pornography and paraphernalia in ways different from preferential child molesters (pedophiles). This is an area needing additional research and investigation.


Control through fear may be the overriding characteristic of these cases. Control is maintained by frightening the children. A very young child might not be able to understand the significance of much of the sexual activity but certainly understands fear. The stories that the victims tell may be their perceived versions of severe traumatic memories. They may be the victims of a severely traumatized childhood in which being sexually abused was just one of the many negative events affecting their lives.


Multidimensional child sex rings typically emerge from one of four scenarios: (1) adult survivors, (2) day care cases, (3) family/isolated neighborhood cases, and (4) custody/visitation disputes.


In adult survivor cases, adults of almost any age – nearly always women – are suffering the consequences of a variety of personal problems and failures in their lives (e.g., promiscuity, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, failed relationships, self- mutilation, unemployment). As a result of some precipitating stress or crisis, they often seek therapy. They are frequently hypnotized, intentionally or unintentionally, as part of the therapy and are often diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. Gradually, during the therapy, the adults reveal previously unrecalled memories of early childhood victimization that includes multiple victims and offenders, fear as the controlling tactic, and bizarre or ritualistic activity. Adult survivors may also claim that “cues” from certain events in their recent life “triggered” the previously repressed memories.

The multiple offenders are often described as members of a cult or satanic group. Parents, family members, clergy, civic leaders, police officers (or individuals wearing police uniforms), and other prominent members of society are frequently described as present at and participating in the exploitation. The alleged bizarre activity often includes insertion of foreign objects, witnessing mutilations, and sexual acts and murders being filmed or photographed. The offenders may allegedly still be harassing or threatening the victims. They report being particularly frightened on certain dates and by certain situations. In several of these cases, women (called “breeders”) claim to have had babies that were turned over for human sacrifice. This type of case is probably best typified by books like _Michelle Remembers_ (Smith & Pazder, 1980), _Satan’s Underground_ (Stratford, 1988), and _Satan’s Children_ (Mayer, 1991).

If and when therapists come to believe the patient or decide the law requires it, the police or FBI are sometimes contacted to conduct an investigation. The therapists may also fear for their safety because they now know the “secret”. The therapists will frequently tell law enforcement that they will stake their professional reputation on the fact that their patient is telling the truth. Some adult survivors go directly to law enforcement. They may also go from place to place in an effort to find therapists or investigators who will listen to and believe them. Their ability to provide verifiable details varies and many were raised in apparently religious homes. A few adult survivors are now reporting participation in specific murders or child abductions that are known to have taken place.


In day care cases children currently or formerly attending a day care center gradually describe their victimization at the center and at other locations to which they were taken by the day care staff. The cases include multiple victims and offenders, fear, and bizarre or ritualistic activity, with a particularly high number of female offenders. Descriptions of strange games, insertion of foreign objects, killing of animals, photographing of activities, and wearing of costumes are common. The accounts of the young children, however, do not seem to be quite as “bizarre” as those of the adult survivors, with fewer accounts of human sacrifice.


In family/isolated neighborhood cases, children describe their victimization within their family or extended family. The group is often defined by geographic boundary, such as a cul-de-sac, apartment building, or isolated rural setting. Such accounts are most common in rural or suburban communities with high concentrations of religiously conservative people. The stories are similar to those told of the day care setting, but with more male offenders. The basic dynamics remain the same, but victims tend to be more than six years of age, and the scenario may also involve a custody or visitation dispute.


In custody/visitation dispute cases, the allegations emanate from a custody or visitation dispute over at least one child under the age of seven. The four dynamics described above make these cases extremely difficult to handle. When complicated by the strong emotions of this scenario, the cases can be overwhelming. This is especially true if the disclosing child victims have been taken into the “underground” by a parent during the custody or visitation dispute. Some of these parents or relatives may even provide authorities with diaries or tapes of their interviews with the children. An accurate evaluation and assessment of a young child held in isolation in this underground while being “debriefed” by a parent or someone else is almost impossible. However well-intentioned, these self-appointed investigators severely damage any chance to validate these cases objectively.


Some of what the victims in these cases allege is physically impossible (victim cut up and put back together, offender took the building apart and then rebuilt it); some is possible but improbable (human sacrifice, cannibalism, vampirism ); some is possible and probable (child pornography, clever manipulation of victims); and some is corroborated (medical evidence of vaginal or anal trauma, offender confessions).

The most significant crimes being alleged that do not *seem* to be true are the human sacrifice and cannibalism by organized satanic cults. In none of the multidimensional child sex ring cases of which I am aware have bodies of the murder victims been found – in spite of major excavations where the abuse victims claim the bodies were located. The alleged explanations for this include: the offenders moved the bodies after the children left, the bodies were burned in portable high-temperature ovens, the bodies were put in double-decker graves under legitimately buried bodies, a mortician member of the cult disposed of the bodies in a crematorium, the offenders ate the bodies, the offenders used corpses and aborted fetuses, or the power of Satan caused the bodies to disappear.

Not only are no bodies found, but also, more importantly, there is no physical evidence that a murder took place. Many of those not in law enforcement do not understand that, while it is possible to get rid of a body, it is even more difficult to get rid of the physical evidence that a murder took place, especially a human sacrifice involving sex, blood, and mutilation. Such activity would leave behind trace evidence that could be found using modern crime scene processing techniques in spite of extraordinary efforts to clean it up.

The victims of these human sacrifices and murders are alleged to be abducted missing children, runaway and throwaway children, derelicts, and the babies of breeder women. It is interesting to note that many of those espousing these theories are using the long-since- discredited numbers and rhetoric of the missing children hysteria in the early 1980s. Yet “Stranger-Abduction Homicides of Children”, a January 1989 _Juvenile Justice Bulletin_, published by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the U.S. Department of Justice, reports that researchers now estimate that the number of children kidnapped and murdered by nonfamily members is between 52 and 158 a year and that adolescents 14 to 17 years old account for nearly two-thirds of these victims. These figures are also consistent with the 1990 National Incident Studies previously mentioned.

We live in a very violent society, and yet we have “only” about 23,000 murders a year. Those who accept these stories of mass human sacrifice would have us believe that the satanists and other occult practitioners are murdering more than twice as many people every year in this country as all the other murderers combined.

In addition, in none of the cases of which I am aware has any evidence of a well-organized satanic cult been found. Many of those who accept the stories of organized ritual abuse of children and human sacrifice will tell you that the best evidence they now have is the consistency of stories from all over America. It sounds like a powerful argument. It is interesting to note that, without having met each other, the hundreds of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens from outer space also tell stories and give descriptions of the aliens that are similar to each other. This is not to imply that allegations of child abuse are in the same category as allegations of abduction by aliens from outer space. It is intended only to illustrate that individuals who never met each other can sometimes describe similar events without necessarily having experienced them.

The large number of people telling the same story is, in fact, the biggest reason to doubt these stories. It is simply too difficult for that many people to commit so many horrendous crimes as part of an organized conspiracy. Two or three people murder a couple of children in a few communities as part of a ritual, and nobody finds out? Possible. Thousands of people do the same thing to tens of thousands of victims over many years? Not likely. Hundreds of communities all over America are run by mayors, police departments, and community leaders who are practicing satanists and who regularly murder and eat people? Not likely. In addition, these community leaders and high- ranking officials also supposedly commit these complex crimes leaving no evidence, and at the same time function as leaders and managers while heavily involved in using illegal drugs. Probably the closest documented example of this type of alleged activity in American history is the Ku Klux Klan, which ironically used Christianity, not satanism, to rationalize its activity but which, as might be expected, was eventually infiltrated by informants and betrayed by its members.

As stated, initially I was inclined to believe the allegations of the victims. But as the cases poured in and the months and years went by, I became more concerned about the lack of physical evidence and corroboration for many of the more serious allegations. With increasing frequency I began to ask the question: “Why are victims alleging things that do not *seem* to be true?” Many possible answers were considered.

The first possible answer is obvious: clever offenders. The allegations may not seem to be true but they are true. The criminal justice system lacks the knowledge, skill, and motivation to get to the bottom of this crime conspiracy. The perpetrators of this crime conspiracy are clever, cunning individuals using sophisticated mind control and brainwashing techniques to control their victims. Law enforcement does not know how to investigate these cases.

It is technically possible that these allegations of an organized conspiracy involving taking over day care centers, abduction, cannibalism, murder, and human sacrifice might be true. But if they are true, they constitute one of the greatest crime conspiracies in history.

Many people do not understand how difficult it is to commit a conspiracy crime involving numerous co-conspirators. One clever and cunning individual has a good chance of getting away with a well- planned interpersonal crime. Bring one partner into the crime and the odds of getting away with it drop considerably. The more people involved in the crime, the harder it is to get away with it. Why? Human nature is the answer. People get angry and jealous. They come to resent the fact that another conspirator is getting “more” than they. They get in trouble and want to make a deal for themselves by informing on others.

If a group of individuals degenerate to the point of engaging in human sacrifice, murder, and cannibalism, that would most likely be the beginning of the end for such a group. The odds are that someone in the group would have a problem with such acts and be unable to maintain the secret.

The appeal of the satanic conspiracy theory is twofold:

—- (1) First, it is a simple explanation for a complex problem. Nothing is more simple than “the devil made them do it”. If we do not understand something, we make it the work of some supernatural force. During the Middle Ages, serial killers were thought to be vampires and werewolves, and child sexual abuse was the work of demons taking the form of parents and clergy. Even today, especially for those raised to religiously believe so, satanism offers an explanation as to why “good” people do bad things. It may also help to “explain” unusual, bizarre, and compulsive sexual urges and behavior.

—- (2) Second, the conspiracy theory is a popular one. We find it difficult to believe that one bizarre individual could commit a crime we find so offensive. Conspiracy theories about soldiers missing in action (MlAs), abductions by UFOs, Elvis Presley sightings, and the assassination of prominent public figures are the focus of much attention in this country. These conspiracy theories and allegations of ritual abuse have the following in common: (1) self-proclaimed experts, (2) tabloid media interest, (3) belief the government is involved in a coverup, and (4) emotionally involved direct and indirect victim/witnesses.

On a recent television program commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of Jack the Ripper, almost fifty percent of the viewing audience who called the polling telephone numbers indicated that they thought the murders were committed as part of a conspiracy involving the British Royal Family. The five experts on the program, however, unanimously agreed the crimes were the work of one disorganized but lucky individual who was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. In many ways, the murders of Jack the Ripper are similar to those allegedly committed by satanists today.

If your child’s molestation was perpetrated by a sophisticated satanic cult, there is nothing you could have done to prevent it and therefore no reason to feel any guilt. I have been present when parents who believe their children were ritually abused at day care centers have told others that the cults had sensors in the road, lookouts in the air, and informers everywhere; therefore, the usually recommended advice of unannounced visits to the day care center would be impossible.


Even if only part of an allegation is not true, what then is the answer to the question “Why are victims alleging things that do not *seem* to be true?” After consulting with psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, therapists, social workers, child sexual abuse experts, and law enforcement investigators for more than eight years, I can find no single, simple answer. The answer to the question seems to be a complex set of dynamics that can be different in each case. In spite of the fact that some skeptics keep looking for it, there does not appear to be one answer to the question that fits every case. Each case is different, and each case may involve a different combination of answers.

I have identified a series of possible alternative answers to this question. The alternative answers also do not preclude the possibility that clever offenders are sometimes involved. I will not attempt to explain completely these alternative answers because I cannot. They are presented simply as areas for consideration and evaluation by child sexual abuse intervenors, for further elaboration by experts in these fields, and for research by objective social scientists. The first step, however, in finding the answers to this question is to admit the possibility that some of what the victims describe may not have happened. Some child advocates seem unwilling to do this.


The first possible answer to why victims are alleging things that do not *seem* to be true is *pathological distortion*. The allegations may be errors in processing reality influenced by underlying mental disorders such as dissociative disorders, borderline or histrionic personality disorders, or psychosis. These distortions may be manifested in false accounts of victimization in order to gain psychological benefits such as attention and sympathy (factitious disorder). When such individuals repeatedly go from place to place or person to person making these false reports of their own “victimization”, it is called Munchausen Syndrome. When the repealed false reports concern the “victimization” of their children or others linked to them, it is called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. I am amazed when some therapists state that they believe the allegations because they cannot think of a reason why the “victim”, whose failures are now explained and excused or who is now the center of attention at a conference or on a national television program, would lie. If you can be forgiven for mutilating and killing babies, you can be forgiven for anything.

Many “victims” may develop pseudomemories of their victimization and eventually come to believe the events actually occurred. Noted forensic psychiatrist Park E. Dietz (personal communication, Nov. 1991) states:

“Pseudomemories have been acquired through dreams (particularly if one is encouraged to keep a journal or dream diary and to regard dream content as ‘clues’ about the past or as snippets of history), substance-induced altered states of consciousness (alcohol or other drugs), group influence (particularly hearing vivid accounts of events occurring to others with whom one identifies emotionally such as occurs in incest survivor groups), reading vivid accounts of events occurring to others with whom one identifies emotionally, watching such accounts in films or on television, and hypnosis. The most efficient means of inducing pseudomemories is hypnosis.

“It is characteristic of pseudomemories that the recollections of complex events (as opposed to a simple unit of information, such as a tag number) are incomplete and without chronological sequence. Often the person reports some uncertainty because the pseudomemories are experienced in a manner they describe as ‘hazy’, ‘fuzzy’, or ‘vague’. They are often perplexed that they recall some details vividly but others dimly.

“Pseudomemories are not delusions. When first telling others of pseudomemories, these individuals do not have the unshakable but irrational conviction that deluded subjects have, but with social support they often come to defend vigorously the truthfulness of the pseudomemories.

“Pseudomemories are not fantasies, but may incorporate elements from fantasies experienced in the past. Even where the events described are implausible, listeners may believe them because they are reported with such intense affect (i.e. with so much emotion attached to the story) that the listener concludes that the events must have happened because no one could ‘fake’ the emotional aspects of the retelling. It also occurs, however, that persons report pseudomemories in such a matter-of-fact and emotionless manner that mental health professionals conclude that the person has ‘dissociated’ intellectual knowledge of the events from emotional appreciation of their impact.”


The second possible answer is *traumatic memory*. Fear and severe trauma can cause victims to distort reality and confuse events. This is a well-documented fact in cases involving individuals taken hostage or in life-and-death situations. The distortions may be part of an elaborate defense mechanism of the mind called “splitting” -The victims create a clear-cut good-and-evil manifestation of their complex victimization that is then psychologically more manageable.

Through the defense mechanism of dissociation, the victim may escape the horrors of reality by inaccurately processing that reality. In a dissociative state a young child who ordinarily would know the difference might misinterpret a film or video as reality.

Another defense mechanism may tell the victim that it could have been worse, and so his or her victimization was not so bad. They are not alone in their victimization – other children were also abused. Their father who abused them is no different from other prominent people in the community they claim also abused them. Satanism may help to explain why their outwardly good and religious parents did such terrible things to them in the privacy of their home. Their religious training may convince them that such unspeakable acts by supposedly “good” people must be the work of the devil. The described human sacrifice may be symbolic of the “death” of their childhood.

It may be that we should anticipate that individuals severely abused as very young children by *multiple* offenders with *fear* as the primary controlling tactic will distort and embellish their victimization. Perhaps a horror-filled yet inaccurate account of victimization is not only not a counterindication of abuse, but is in fact a corroborative indicator of extreme physical, psychological, and/or sexual abuse. I do not believe it is a coincidence nor the result of deliberate planning by satanists that in almost all the cases of ritual abuse that have come to my attention, the abuse is alleged to have begun prior to the age of seven and perpetrated by multiple offenders. It may well be that such abuse, at young age by multiple offenders, is the most difficult to accurately recall with the specific and precise detail needed by the criminal justice system, and the most likely to be distorted and exaggerated when it is recalled. In her book _Too Scared to Cry_ (1990), child psychiatrist Lenore Terr, a leading expert on psychic trauma in childhood, states “that a series of early childhood shocks might not be fully and accurately ‘reconstructed’ from the dreams and behaviors of the adult” (p. 5).


The third possible answer may be *normal childhood fears and fantasy*. Most young children are afraid of ghosts and monsters. Even as adults, many people feel uncomfortable, for example, about dangling their arms over the side of their bed. They still remember the “monster” under the bed from childhood. While young children may rarely invent stories about sexual activity, they might describe their victimization in terms of evil as they understand it. In church or at home, children may be told of satanic activity as the source of evil. The children may be “dumping” all their fears and worries unto an attentive and encouraging listener.

Children do fantasize. Perhaps whatever causes a child to allege something impossible (such as being cut up and put back together) is similar to what causes a child to allege something possible but improbable (such as witnessing another child being chopped up and eaten).


Misperception, confusion, and trickery may be a fourth answer. Expecting young children to give accurate accounts of sexual activity for which they have little frame of reference is unreasonable. The Broadway play _Madame Butterfly_ is the true story of a man who had a 15-year affair, including the “birth” of a baby, with a “woman” who turns out to have been a man all along. If a grown man does not know when he has had vaginal intercourse with a woman, how can we expect young children not to be confused?

Furthermore some clever offenders may deliberately introduce elements of satanism and the occult into the sexual exploitation simply to confuse or intimidate the victims. Simple magic and other techniques may be used to trick the children. Drugs may also be deliberately used to confuse the victims and distort their perceptions. Such acts would then be M.O., not ritual.

As previously stated, the perceptions of young victims may also be influenced by any trauma being experienced. This is the most popular alternative explanation, and even the more zealous believers of ritual abuse allegations use it, but only to explain obviously impossible events.


*Overzealous intervenors*, causing intervenor contagion, may be a fifth answer. These intervenors can include parents, family members, foster parents, doctors, therapists, social workers, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and any combination thereof. Victims have been subtly as well as overtly rewarded and bribed by usually well-meaning intervenors for furnishing further details. In addition, some of what appears not to have happened may have originated as a result of intervenors making assumptions about or misinterpreting what the victims are saying. The intervenors then repeat, and possibly embellish, these assumptions and misinterpretations, and eventually the victims are “forced” to agree with or come to accept this “official” version of what happened.

The judgment of intervenors may be affected by their zeal to uncover child sexual abuse, satanic activity, or conspiracies. However “well- intentioned”, these overzealous intervenors must accept varying degrees of responsibility for the unsuccessful prosecution of those cases where criminal abuse did occur. This is the most controversial and least popular of the alternative explanations.


Allegations of and knowledge about ritualistic or satanic abuse may also be spread through *urban legends*. In _The Vanishing Hitchhiker_ (1981), the first of his four books on the topic, Dr. Jan Harold Brunvand defines urban legends as “realistic stories concerning recent events (or alleged events) with an ironic or supernatural twist” (p. xi). Dr. Brunvand’s books convincingly explain that just because individuals throughout the country who never met each other tell the same story does not mean that it is true. Absurd urban legends about the corporate logos of Proctor and Gamble and Liz Claiborne being satanic symbols persist in spite of all efforts to refute them with reality. Some urban legends about child kidnappings and other threats to citizens have even been disseminated unknowingly by law enforcement agencies. Such legends have always existed, but today the mass media aggressively participate in their rapid and more efficient dissemination. Many Americans mistakenly believe that tabloid television shows check out and verify the details of their stories before pulling them on the air. Mass hysteria may partially account for large numbers of victims describing the same symptoms or experiences.

Training conferences for all the disciplines involved in child sexual abuse may also play a role in the spread of this contagion. At one child abuse conference I attended, an exhibitor was selling more than 50 different books dealing with satanism and the occult. By the end of the conference, he had sold nearly all of them. At another national child sexual abuse conference, I witnessed more than 100 attendees copying down the widely disseminated 29 “Symptoms Characterizing Satanic Ritual Abuse” in preschool-aged children. Is a four-year-old child’s “preoccupation with urine and feces” an indication of satanic ritual abuse or part of normal development?


Most multidimensional child sex ring cases probably involve a *combination* of the answers previously set forth, as well as other possible explanations unknown to me at this time. Obviously, cases with adult survivors are more likely to involve some of these answers than those with young children. Each case of sexual victimization must be individually evaluated on its own merits without any preconceived explanations. All the possibilities must be explored if for no other reason than the fact that the defense attorneys for any accused subjects will almost certainly do so.

Most people would agree that just because a victim tells you one detail that turns out to be true, this does not mean that every detail is true. But many people seem to believe that if you can disprove one part of a victim’s story, then the entire story is false. As previously stated, one of my main concerns in these cases is that people are getting away with sexually abusing children or committing other crimes because we cannot prove that they are members of organized cults that murder and eat people.

I have discovered that the subject of multidimensional child sex rings is a very emotional and polarizing issue. Everyone seems to demand that one choose a side. On one side of the issue are those who say that nothing really happened and it is all a big witch hunt led by overzealous fanatics and incompetent “experts”. The other side says, in essence, that everything happened; victims never lie about child sexual abuse, and so it must be true.

There is a middle ground. It is the job of the professional investigator to listen to all the victims and conduct appropriate investigation in an effort to find out what happened, considering all possibilities. Not all childhood trauma is abuse. Not all child abuse is a crime. The great frustration of these cases is the fact that you are often convinced that something traumatic happened to the victim, but do not know with any degree of certainty exactly what happened, when it happened, or who did it.


The crucial central issue in the evaluation of a response to cases of multidimensional child sex rings is the statement “Children never lie about sexual abuse or exploitation. If they have details, it must have happened.” This statement, oversimplified by many, is the basic premise upon which some believe the child sexual abuse and exploitation movement is based. It is almost never questioned or debated at training conferences. In fact, during the 1970s, there was a successful crusade to eliminate laws requiring corroboration of child victim statements in child sexual abuse cases. The best way to convict child molesters is to have the child victims testify in court. If we believe them, the jury will believe them. Any challenge to this basic premise was viewed as a threat to the movement and a denial that the problem existed.

I believe that children *rarely* lie about sexual abuse or exploitation, if a lie is defined as a statement deliberately and maliciously intended to deceive. The problem is the oversimplification of the statement. Just because a child is not lying does not necessarily mean the child is telling the truth. I believe that in the majority of these cases, the victims are not lying. They are telling you what they have come to believe has happened to them. Furthermore the assumption that children rarely lie about sexual abuse does not necessarily apply to everything a child says during a sexual abuse investigation. Stories of mutilation, murder, and cannibalism are not really about sexual abuse.

Children rarely lie about sexual abuse or exploitation. but they do fantasize, furnish false information, furnish misleading information, misperceive events, try to please adults, respond to leading questions, and respond to rewards. Children are not adults in little bodies and do go through developmental stages that must be evaluated and understood. In many ways, however, children are no better and no worse than other victims or witnesses of a crime. They should not be automatically believed, nor should they be automatically disbelieved.

The second part of the statement – if children can supply details, the crime must have happened – must also be carefully evaluated. The details in question in most of the cases of multidimensional child sex rings have little to do with sexual activity. Law enforcement and social workers must do more than attempt to determine how a child could have known about the sex acts. These cases involve determining how a victim could have known about a wide variety of bizarre and ritualistic activity. Young children may know little about specific sex acts, but they may know a lot about monsters, torture, kidnapping, and murder.

Victims may supply details of sexual and other acts using information from sources other than their own direct victimization. Such sources must be evaluated carefully by the investigator of multidimensional child sex rings.


The victim may have personal knowledge of the sexual or ritual acts, but not as a result of the alleged victimization. The knowledge could have come from viewing pornography, sex education, or occult material; witnessing sexual or ritual activity in the home; or witnessing the sexual abuse of others. It could also have come from having been sexually or physically abused, but by other than the alleged offenders and in ways other than the alleged offense.


Young children today are socially interacting more often and at a younger age than ever before. Many parents are unable to provide possibly simple explanations for their children’s stories because they were not with the children when the events occurred. They do not even know what videotapes their children may have seen, what games they may have played, or what stories they may have been told or overheard. Children are being placed in day care centers for eight, ten, or twelve hours a day starting as young as six weeks of age. The children share experiences by playing house, school, or doctor. Bodily functions such as urination and defecation are a focus of attention for these young children. To a certain extent, each child shares the experiences of all the other children.

The odds are fairly high that in any typical day care center there might be some children who are victims of incest; victims of physical abuse; victims of psychological abuse; children of cult members (even satanists); children of sexually open parents; children of sexually indiscriminate parents; children of parents obsessed with victimization; children of parents obsessed with the evils of satanism; children without conscience; children with a teenage brother or pregnant mother; children with heavy metal music and literature in the home; children with bizarre toys, games, comics, and magazines; children with a VCR and slasher films in their home; children with access to dial-a-porn, party lines, or pornography; or children victimized by a day care center staff member. The possible effects of the interaction of such children prior to the disclosure of the alleged abuse must be evaluated, Adult survivors may obtain details from group therapy sessions, support networks, church groups, or self-help groups. The willingness and ability of siblings to corroborate adult survivor accounts of ritual abuse varies. Some will support and partially corroborate the victim’s allegations. Others will vehemently deny them and support their accused parents or relatives.

— c. MEDIA.

The amount of sexually explicit, occult, anti-occult, or violence- oriented material available to adults and even children in the modern world is overwhelming. This includes movies, videotapes, television, music, toys, and books. There are also documentaries on satanism, witchcraft, and the occult that are available on videotape. Most of the televangelists have videotapes on the topics that they are selling on their programs.

The National Coalition on Television Violence News (1988) estimates that 12% of the movies produced in the United States can be classified as satanic horror films. Cable television and the home VCR make all this material readily available even to young children. Religious broadcasters and almost all the television tabloid and magazine programs have done shows on satanism and the occult. Heavy metal and black metal music, which often has a satanic theme, is readily available and popular. In addition to the much-debated fantasy role-playing games, there are numerous popular toys on the market with an occult-oriented, bizarre, or violent theme.

Books on satanism and the occult, both fiction and nonfiction, are readily available in most bookstores, especially Christian bookstores. Several recent books specifically discuss the issue of ritual abuse of children. Obviously, very young children do not read this material, but their parents, relatives, and therapists might and then discuss it in front of or with them. Much of the material intended to fight the problem actually fuels the problem and damages effective prosecution.


This problem is particularly important in cases stemming from custody/visitation disputes involving at least one child under the age of seven. It is my opinion that most suggestive, leading questioning of children by intervenors is inadvertently done as part of a good-faith effort to learn the truth. Not all intervenors are in equal positions to potentially influence victim allegations. Parents and relatives especially are in a position to subtly influence their young children to describe their victimization in a certain way. Children may also overhear their parents discussing the details of the case. Children often tell their parents what they believe their parents want or need to hear. Some children may be instinctively attempting to provide “therapy” for their parents by telling them what seems to satisfy them and somehow makes them feel better. In one case a father gave the police a tape recording to “prove” that his child’s statements were spontaneous disclosures and not the result of leading, suggestive questions. The tape recording indicated just the opposite. Why then did the father voluntarily give it to the police? Probably because he truly believed that he was not influencing his child’s statements – but he was.

Therapists are probably in the best position to influence the allegations of adult survivors. The accuracy and reliability of the accounts of adult survivors who have been hypnotized during therapy is certainly open to question. One nationally-known therapist personally told me that the reason police cannot find out about satanic or ritualistic activity from child victims is that they do not know how to ask leading questions. Highly suggestive books and pictures portraying “satanic” activity have been developed and marketed to therapists for use during evaluation and treatment. Types and styles of verbal interaction useful in therapy may create significant problems in a criminal investigation. It should be noted, however, that when a therapist does a poor investigative interview as part of a criminal investigation, that is the fault of the criminal justice system that allowed it and not the therapist who did it.

The extremely sensitive, emotional, and religious nature of these cases makes problems with leading questions more likely than in other kinds of cases. Intervenors motivated by religious fervor and/or exaggerated concerns about sexual abuse of children are more likely to lose their objectivity.


In one case, a child’s description of the apparently impossible act of walking through a wall turned out to be the very possible act of walking between the studs of an unfinished wall in a room under construction. In another case, pennies in the anus turned out to be copper-foil-covered suppositories. The children may describe what they believe happened. It is not a lie, but neither is it an accurate account of what happened.


Some well-intentioned awareness programs designed to prevent child set abuse, alert professionals, or fight satanism may in fact be unrealistically increasing the fears of professionals, children, and parents and creating self-fulfilling prophesies. Some of what children and their parents are telling intervenors may have been learned in or fueled by such programs. Religious programs, books, and pamphlets that emphasize the power and evil force of Satan may be adding to the problem. In fact most of the day care centers in which ritualistic abuse is alleged to hate taken place are church- affiliated centers, and many of the adult survivors alleging it come from apparently religious families.


The perspective with which one looks at satanic, occult, or ritualistic crime is extremely important. As stated, sociologists, therapists, religious leaders, parents, and just plain citizens each have their own valid concerns and views about this issue. This discussion, however, deals primarily with the law enforcement or criminal justice perspective.

When you combine an emotional issue such as the sexual abuse of children with an even more emotional issue such as people’s religious beliefs, it is difficult to maintain objectivity and remember the law enforcement perspective. Some police officers may even feel that all crime is caused by evil, all evil is caused by Satan, and therefore, all crime is satanic crime. This may be a valid religious perspective, but it is of no relevance to the investigation of crime for purposes of prosecution.

Many of the police officers who lecture on satanic or occult crime do not even investigate such cases. Their presentations are more a reflection of their personal religious beliefs than documented investigative information. They are absolutely entitled to their beliefs, but introducing themselves as current or former police officers and then speaking as religious advocates causes confusion. As difficult as it might be, police officers must separate the religious and law enforcement perspectives when they are lecturing or investigating in their official capacities as law enforcement officers. Many law enforcement officers begin their presentations by stating that they are not addressing or judging anyone’s religious beliefs, and then proceed to do exactly that.

Some police officers have resigned rather than curtail or limit their involvement in this issue as ordered by their departments. Perhaps such officers deserve credit for recognizing that they could no longer keep the perspectives separate.

Law enforcement officers and all professionals in this field should avoid the “paranoia” that has crept into this issue and into some of the training conferences. Paranoid type belief systems are characterized by the gradual development of intricate, complex, and elaborate systems of thinking based on and often proceeding logically from misinterpretation of actual events. Paranoia typically involves hypervigilance over the perceived threat, the belief that danger is around every corner, and the willingness to take up the challenge and do something about it. Another very important aspect of this paranoia is the belief that those who do not recognize the threat are evil and corrupt. In this extreme view, you are either with them or against them. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem.

Overzealousness and exaggeration motivated by the true religious fervor of those involved is more acceptable than that motivated by ego or profit. There are those who are deliberately distorting and hyping this issue for personal notoriety and profit. Satanic and occult crime and ritual abuse of children has become a growth industry. Speaking fees, books, video and audio tapes, prevention material, television and radio appearances all bring egoistic and financial rewards.

Bizarre crime and evil can occur without organized satanic activity. The professional perspective requires that we distinguish between what we know and what we’re not sure of.

The facts are:

— a. Some individuals believe in and are involved in something commonly called satanism and the occult.

— b. Some of these individuals commit crime.

— c. Some groups of individuals share these beliefs and involvement in this satanism and the occult.

— d. Some members of these groups commit crime together.

The unanswered questions are:

— a. What is the connection between the belief system and the crimes committed?

— b. Is there an organized conspiracy of satanic and occult believers responsible for interrelated serious crime (e.g., molestation, murder)?

After all the hype and hysteria are put aside, the realization sets in that most satanic/occult activity involves the commission of *no* crimes, and that which does usually involves the commission of relatively minor crimes such as trespassing, vandalism, cruelty to animals, or petty thievery.

The law enforcement problems most often linked to satanic or occult activity are:


  • — a. Vandalism.
  • — b. Desecration of churches and cemeteries.
  • — c. Thefts from churches and cemeteries.
  • — d. Teenage gangs
  • — e. Animal mutilations.
  • — f. Teenage suicide.
  • — g. Child abuse.
  • — h. Kidnapping.
  • — i. Murder and human sacrifice

Valid evidence shows some “connection” between satanism and the occult and the first six problems (#a-f) set forth above. The “connection” to the last three problems (#g-i) is far more uncertain.

Even where there seems to be a “connection”, the nature of the connection needs to be explored. It is easy to blame involvement in satanism and the occult for behaviors that have complex motivations. A teenager’s excessive involvement in satanism and the occult is usually a symptom of a problem and not the cause of a problem. Blaming satanism for a teenager’s vandalism, theft, suicide, or even act of murder is like blaming a criminal’s offenses on his tattoos: Both are often signs of the same rebelliousness and lack of self- esteem that contribute to the commission of crimes.

The rock band Judas Priest was recently sued for allegedly inciting two teenagers to suicide through subliminal messages in their recordings. In 1991 Anthony Pratkanis of the University of California at Santa Cruz, who served as an expert witness for the defense, stated the boys in question “lived troubled lives, lives of drug and alcohol abuse, run-ins with the law … family violence, and chronic unemployment. What issues did the trial and the subsequent mass media coverage emphasize? Certainly not the need for drug treatment centers; there was no evaluation of the pros and cons of America’s juvenile justice system, no investigation of the schools, no inquiry into how to prevent family violence, no discussion of the effects of unemployment on a family. Instead our attention was mesmerized by an attempt to count the number of subliminal demons that can dance on the end of a record needle” (p. 1).

The law enforcement investigator must objectively evaluate the legal significance of any criminal’s spiritual beliefs. In most cases, including those involving satanists, it will have little or no legal significance. If a crime is committed as part of a spiritual belief system, it should make no difference which belief system it is. The crime is the same whether a child is abused or murdered as part of a Christian, Hare Krishna, Moslem, or any other belief system. We generally don’t label crimes with the name of the perpetrator’s religion. Why then are the crimes of child molesters, rapists, sadists, and murderers who happen to be involved in satanism and the occult labeled as satanic or occult crimes? If criminals use a spiritual belief system to rationalize and justify or to facilitate and enhance their criminal activity, should the focus of law enforcement be on the belief system or on the criminal activity?

Several documented murders have been committed by individuals involved in one way or another in satanism or the occult. In some of these murders the perpetrator has even introduced elements of the occult (e.g. satanic symbols at crime scene). Does that automatically make these satanic murders? It is my opinion that the answer is no. Ritualistic murders committed by serial killers or sexual sadists are not necessarily satanic or occult murders. Ritualistic murders committed by psychotic killers who hear the voice of Satan are no more satanic murders than murders committed by psychotic killers who hear the voice of Jesus are Christian murders.

Rather a satanic murder should be defined as one committed by two or more individuals who rationally plan the crime and whose *primary* motivation is to fulfill a prescribed satanic ritual calling for the murder. By this definition I have been unable to identify even one documented satanic murder in the United States. Although such murders may have and can occur, they appear to be few in number. In addition the commission of such killings would probably be the beginning of the end for such a group. It is highly unlikely that they could continue to kill several people, every year, year after year, and not be discovered.

A brief typology of satanic and occult practitioners is helpful in evaluating what relationship, if any, such practices have to crimes under investigation. The following typology is adapted from the investigative experience of Officer Sandi Gallant of the San Francisco Police Department, who began to study the criminal aspects of occult activity long before it became popular. No typology is perfect, but I use this typology because it is simple and offers investigative insights. Most practitioners fall into one of three categories, any of which can be practiced alone or in groups:


“Most teenagers involved in fantasy role-playing games, heavy metal music, or satanism and the occult are going through a stage of adolescent development and commit no significant crimes. The teenagers who have more serious problems are usually those from dysfunctional families or those who have poor communication within their families. These troubled teenagers turn to satanism and the occult to overcome a sense of alienation, to rebel, to obtain power, or to justify their antisocial behavior. For these teenagers it is the symbolism, not the spirituality, that is more important. It is either the psychopathic or the oddball, loner teenager who is most likely to get into serious trouble. Extreme involvement in the occult is a symptom of a problem, not the cause. This is not to deny, however, that satanism and the occult can be negative influences for a troubled teenager. But to hysterically warn teenagers to avoid this “mysterious, powerful and dangerous” thing called satanism will drive more teenagers right to it. Some rebellious teenagers will do whatever will most shock and outrage society in order to flaunt their rejection of adult norms.


“For these practitioners there is little or no spiritual motivation. They may mix satanism, witchcraft, paganism, and any aspects of the occult to suit their purposes. Symbols mean whatever they want them or believe them to mean. Molesters, rapists, drug dealers, and murderers may dabble in the occult and may even commit their crimes in a ceremonial or ritualistic way. This category has the potential to be the most dangerous, and most of the “satanic” killers fall into this category. Their involvement in satanism and the occult is a symptom of a problem, and a rationalization and justification of antisocial behavior. Satanic/occult practices (as well as those of other spiritual belief systems) can also be used as a mechanism to facilitate criminal objectives.


“These are the so-called true believers. They are often wary of outsiders. Because of this and constitutional issues, such groups are difficult for law enforcement to penetrate. Although there may be much we don’t know about these groups, as of now there is little or no hard evidence that as a group they are involved in serious, organized criminal activity. In addition, instead of being self- perpetuating master crime conspirators, “true believers” probably have a similar problem with their teenagers rebelling against their belief system. To some extent even these Traditional satanists are self-stylized. They practice what they have come to believe is “satanism”. There is little or no evidence of the much-discussed multigenerational satanists whose beliefs and practices have supposedly been passed down through the centuries. Many admitted adult satanists were in fact raised in conservative Christian homes.”

_Washington Post_ editor Walt Harrington reported in a 1986 story on Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan that “sociologists who have studied LaVey’s church say that its members often had serious childhood problems like alcoholic parents or broken homes, or that they were traumatized by guilt-ridden fundamentalist upbringings, turning to Satanism as a dramatic way to purge their debilitating guilt” (p. 14).

Some have claimed that the accounts of ritual abuse victims coincide with historical records of what traditional or multigenerational satanists are known to have practiced down through the ages. Jeffrey Burton Russell, Professor of History at the University of California at Santa Barbara and the author of numerous scholarly books on the devil and satanism, believes that the universal consensus of modern historians on satanism is (personal communication, Nov. 1991):

“(1) incidents of orgy, infanticide, cannibalism, and other such conduct have occurred from the ancient world down to the present; (2) such incidents were isolated and limited to local antisocial groups; (3) during the period of Christian dominance in European culture, such groups were associated with the Devil in the minds of the authorities; (4) in some cases the sectaries believed that they were worshiping Satan; (5) no organized cult of Satanists existed in the Christian period beyond localities, and on no account was there ever any widespread Satanist organization or conspiracy; (6) no reliable historical sources indicate that such organizations existed; (7) the black mass appears only once in the sources before the late nineteenth century.”

Many police officers ask what to look for during the search of the scene of suspected satanic activity. The answer is simple: Look for evidence of a crime. A pentagram is no more criminally significant than a crucifix unless it corroborates a crime or a criminal conspiracy. If a victim’s description of the location or the instruments of the crime includes a pentagram, then the pentagram would be evidence. But the same would be true if the description included a crucifix. In many cases of alleged satanic ritual abuse, investigation can find evidence that the claimed offenders are members only of mainstream churches and are often described as very religious.

There is no way any one law enforcement officer can become knowledgeable about all the symbols and rituals of every spiritual belief system that might become part of a criminal investigation. The officer needs only to be trained to recognize the possible investigative significance of such signs, symbols, and rituals. Knowledgeable religious scholars, academics, and other true experts in the community can be consulted if a more detailed analysis is necessary.

Any analysis, however, may have only limited application, especially to cases involving teenagers, dabblers, and other self-styled practitioners. The fact is signs, symbols, and rituals can mean anything that practitioners want them to mean and/or anything that observers interpret them to mean.

The meaning of symbols can also change over time, place, and circumstance. Is a swastika spray-painted on a wall an ancient symbol of prosperity and good fortune, a recent symbol of Nazism and anti- Semitism, or a current symbol of hate, paranoia, and adolescent defiance? The peace sign which in the 1960s was a familiar antiwar symbol is now supposed to be a satanic symbol. Some symbols and holidays become “satanic” only because the antisatanists say they are. Then those who want to be “satanists” adopt them, and now you have “proof” they are satanic.

In spite of what is sometimes said or suggested at law enforcement training conferences, police have no authority to seize any satanic or occult paraphernalia they might see during a search. A legally- valid reason must exist for doing so. It is not the job of law enforcement to prevent satanists from engaging in noncriminal teaching, rituals, or other activities.


Multidimensional child sex rings can be among the most difficult, frustrating, and complex cases that any law enforcement officer will ever investigate. The investigation of allegations of recent activity from multiple young children under the age of seven presents one set of problems and must begin quickly, with interviews of *all* potential victims being completed as soon as possible. The investigation of allegations of activity ten or more years earlier from adult survivors presents other problems and should proceed, unless victims are at immediate risk, more deliberately, with gradually-increasing resources as corroborated facts warrant.

In spite of any skepticism, allegations of ritual abuse should be aggressively and thoroughly investigated, This investigation should attempt to corroborate the allegations of ritual abuse. but should *simultaneously* also attempt to identify alternative explanations. The only debate is over how much investigation is enough. Any law enforcement agency must be prepared to defend and justify its actions when scrutinized by the public, the media, elected officials, or the courts. This does not mean, however, that a law enforcement agency has an obligation to prove that the alleged crimes did not occur. This is almost always impossible to do and investigators should be alert for and avoid this trap.

One major problem in the investigation of multidimensional child sex rings is the dilemma of recognizing soon enough that you have one. Investigators must be alert for cases with the potential for the four basic dynamics: (a) multiple young victims, (b) multiple offenders, (c) fear as the controlling tactic, and (d) bizarre or ritualistic activity. The following techniques apply primarily to the investigation of such multidimensional child sex rings:


There are those who claim that one of the major reasons more of these cases have not been successfully prosecuted is that the satanic/occult aspect has not been aggressively pursued. One state has even introduced legislation creating added penalties when certain crimes are committed as part of a ritual or ceremony. A few states have passed special ritual crime laws. I strongly disagree with such an approach. It makes no difference what spiritual belief system was used to enhance and facilitate or rationalize and justify criminal behavior. It serves no purpose to “prove” someone is a satanist. As a matter of fact, if it is alleged that the subject committed certain criminal acts under the influence of or in order to conjure up supernatural spirits or forces, this may very well be the basis for an insanity or diminished capacity defense, or may damage the intent aspect of a sexually motivated crime. The defense may very well be more interested in all the “evidence of satanic activity”. Some of the satanic crime “experts” who train law enforcement wind up working or testifying for the defense in these cases.

It is best to focus on the crime and all the evidence to corroborate its commission. Information about local satanic or occult activity is only of value if it is based on specific law enforcement intelligence and not on some vague, unsubstantiated generalities from religious groups. Cases are not solved by decoding signs, symbols, and dates using undocumented satanic crime “manuals”. In one case a law enforcement agency executing a search warrant seized only the satanic paraphernalia and left behind the other evidence that would have corroborated victim statements. Cases are solved by people- and behavior-oriented investigation. Evidence of satanic or occult activity may help explain certain aspects of the case, but even offenders who commit crimes in a spiritual context are usually motivated by power, sex, and money.


I believe that one of the biggest mistakes any investigator of these cases can make is to attribute supernatural powers to the offenders. During an investigation a good investigator may sometimes be able to use the beliefs and superstitions of the offenders to his or her advantage. The reverse happens if the investigator believes that the offenders possess supernatural powers. Satanic/occult practitioners have no more power than any other human beings. Law enforcement officers who believe that the investigation of these cases puts them in conflict with the supernatural forces of evil should probably not be assigned to them. The religious beliefs of officers should provide spiritual strength and support for them but should not affect the objectivity and professionalism of the investigation.

It is easy to get caught up in these cases and begin to see “satanism” everywhere. Oversensitization to this perceived threat may cause an investigator to “see” satanism in a crime when it really is not there (quasi-satanism). Often the eye sees what the mind perceives. It may also cause an investigator not to recognize a staged crime scene deliberately seeded with “satanic clues” in order to mislead the police (pseudo-satanism). On rare occasions an overzealous investigator or intervenor may even be tempted to plant “evidence of satanism” in order to corroborate such allegations and beliefs. Supervisors need to be alert for and monitor these reactions in their investigators.


It is not the investigator’s duty to believe the victims; it is his or her job to listen and be an objective fact finder. Interviews of young children should be done by investigators trained and experienced in such interviews. Investigators must have direct access to the alleged victims for interview purposes. Therapists for an adult survivor sometimes want to act as intermediaries in their patient’s interview. This should be avoided if at all possible. Adult survivor interviews are often confusing difficult and extremely time- consuming. The investigator must remember however that almost anything is possible. Most important the investigator must remember that there is much middle ground. Just because one event did happen does not mean that all reported events happened, and just because one event did not happen does not mean that all other events did not happen. Do not become such a zealot that you believe it all nor such a cynic that you believe nothing. Varying amounts and parts of the allegation may be factual. Attempting to find evidence of what did happen is the great challenge of these cases. *All* investigative interaction with victims must be carefully and thoroughly documented.


This is the part of the investigative process in child sexual victimization cases that seems to have been lost. Is the victim describing events and activities that are consistent with law enforcement documented criminal behavior, or that are consistent with distorted media accounts and erroneous public perceptions of criminal behavior? Investigators should apply the “template of probability”. Accounts of child sexual victimization that are more like books, television, and movies (e.g. big conspiracies, child sex slaves, organized pornography rings) and less like documented cases should be viewed with skepticism but thoroughly investigated. Consider and investigate all possible explanations of events. It is the investigator’s job, and the information learned will be invaluable in counteracting the defense attorneys when they raise the alternative explanations.

For example, an adult survivor’s account of ritual victimization might be explained by any one of at least four possibilities: First, the allegations may be a fairly accurate account what actually happened. Second, they may be deliberate lies (malingering), told for the usual reasons people lie (e.g. money, revenge, jealousy). Third, they may be deliberate lies (factitious disorder) told for atypical reasons (e.g. attention, forgiveness). Lies so motivated are less likely to be recognized by the investigator and more likely to be rigidly maintained by the liar unless and until confronted with irrefutable evidence to the contrary. Fourth, the allegations may be a highly inaccurate account of what actually happened, but the victim truly believes it (pseudomemory) and therefore is not lying. A polygraph examination of such a victim would be of limited value. Other explanations or combinations of these explanations are also possible. *Only* thorough *investigation* will point to the correct or most likely explanation.

Investigators cannot rely on therapists or satanic crime experts as a shortcut to the explanation. In one case, the “experts” confirmed and validated the account of a female who claimed to be a 15-year-old deaf-mute kidnapped and held for three years by a satanic cult and forced to participate in bizarre rituals before recently escaping. Active investigation, however, determined she was a 27-year-old woman who could hear and speak, who had not been kidnapped by anyone, and who had a lengthy history of mental problems and at least three other similar reports of false victimization. Her “accurate” accounts of what the “real satanists” do were simply the result of having read, while in mental hospitals, the same books that the “experts” had. A therapist may have important insights about whether an individual was traumatized, but knowing the exact cause of that trauma is another matter. There have been cases where investigation has discovered that individuals diagnosed by therapists as suffering from Post-Vietnam Syndrome were never in Vietnam or saw no combat.

Conversely, in another case, a law enforcement “expert” on satanic crime told a therapist that a patient’s accounts of satanic murders in a rural Pacific Northwest town were probably true because the community was a hotbed of such satanic activity. When the therapist explained that there was almost no violent crime reported in the community, the officer explained that that is how you know it is the satanists. If you knew about the murders or found the bodies, it would not be satanists. How do you argue with that kind of logic?

The first step in the assessment and evaluation of victim statements is to determine the disclosure sequence, including how much time has elapsed since disclosure was first made and the incident was reported to the police or social services. The longer the delay, the bigger the potential for problems. The next step is to determine the number and purpose of *all prior* interviews of the victim concerning the allegations. The more interviews conducted before the investigative interview, the larger the potential for problems. Although there is nothing wrong with admitting shortcomings and seeking help, law enforcement should never abdicate its control over the investigative interview. When an investigative interview is conducted by or with a social worker or therapist using a team approach, law enforcement must direct the process. Problems can also be created by interviews conducted by various intervenors *after* the investigative interview(s).

The investigator must closely and carefully evaluate events in the victim’s life before, during, and after the alleged abuse.

Events to be evaluated *before* the alleged abuse include:


  • —- (1) Background of victim.
  • —- (2) Abuse of drugs in home.
  • —- (3) Pornography in home.
  • —- (4) Play, television, and VCR habits.
  • —- (5) Attitudes about sexuality in home.
  • —- (6) Extent of sex education in home.
  • —- (7) Activities of siblings.
  • —- (8) Need or craving for attention.
  • —- (9) Religious beliefs and training.
  • —- (10) Childhood fears.
  • —- (11) Custody/visitation disputes.
  • —- (12) Victimization of or by family members.
  • —- (13) Interaction between victims.

Events to be evaluated *during* the alleged abuse include:


  • —- (1) Use of fear or scare tactics.
  • —- (2) Degree of trauma.
  • —- (3) Use of magic deception or trickery.
  • —- (4) Use of rituals.
  • —- (5) Use of drugs.
  • —- (6) Use of pornography.

Events to be evaluated *after* the alleged abuse include:


  • —- (1) Disclosure sequence.
  • —- (2) Background of prior interviewers.
  • —- (3) Background of parents.
  • —- (4) Co-mingling of victims.
  • —- (5) Type of therapy received.


Consistent statements obtained from different multiple victims are powerful pieces of corroborative evidence – that is as long as those statements were not “contaminated”. Investigation must carefully evaluate both pre- and post-disclosure contagion, and both victim and intervenor contagion. Are the different victim statements consistent because they describe common experiences or events, or because they reflect contamination or urban legends?

The sources of potential contagion are widespread. Victims can communicate with each other both prior to and after their disclosures. Intervenors can communicate with each other and with victims. The team or cell concepts of investigation are attempts to deal with potential investigator contagion. All the victims are not interviewed by the same individuals, and interviewers do not necessarily share information directly with each other. Teams report to a leader or supervisor who evaluates the information and decides what other investigators need to know.

Documenting existing contagion and eliminating additional contagion are crucial to the successful investigation and prosecution of these cases. There is no way, however, to erase or undo contagion. The best you can hope for is to identify and evaluate it and attempt to explain it. Mental health professionals requested to evaluate suspected victims must be carefully selected. Having a victim evaluated by one of the self-proclaimed experts on satanic ritual abuse or by some other overzealous intervenor may result in the credibility of that victim’s testimony being severely damaged.

In order to evaluate the contagion element, investigators must meticulously and aggressively investigate these cases. The precise disclosure sequence of the victim must be carefully identified and documented. Investigators must verify through active investigation the exact nature and content of each disclosure outcry or statement made by the victim. Second-hand information about disclosure is not good enough.

Whenever possible, personal visits should be made to all locations of alleged abuse and the victim’s homes. Events prior to the alleged abuse must be carefully evaluated. Investigators may have to view television programs, films, and videotapes seen by the victims. It may be necessary to conduct a background investigation and evaluation of everyone, both professional and nonprofessional, who interviewed the victims about the allegations prior to and after the investigative interview(s). Investigators must be familiar with the information about ritual abuse of children being disseminated in magazines, books, television programs, videotapes, and conferences. Every possible way that a victim could have learned about the details of the abuse must be explored if for no other reason than to eliminate them and counter the defense’s arguments.

There may, however, be validity to these contagion factors. *They may explain some of the “unbelievable” aspects of the case and result in the successful prosecution of the substance of the case.* Consistency of statements becomes more significant if contagion is identified or disproved by independent investigation. The easier cases are the ones where there is a single, identifiable source of contagion. Most cases, however, seem to involve multiple contagion factors.

Munchausen Syndrome and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy are complex and controversial issues in these cases. No attempt will be made to discuss them in detail, but they are documented facts (Rosenberg, 1987). Most of the literature about them focuses on their manifestation in the medical setting as false or self-inflicted illness or injury. They are also manifested in the criminal justice setting as false or self-inflicted crime victimization. If parents would poison their children to prove an illness, they might sexually abuse their children to prove a crime. “Victims” have been known to destroy property, manufacture evidence, and mutilate themselves in order to convince others of their victimization. The motivation is psychological gain (i.e. attention, forgiveness, etc.) and not necessarily money, jealousy, or revenge. These are the unpopular, but documented, realities of the world. Recognizing their existence does not mean that child sexual abuse and sexual assault are not real and serious problems.


The importance and difficulty of this technique in extrafamilial cases involving young children cannot be overemphasized. An investigator must maintain ongoing communication with the parents of victims in these abuse cases. Not all parents react the same way to the alleged abuse of their children. Some are very supportive and cooperative. Others overreact and some even deny the victimization. Sometimes there is animosity and mistrust among parents with different reactions. Once the parents lose faith in the police or prosecutor and begin to interrogate their own children and conduct their own investigation, the case may be lost forever. Parents from one case communicate the results of their “investigation” with each other, and some have even contacted the parents in other cases. Such parental activity is an obvious source of potential contamination.

Parents must be made to understand that their children’s credibility will be jeopardized when and if the information obtained turns out to be unsubstantiated or false. To minimize this problem, within the limits of the law and without jeopardizing investigative techniques, parents must be told on a regular basis how the case is progressing. Parents can also be assigned constructive things to do (e.g. lobbying for new legislation, working on awareness and prevention programs) in order to channel their energy, concern, and “guilt”.


If a department waits until actually confronted with a case before a response is developed, it may be too late. In cases involving ongoing abuse of children, departments must respond quickly, and this requires advanced planning. There are added problems for small-to medium-sized departments with limited personnel and resources. Effective investigation of these cases requires planning, identification of resources, and, in many cases, mutual aid agreements between agencies. The U.S. Department of Defense has conducted specialized training and has developed such a plan for child sex ring cases involving military facilities and personnel. Once a case is contaminated and out of control, I have little advice on how to salvage what may once have been a prosecutable criminal violation. A few of these cases have even been lost on appeal after a conviction because of contamination problems.


Sergeant Beth Dickinson, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, was the chairperson of the Multi-Victim, Multi-Suspect Child Sexual Abuse Subcommittee. Sergeant Dickinson states (personal communication, Nov. 1989):

“One of the biggest obstacles for investigators to overcome is the reluctance of law enforcement administrators to commit sufficient resources early on to an investigation that has the potential to be a multidimensional child sex ring. It is important to get in and get on top of the investigation in a timely manner – to get it investigated in a timely manner in order to assess the risk to children and to avoid hysteria, media sensationalism, and cross-contamination of information. The team approach reduces stress on individual investigators, allowing for peer support and minimizing feelings of being overwhelmed.”

The team approach and working together does not mean, however, that each discipline forgets its role and starts doing the other’s job.


The investigation of child sex rings can be difficult and time consuming. The likelihood, however, of a great deal of corroborative evidence in a multivictim/multioffender case increases the chances of a successful prosecution if the crime occurred. Because there is still so much we do not know or understand about the dynamics of multidimensional child sex rings, investigative techniques are less certain. Each new case must be carefully evaluated in order to improve investigative procedures.

Because mental health professionals seem to be unable to determine, with any degree of certainty, the accuracy of victim statements in these cases, law enforcement must proceed using the corroboration process. If some of what the victim describes is accurate, some mispP> 6. ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS

Even if only part of an supposed to believe? Until mental health professionals can come up with better answers, the jury should be asked to believe what the *investigation* can corroborate. Even if only a portion of what these victims allege is factual, that may still constitute significant criminal activity.


There are many possible alternative answers to the question of why victims are alleging things that don’t seem to be true. The first step in finding those answers is to admit the possibility that some of what the victims describe may not have happened. Some experts seem unwilling to even consider this. Most of these victims are also probably not lying and have come to believe that which they are alleging actually happened. There are alternative explanations for why people who never met each other can tell the same story.

I believe that there is a middle ground – a continuum of possible activity. Some of what the victims allege may be true and accurate, some may be misperceived or distorted, some may be screened or symbolic, and some may be “contaminated” or false. The problem and challenge, especially for law enforcement, is to determine which is which. This can only be done through active investigation. I believe that the majority of victims alleging “ritual” abuse are in fact victims of some form of abuse or trauma. That abuse or trauma may or may not be criminal in nature. After a lengthy discussion about various alternative explanations and the continuum of possible activity, one mother told me that for the first time since the victimization of her young son she felt a little better. She had thought her only choices were that either her son was a pathological liar or, on the other hand, she lived in a community controlled by satanists.

Law enforcement has the obvious problem of attempting to determine what actually happened for criminal justice purposes. Therapists, however, might also be interested in what really happened in order to properly evaluate and treat their patients. How and when to confront patients with skepticism is a difficult and sensitive problem for therapists.

Any professional evaluating victims’ allegations of “ritual” abuse cannot ignore or routinely dismiss the lack of physical evidence (no bodies or physical evidence left by violent murders); the difficulty in successfully committing a large-scale conspiracy crime (the more people involved in any crime conspiracy, the harder it is to get away with it); and human nature (intragroup conflicts resulting in individual self-serving disclosures are likely to occur in any group involved in organized kidnapping, baby breeding, and human sacrifice). If and when members of a destructive cult commit murders, they are bound to make mistakes, leave evidence, and eventually make admissions in order to brag about their crimes or to reduce their legal liability. The discovery of the murders in Matamoros, Mexico in 1989 and the results of the subsequent investigation are good examples of these dynamics.

Overzealous intervenors must accept the fact that some of their well- intentioned activity is contaminating and damaging the prosecutive potential of the cases where criminal acts did occur. We must all (i.e., the media, churches, therapists, victim advocates, law enforcement, and the general public) ask ourselves if we have created an environment where victims are rewarded, listened to, comforted, and forgiven in direct proportion to the severity of their abuse. Are we encouraging needy or traumatized individuals to tell more and more outrageous tales of their victimization? Are we making up for centuries of denial by now blindly accepting any allegation of child abuse no matter how absurd or unlikely? Are we increasing the likelihood that rebellious, antisocial, or attention-seeking individuals will gravitate toward “satanism” by publicizing it and overreacting to it? The overreaction to the problem can be worse than the problem.

The amount of “ritual” child abuse going on in this country depends on how you define the term. One documented example of what I might call “ritual” child abuse was the horror chronicled in the book _A Death in White Bear Lake_ (Siegal, 1990). The abuse in this case, however, had little to do with anyone’s spiritual belief system. There are many children in the United States who, starting early in their lives, are severely psychologically, physically, and sexually traumatized by angry, sadistic parents or other adults. Such abuse, however, is not perpetrated only or primarily by satanists. The statistical odds are that such abusers are members of mainstream religions. If 99.9% of satanists and 0.1% of Christians abuse children as part of their spiritual belief system, that still means that the vast majority of children so abused were abused by Christians.

Until hard evidence is obtained and corroborated, the public should not be frightened into believing that babies are being bred and eaten, that 50,000 missing children are being murdered in human sacrifices, or that satanists are taking over America’s day care centers or institutions. No one can prove with absolute certainty that such activity has *not* occurred. The burden of proof, however, as it would be in a criminal prosecution, is on those who claim that it has occurred.

The explanation that the satanists are too organized and law enforcement is too incompetent only goes so far in explaining the lack of evidence. For at least eight years American law enforcement has been aggressively investigating the allegations of victims of ritual abuse. There is little or no evidence for the portion of their allegations that deals with large-scale baby breeding, human sacrifice, and organized satanic conspiracies. Now it is up to mental health professionals, not law enforcement, to explain why victims are alleging things that don’t seem to have happened. Professionals in this field must accept the fact that there is still much we do not know about the sexual victimization of children, and that this area desperately needs study and research by rational, objective social scientists.

If the guilty are to be successfully prosecuted, if the innocent are to be exonerated, and if the victims are to be protected and treated, better methods to evaluate and explain allegations of “ritual” child abuse must be developed or identified. Until this is done, the controversy will continue to cast a shadow over and fuel the backlash against the validity and reality of child sexual abuse.


American Psychiatric Association, _Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders_ (3rd Ed., Rev.). Washington, DC: 1987.

Breiner, S.J., _Slaughter of the Innocents: Child Abuse Through the Ages and Today_. New York: Plenum Press, 1990.

Brown, R., _Prepare for War_. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1987.

Brunvand, J.H., _The Vanishing Hitchhiker_. New York: Norton, 1981.

Harrington, Walt, “The Devil in Anton LaVey”. Washington, D.C.: _The Washington Post Magazine_, February 23, 1986, pages #6-17.

Lanning, K.V., _Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis_ (2nd Ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1987.

Lanning, K.V. (1989). Child sex rings: A behavioral analysis. Washington, DC: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

LaVey, Anton, _The Satanic Bible_. New York: Avon Books, 1969.

Mayer, R.S., _Satan’s Children_. New York: Putnam, 1991.

Michigan Department of State Police, _Occult Survey_. East Lansing, Michigan, 1990.

_National Coalition on Television Violence (NCTV) News_, June- October 1988, page #3.

_National Incidence Studies on Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children in America_. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1990.

Prattanis, A., “Hidden messages”, _Wellness Letter_. Berkeley, California: University of California, January 1991, pages #1-2.

Rosenberg, D.A., “Web of Deceit: A Literature Review of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy”, _Child Abuse and Neglect_ #2, 1987, pages #547- 563.

Rush, E., _The Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children_. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.

Smith, M., & Pazder, L., _Michelle Remembers_. New York: Congdon and Lattis, 1980.

Siegal, B., _A Death in White Bear Lake_. New York: Bantam, 1990.

“Stranger-Abduction Homicides of Children”, _Juvenile Justice Bulletin_. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Department of Justice, 1989.

Stratford. L., _Satan’s Underground_. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 1988.

Terr, L., _Too Scared to Cry_. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.

Timnik, L., “The Times Poll”, _Los Angeles Times_, August 25-26, 1985.

Virginia Crime Commission Task Force, _Final Report of the Task Force Studying Ritual Crime_. Richmond, Virginia.


— a. Cooper, John Charles, _The Black Mask: Satanism in America Today_. Old Tappen, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1990.

Probably the best of the large number of books available primarily in Christian bookstores and written from the Christian perspective. This one, however, is written without the hysteria and sensationalism of most. Recommended for investigators who want information from this perspective.

— b. Hicks, Robert D., _In Pursuit of Satan: The Police and the Occult_. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1991.

Undoubtedly the best book written to date on the topic of satanism and the occult from the law enforcement perspective. Robert D. Hicks is a former police officer who is currently employed as a criminal justice analyst for the state of Virginia. Must reading for any criminal justice professional involved in this issue. Unfortunately, in the chapter on “Satanic Abuse of Children”, the author appears to have been overly influenced by extreme skeptics with minimal or questionable credentials in this area. The book is easy to read, logical, and highly recommended.

Kids, Cults and Common Sense, by Robert Hicks

— c. Richardson, James T.; Best, Joel; & Bromley, David G.; Eds, _The Satanism Scare_. NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1991.

The best book now available on the current controversy over satanism written from the academic perspective, The editors and many of the chapter authors are college professors and have written an objective, well-researched book. One of the great strengths of this book is the fact that the editors address a variety of the controversial issues from a variety of disciplines (i.e., sociology, history, folklore, anthropology, criminal justice). Because of its academic perspective it is sometimes harder to read but is well worth the effort. The chapter on “Law Enforcement and the Satanic Crime Connection” contains the results of a survey of “Cult Cops” and is must reading for law enforcement officers. The chapter on “Satanism and Child Molestation: Constructing the Ritual Abuse Scare” was written, however, by a free-lance journalist who seems to take the position that these cases involve little or no real child abuse.

— d. Terr, Lenore, _Too Scared to Cry: Psychic Trauma in Childhood_. New York: Harper and Row, 1990.

Un mare magnat al ţiţeiului – un mason de rang înalt din cadrul sinistrului grup ultrasecret Bilderberg este bolnav de cancer într-un stadiu terminal şi se află în SUA. De curând, fiind plin de remuşcări pentru tot răul pe care l-a făcut, el şi-a deschis inima în faţa pastorului Lindsey Williams, care apoi a dezvăluit public confesiunile sale săptămâna trecută. El i-a relatat cu limbă de moarte pastorului unele dintre evenimentele care urmează să se abată peste noi toţi în anul următor (2012) şi totodată a spus că înainte de preluarea conducerii lumii de către sinistra grupare satanică intitulată „Noua Ordine Modială“, vom fi conduşi, aşa cum de altfel se spune şi în Apocalipsă, de către chinezi, care după cum ştim sunt rasa cu pielea galbenă. El a adăugat că deşi China va părea că este noua superputere, cei care o vor conduce din umbră, sau altfel spus Adevăraţii Stăpânitori, vor fi bancherii care fac parte din sinistrul grup al aşa-zişilor „iluminaţi“, ce vor rămâne ascunşi, pentru ca acţiunile Chinei şi ale chinezilor să apară în prim-plan, în timp ce aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“ vor acţiona aşa ca şi până acum, folosind acest paravan pus la punct cu viclenie.
În cele ce urmează, oferim un rezumat ale acestor confesiuni, ce includ şi alte dezvăluiri despre unele fapte ce sunt plănuite de Francmasoneria mondială şi care ne sunt puse la dispoziţie nu de către mijloacele mass-media, care cenzurează în permanenţă astfel de ştiri jenante, ci de către mass-media alternativă, care din fericire nu este controlată de masoni.
Punctul 1.
În cel mult doi ani de acum încolo, va fi plănuită şi dusă la îndeplinire o lovitură militară fulgerătoare asupra Iranului, ce va declanşa apoi un război care la scurt timp după aceea va face să se dezlănţuie cel de-Al Treilea Război Mondial. Aşadar, atunci când războiul împotriva Iranului va porni, va izbucni totodată şi cel de-Al Treilea Război Mondial, care va face să intre în luptă mai multe ţări ale globului şi în felul acesta noua conflagraţie mondială se va generaliza şi va face milioane de victime.
Punctul 2.
Dolarul american va fi cu siguranţă mort până în anul 2012. Totodată, la scurt timp după aceea, şi celelalte valute vor fi aproape complet lipsite de valoare, deoarece „iluminaţii“ şi Francmasoneria mondială vor introduce o nouă Monedă Unică globală. Această nouă Monedă Unică globală va apare la scurt timp după ce atât dolarul american, cât şi moneda euro vor cădea. Lumea aşa cum o ştim acum va fi complet diferită până la sfârşitul anului 2012. Complotul urzit din umbră ce vizează distrugerea valutelor este în curs de implementare, aşa că este cel mai bine să vă retrageţi neîntârziat banii din bănci, să urmăriţi să cumpăraţi aur sau argint, deoarece preţul acestor metale rare va atinge în curând preţuri astronomice, aşa cum nu au existat niciodată până în prezent!
Acest mason de rang înalt a spus: „În cel mai scurt timp, chinezii şi China vor fi cei mai puternici“. China va fi unealta docilă prin care se va urmări întronarea la nivelul acestei planete a Noii Ordini Mondiale. Atât liderii, cât şi populaţia Americii vor fi reduşi la un statut inferior, care poate fi asemănat cu statutul actual al Lumii a Treia.
În mod foarte semnificativ, Timothy Geithner, secretarul trezoreriei Statelor Unite, vorbeşte fluent chineza, iar Kevin Rudd, fostul prim-ministru al Australiei şi actualmente ministru de externe vorbeşte fluent mandarina. În cel mult doi ani de acum înainte, aproape că nu vom mai recunoaşte Statele Unite ale Americii. Elita din umbră a „iluminaţilor“ va accelera cât va putea procesul de subjugare a maselor de oameni de pe această planetă. Se va urmări introducerea cip-ului RFID obligatoriu la cât mai mulţi locuitori ai acestei planete. La capătul acestor doi ani (respectiv la sfârşitul anului 2012), masele mari de oameni vor fi aduse într-o stare de debusolare completă şi vor fi atât de sărace, încât nici măcar nu vor mai fi în stare să se răzvrătească. Instalaţiile secrete HAARP vor acţiona de la distanţă pentru a genera prin intermediul anumitor energii psihotronice o stare ciudată de hipnoză şi letargie globală, care va afecta minţile imensei majorităţi a fiinţelor umane care trăiesc pe această planetă. Prin intermediul instalaţiilor HAARP, fiinţele umane vor fi aşadar scufundate într-o stare ciudată, letargică, ce va atrage după sine o obnubilare şi o diminuare a voinţei, iar aceasta le va face să nu reacţioneze, chiar şi atunci când condiţiile de viaţă ale maselor mari de oameni se vor înrăutăţi din ce în ce mai mult. Imensa majoritate a fiinţelor umane se vor comporta întocmai ca nişte „legume“, ca şi cum ar fi sedate, robotizate şi inerte.
Punctul 3.
Aurul şi argintul vor fi şi vor rămâne singurele valori pe care oamenii se vor mai putea baza. Ştiind aceasta, realizaţi urgent conversia în aur a activelor şi a banilor de care dispuneţi. Realizaţi aceasta cât mai urgent posibil. Nu lânceziţi şi nu vă îndoiţi, pentru că „iluminaţii“ au de gând să facă să se prăbuşească în continuare, foarte curând, toate băncile. Se va intra într-o stare de depresiune economică şi atunci vom deveni cu toţii foarte săraci, în cel mult doi ani de acum încolo. Fie că vrem, fie că nu vrem, mulţi dintre noi vom fi obligaţi să îmbrăţişăm modul ţărănesc de viaţă, pentru că nu vom mai putea să locuim la oraş, datorită sărăciei în care ne vom afla…
Nu speraţi că veţi putea depinde de bunurile imobiliare, deoarece şi piaţa acestora se va prăbuşi în curând, căci oamenii nu vor mai avea cu ce să cumpere case şi ca urmare, preţul actual al bunurilor imobiliare se va prăbuşi. Nu este cazul să spere cineva că va putea să trăiască din averi, din moşteniri sau din investiţii, căci toate acestea vor dispărea atunci când băncile se vor prăbuşi şi vor da faliment una după alta.
Punctul 4.
În curând, petrolul brut va ajunge 150-200 dolari barilul, în următoarele câteva luni!
Punctul 5.
Băncile orchestrează criza ipotecilor bancare care va fi reglementată prin actul care a fost validat de Congresul SUA cu două săptămâni în urmă şi care le permite băncilor să ia în stăpânire casele datornicilor fără a avea nevoie de alte împuterniciri. Dacă aveţi ipotecă, achitaţi-o acum sau vindeţi-vă casa pentru a vă putea permite să plătiţi integral suma pentru o altă locuinţă, chiar dacă cu banii rezultaţi din vânzare o să cumpăraţi doar o garsonieră. Asiguraţi-vă încă de pe acum că locuinţa voastră, chiar umilă, este achitată integral, căci în curând milioane de oameni îşi vor pierde casele.
Punctul 6.
Legea Sănătăţii ce a fost promovată de Preşedintele Obama este totodată un instrument perfid de control ce este dictat de către bănci şi va fi pus în aplicare de către societăţile de asigurare. Preluarea controlului de către Guvern asupra armelor de foc ale americanilor precum şi eutanasia sunt totodată ascunse în această lege perfidă.
Punctul 7.
Guvernul SUA a dat cu mai mulţi ani în urmă canalul Panama Chinei, iar aceasta a fost o strategie a Consiliului de Relaţii Externe (CFR) şi a Comisiei Trilaterale.
Punctul 8.
Este necesar să ştiţi că la ora actuală China deţine deja toate porturile greceşti.
Punctul 9.
Actualmente China deţine 90% din toate mineralele rare ale pământului şi utilizează felurite componente pentru tehnologii, pentru arme, etc. etc.
Puţini ştiu că la ora actuală China produce 80% dintre componentele armelor pentru armata SUA. Este incredibil, dar adevărat. La ora actuală SUA se află la mila Chinei!
Punctul 10.
China este cel mai mare extractor de resurse minerale naturale care există la nivel mondial. Ea deţine mai mult de jumătate din exploatările miniere din Australia. China deţine totodată exploatări miniere în Africa, în SUA, în Orientul Mijlociu, în Canada. China deţine un monopol de 90% asupra tuturor mineralelor rare ale pământului!
Punctul 11.
China face tranzacţii cu toate monedele importante ale lumii, devenind extrem de bogată în numerar şi în felul acesta, ea poate cumpăra şi vinde în orice monedă.
Punctul 12.
Puţini ştiu că Rusia este cel mai mare producător de petrol şi gaze. Ştiind aceasta, trebuie să fim foarte atenţi asupra a tot ceea ce se petrece atât în Rusia, cât şi în China. Dat fiind faptul că au interese majore cu aceste ţări, americanii nu vor câştiga niciodată un război împotriva lor, deoarece SUA şi-a mutat toată industria de producţie în China.
Punctul 13.
Elitele aşa-zişilor „iluminaţi“ alcătuiesc guvernul negru din umbră. Împreună cu globaliştii, ele doresc să declanşeze o criză de mari proporţii în Orientul Mijlociu în următoarele câteva luni.
Banca Goldman Sachs împreună cu City Bank şi FMI se focalizează deja asupra Iranului. Aceste bănci se dedau la felurite manevre murdare din culise cu scopul de a paraliza financiar Orientul Mijlociu înainte ca trupele NATO ce vor fi comandate de către elita aşa-zişilor „iluminaţi“ să atace.
Trebuie, de asemenea, să fiţi conştienţi de faptul că SUA şi Europa au vândut de curând computere virusate Iranului, iar aceasta a fost o lovitură mârşavă în mod abil premeditată.
Toate acestea arată că se exercită din umbră felurite acţiuni de sabotare a Iranului, tot aşa cum s-a făcut şi în cazul Irakului şi totodată se fac pregătiri pentru un atac fulger împotriva Iranului, care atac va izbucni atunci când „iluminaţii“ vor considera că a sosit momentul, pe neaşteptate.
Punctul 14.
„Iluminaţii“ vor să implementeze la nivelul acestei planete sinistrul proiect satanic „Devil’s Mesia“ („Mesia Diavolului“). În realitate, acesta este o acţiune sub acoperire prin care „iluminaţii“ vor, de fapt, să facă posibilă apariţia sinistrului Antichrist. Ei nu îl numesc Antichrist pentru a nu trezi suspiciuni prea mari şi tocmai de aceea au intitulat, în mod viclean, acest proiect satanic „proiectul Devil’s Mesia“ (Mesia Diavolului – sau altfel spus, „unsul“ sau mesagerul lui Satana).
Magnatul cel bolnav de cancer care se află într-un stadiu terminal a mai spus:
„De curând, „iluminaţii“ au decis că trebuie să ne descotorosim cât mai repede de Dumnezeu şi de tot ceea ce se manifestă prin El pe această planetă, pentru a întrona neîntârziat Noua Ordine Mondială“.
Acest magnat a spus că „Mesia Diavolului“ („Devil’s Mesia“) înseamnă, înainte de toate, perversitate multiplă şi totală care trebuie să fie acceptată ca un mod normal de viaţă de către toţi locuitorii acestei planete. Homosexualitatea, drogurile, pedofilia şi sexul animalic, abject şi lipsit de afectivitate sau iubire trebuie să predomine în cel mai scurt timp pe această planetă. Pentru aceasta, „iluminaţii“ au decis că mai întâi trebuie să implementeze, pe tot globul, toate formele de perversiune, urmărind să îi năucească pe oameni şi să îi facă să nu îi mai intereseze iubirea, care trebuie, în viziunea lor satanică, să fie înlocuită doar cu sexul. Ei se gândesc să acţioneze în modul acesta abject şi pervers deoarece şi-au dat seama că nu îl pot aduce pe „Mesia Diavolului“ („Devil’s Mesia“) acolo unde va exista un popor drept, care crede în Dumnezeu şi care respectă în continuare valorile spirituale şi morale. Mai întâi, „iluminaţii“ vor urmări să pervertească toate popoarele acestui Pământ şi după aceea vor alege care va fi poporul cel mai pervertit şi acolo îl vor face să apară, fiind susţinut de ei şi de toate mijloacele mass-media, pe „Mesia Diavolului“ („Devil’s Mesia“).
Punctul 15.
Cei care s-au autointitulat „iluminaţii“ fac presiuni pentru a institui o aşa-zisă religie unică a lumii (One World Religion) şi pentru aceasta creează organizaţii fantomă cum ar fi Consiliul Naţional al Bisericilor, care este finanţat din umbră chiar de către aceste organizaţii satanice masonice, cum ar fi fundaţiile evreilor Rockfeller, Carnegie şi Ford.
Este interesant de observat că la ora actuală crearea unor aşa-zise comunităţi religioase de către aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“ este un factor cheie în promovarea unui fals ecumenism ce se urmăreşte să fie întronat prin intermediul unor astfel de consilii şi fundaţii în care nu sunt incluşi oameni care cred în Dumnezeu, ci fiinţe umane corupte, perverse şi avide de câştiguri financiare fabuloase. Astfel de iniţiative-fantomă ce se bazează pe clerul corupt au preluat deja majoritatea bisericilor din Statele Unite. Rămâi pur şi simplu uimit, şi la prima vedere nu îţi vine să crezi atunci când descoperi modul mârşav, viclean, pervers în care astfel de aşa-zise iniţiative religioase sunt create pentru a aduce, chipurile, cuvântul Domnului Dumnezeu sau sunt promovate, zice-se tot în numele lui Dumnezeu, cu toate că este clar pentru oricine vrea să vadă că în realitate ele urmăresc să deturneze pe adevăraţii credincioşi atât în anumite zone din Statele Unite ale Americii, cât şi în Irlanda şi mai recent în arhiepiscopia Westminster din Anglia. Astfel de „iniţiative religioase“ viclene urmăresc să conducă omenirea către o aşa-zisă Biserică atotcuprinzătoare, din care însă Dumnezeu va lipsi în realitate.
Punctul 16.
Deja au fost votate ordonanţe care sunt supranumite „hotărâri locale“ (ele au fost chiar adoptate în unele state din SUA) care îl împuternicesc deja pe şeriful districtului să vină şi să pună lacătul pe o biserică în cazul în care se face o reclamaţie împotriva acestei biserici, mai ales împotriva pastorului ei, de îndată ce acesta vorbeşte împotriva homosexualităţii, împotriva anumitor vicii, sau ia atitudine împotriva pedofiliei. În felul acesta, prin uneltele lor mârşave, „iluminaţii“ pot prin astfel de ordonanţe să închidă bisericile în afara oricărui proces legal şi ei acţionează în felul acesta aşa cum se acţiona mai demult în China.
Punctul 17.
Acest magnat al petrolului a mai spus: „«Iluminaţii», care oricum au deja un control aproape complet asupra mijloacelor mass-media, plănuiesc să obţină un monopol complet în acest domeniu, pentru a implementa cât mai repede Noua Ordine Mondială. Deja ei au corporaţii mass-media ce sunt deţinute de anumite grupări masonice. Aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“ plănuiesc cu premeditare să distrugă civilizaţia prezentă. La ora actuală, elitele masonice mondiale în cârdăşie cu aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“ controlează nu numai Rusia, dar şi China, şi controlează din umbră în totalitate atât pe preşedintele SUA (Obama), cât şi congresul SUA. Dat fiind faptul că Congresul SUA este controlat din umbră de Francmasoneria mondială în cârdăşie cu aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“, aceştia vor urmări să bage pe gât poporului american „Cyber Security Act“ (Legea securităţii cibernetice), prin care vor putea cenzura după bunul plac informaţia ce se publică pe internet, precum şi Carbon Tax Act (Legea taxei pe emisiile de dioxid de carbon), prin care vor impune o taxă pe emisiile de dioxid de carbon, sub pretextul înşelătoriei cu „încălzirea globală“. Apoi, contribuabilii americani naivi şi manipulabili vor fi rugaţi să salveze ţara din ghearele crizei ipotecare şi prin aceasta vor fi „jumuliţi“ de ultimele resurse financiare şi vor aduce pe tavă în jur de trei trilioane de dolari marilor bănci, care vor înghiţi aceste sume şi le vor folosi după cum vor aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“. Băncile mari vor urmări să distrugă băncile mici care fac eforturi să salveze economiile în anumite ţări. Aşa-zişii „iluminaţi“, care sunt de fapt nişte mega-zarafi sau, altfel spus, nişte mega-cămătari ai planetei, nu vor permite însă aşa ceva. Pentru ei, jocul este crud, este lipsit de fair-play şi înseamnă înainte de toate dobândirea prin orice mijloace a unui control total al tuturor banilor, inclusiv un control al banilor tăi, al casei tale, al maşinii tale, al întregii tale intimităţi şi chiar al vieţii tale. În curând, se va impune ca obligatorie implementarea sinistrului cip RFID.

Urmând deviza machiavelică „scopul scuză mijloacele”, corporaţia americană Monsanto nu se dă în lături de la minciună, înşelătorie şi ameninţări, în demersurile sale de a vinde oamenilor legume şi fructe modificate genetic.

Erwin Chargoff, un eminent biochimist din secolul XX, supranumit adesea părintele biologiei moleculare, spunea că ingineria genetică este comparabilă cu un „Auschwitz molecular”. El avertiza în urmă cu zeci de ani: „consider că tehnologia genetică este cu mult mai periculoasă decât cea nucleară. Un atac ireversibil asupra biosferei este ceva atât de inimaginabil, de imposibil pentru generaţiile anterioare nouă, încât nu pot să îmi doresc decât ca generaţia mea să nu se facă vinovată de aşa ceva.”

Anual, companii precum Monsanto, investesc zeci de milioane de dolari în tehnologia genetică, iar reclamele lor îi asigură pe fermierii şi afaceriştii agricultori de pe întreg mapamondul de calitatea şi avantajele produselor OMG (organism modificat genetic).
Era produselor modificate genetic în cadrul corporaţiei Monsanto, a început în anul 1996, sub deviza „Mâncare, Sănătate şi Speranţă”. Iată unul dintre sloganurile Monsanto, citat de pe site-ul lor: „Menţinerea vieţii – trebuie să păstrăm în minte faptul că resursele acestei lumi sunt finite. De aceea, pentru fiecare afacere pe care o încheiem, trebuie să avem în vedere efectul pe care aceasta îl va avea asupra noastră şi a copiilor noştrii. Produsele noastre nu vor epuiza resursele naturale şi, mai mult decât atât, ele nu vor contamina ceea ce rămâne în urma lor.”

În timp ce corporaţia americană Monsanto afirmă că scopul său este să ajute fermierii de pretutindeni să producă hrană mai sănătoasă şi, în acelaşi timp să ocrotească mediul înconjurător, există numeroase voci ale oamenilor de ştiinţă care, în urma rezultatelor pe care le-au obţinut în cercetărilor lor, lansează semnale de alarmă şi ne fac să reflectăm mai mult asupra credibilităţii corporaţiei Monsanto şi a produselor OMG.

Unul dintre cele mai amănunţite studii referitoare la Monsanto, este filmul documentar „Lumea văzută prin ochii corporaţiei Monsanto”, lansat în ianuarie 2008 de jurnalista franceză Marie Monique Robin. Cele două ore de investigaţii şi interviuri cu unii oameni de ştiinţă, oameni politici, afacerişti din industria agricolă şi fermieri, constituie rezultatul a peste 20 de ani de cercetări, pe care Marie Monique le-a realizat în vederea aflării adevărului care se ascunde în spatele corporaţiei Monsanto.

Controversata legalizare a cultivării produselor OMG în America

Una dintre cele mai grave informaţii pe care acest documetar ne-o pune la dispoziţie prin mărturia lui James Mariansky (fostul director pentru biotehnologie al FDA – Asociaţia Americană a Hranei şi Medicamentelor) este faptul că, reglementările care permit cultivarea legalizată a OMG aparţinând Monsanto, nu au fost bazate pe cercetări ştiinţifice amănunţite şi corespunzătoare, ci mai degrabă pe o decizie politică venită din partea Casei Albe şi aplicată de FDA.
Având în vedere că Monsanto este principalul producător de seminţe modificate genetic din SUA, (peste 90% din soia cultivată în America este modificată genetic), iar 70% din mâncarea prezentă pe piaţa americană conţine OMG, documentarul jurnalistei franceze mai este denumit „filmul pe care America nu îl va vedea niciodată”.

Invocând principiul „Echivalenţei Substanţiale” dintre plantele modificate genetic şi cele naturale, FDA a ales să nu aloce produselor modificate genetic reglementări noi, bazate pe cercetări ştiinţifice riguroase. Printre altele, acest fapt a făcut ca în America niciun produs OMG să nu fie etichetat ca atare.
Dacă cercetările ştiinţifice conform cărora tehnologia genetică produce printre alte afecţiuni şi apariţia cancerului sunt adevărate, atunci oare ce soartă îi aşteaptă pe cetăţenii americani în secolul XXI?

Ce sunt organismele modificate genetic?

Conform dicţionarului medical, OMG este un organism ale cărui caracteristici genetice au fost alterate prin inserarea unei gene modificate sau a unei gene provenite dintr-un alt organism, prin utilizarea tehnologiei genetice.
Pentru a crea spre exemplu soia modificată genetic, Monsanto foloseşte o genă preluată dintr-o bacterie care rezistă la ierbicid. Gena respectivă este plasată apoi pe particule microscopice de aur care vor fi introduse în celulele soiei. Gena cea nouă penetrează astfel ADN-ul soiei şi creează o proteină, care face planta să reziste la ierbicid.
Invocând principiul „Echivalenţei Substanţiale”, versiunea oficială a FDA susţine că nu există nicio diferenţă care ar putea afecta sănătatea omului, între plantele OMG şi cele naturale (conform spuselor fostului director al FDA între anii 1985-2006, James Mariansky): „genele noi introduse în plantele modificate genetic produc proteine ce sunt foarte asemănătoare cu proteinele pe care oamenii le mănâncă de secole”… „dacă introducem o genă nouă într-o plantă, acea genă este ADN şi deci, putem stabili ştiinţific că aceea este iarbă.”

A existat un interes financiar şi politic în cazul introducerii pe piaţa de consum a produselor modificate genetic?

Jeremy Rifkin, preşedinte al Fundaţiei pentru Orientare Economică, şi-a exprimat uimirea cu privire la modul în care corporaţia Monsanto „s-a descurcat” în demersurile sale de a promova în SUA produsele de provenienţă biotehnologică: „Nu am mai întâlnit o astfel de situaţie în care o companie ca Monsanto să aibă o influenţă atât de mare la cele mai înalte nivele ale procesului de legalizare, atât în cadrul FDA, cât şi al guvernului.”

Conform spuselor vicepreşedintelui Dan Quale, administraţia Bush avea la începutul anilor 90, interesul financiar de a nu investiga amănunţit produsele modificate genetic. În anul 1992, Quale a prezentat punctul de vedere al Casei Albe în ceea ce priveşte reglementările OMG: „SUA este deja lider mondial în domeniul biotehnologiei şi vrem ca acest lucru să rămână neschimbat. În anul 1991 această industrie a înregistrat câştiguri de 4 miliarde de dolari. Preconizăm că până în anul 2000 ingineria biotehnologică ne va aduce venituri de cel puţin 50 de miliarde de dolari, dacă vom reuşi să eliminăm reglementările care nu sunt necesare.”

Dan Glickman, care era Secretarul de Stat pentru Agricultură în anul 1996, afirmă în interviul acordat jurnalistei franceze că se făceau presiuni politice asupra sa pentru a nu investiga problema OMG: „în primii ani în care am participat la reglementarea biotehnologiei pentru agricultură era o atmosferă generală în industria agrară şi în interiorul guvernului SUA, conform căreia, dacă nu aprobai rapid produsele biotech, genele de provenineţă biotehnologică, recoltele OMG, atunci erai considerat antiştiinţă şi antiprogres. Cred că erau multe persoane în industria agriculturii care nu doreau analiza amănunţită a organismelor OMG – pe care probabil că ar fi fost necesar să o realizăm –, deoarece făcuseră investiţii uriaşe în aceste produse. După ce am devenit secretar de stat şi şef al departamentului de reglementare pentru agricultură, eram presat să nu insist prea mult cu investigaţiile produselor OMG. Chiar şi atunci când am vorbit despre asta în timpul administraţiei Clinton, „mi s-a dat peste gură”, cum s-ar zice. Şi asta nu numai din parte industriei, ci chiar din partea unor oameni din administraţie. Am ţinut un discurs la un moment dat, în care spuneam că trebuie să reflectăm mai mult asupra reglementărilor în problema organismelor modificate genetic. Cu acea ocazie, nişte persoane din departamentul pentru comerţ m-au criticat vehement, întrebându-mă cum de tocmai eu, care sunt agricultor, am îndoilei asupra regimului lor pentru agricultură.”

Din  documentarul „Lumea văzută prin ochii corporaţiei Monsanto” aflăm că un avocat pe nume Michael Taylor a devenit în anul 1991 directorul administrativ în problema biotehnologiei al  FDA, chiar în perioada în care se făceau reglementările cu privire la produsele modificate genetic. Mai mult de atât, se pare că FDA a instituit acest post special pentru Michael Taylor, deoarece era nevoie de cineva care să supervizeze reglementările OMG. Chiar înainte de a prelua această funcţie, Michael Taylor a lucrat ca avocat, iar printre clienţii săi se numărau Monsanto şi Consiliul Internaţional pentru Hrană Biotehnologică. Se pare că atunci când încă era avocat pentru Monsanto, acesta le-a făcut o propunere de reglementare a OMG, propunere care este foarte asemănătoare cu cea publicată de FDA. Întrebat despre toate aceasta, Taylor a negat că angajarea sa la FDA ar fi avut vreo legătură cu reglementarea OMG. Totuşi, conform spuselor lui James Mariansky, cam toată răspunderea reglementărilor poduselor modificate genetic îi revine lui Michael Taylor.

Ce spun oamenii de ştiinţă despre OMG?

În august 1998, cercetătorul Arpad Pustau a efectuat, la cererea ministrului agriculturii din Marea Britanie, un studiu amănunţit (în valoare de peste 2 milioane de euro) asupra cartofilor Monsanto care au fost modificaţi genetic pentru a rezista la insectele Aphis. El mărturiseşte în interviul acordat jurnalistei franceze, că respectivii cartofi puneau în alertă sistemul imunitar. „Nu afirm că produceau cancerul, dar cu siguranţă „ajutau” la dezvoltarea oricărei tumori induse chimic.”
Cu aceeaşi ocazie, cercetările au arătat că nu gena străină inserată în ADN-ul plantei naturale pentru a obţine planta modificată genetic este cauza disfuncţiilor, ci însăşi procesul de tehnologie genetică, aceasta  contrazicând principiul „Echivalenţei Substanţiale” invocat de FDA.
La scurt timp după cercetările sale, într-un interviu pe care Pustau l-a oferit postului englez de televiziune BBC în legătură cu părerea sa asupra introducerii în Anglia a produselor modificate genetic, acesta a spus: „consider că este foarte, foarte, nedrept ca cetăţenii englezi să fie folosiţi pe post de cobai”. Profesionalismul lui Arpad se pare că nu a corespuns cu planurile Monsanto în Marea Britanie, cercetătorul fiind concediat la scurt timp după ce a făcut cunoscute rezultatele studiului său.

Jeffrey Smith, autor a numeroase cărţi despre organismele modificate genetic, afirmă în interviul acordat jurnalistei franceze Marie Monique: „OMG sunt susţinute de o înşelătorie pe care a făcut-o FDA. Ei spun că organismele modificate genetic nu sunt diferite de plantele naturale. FDA foloseşte expresia  „Echivalent Substanţial” ca pe o terminologie pe care oamenii o consideră ca fiind sigură. În mod normal, pentru ca ceva să fie aprobat ca fiind sigur are nevoie de o serie de studii publicate şi un acord  unanim al mediului ştiinţific. În cazul organismelor modificate genetic nu s-a realizat nici una, nici alta.” Michael Hansen, cercetător şi om de ştiinţă aparţinând Uniunii Consumatorilor din SUA, consideră că produsele OMG ar trebui să fie privite ca nişte aditivi alimentari, care necesită un studiu amănunţit, pentru a se stabili răul pe care acestea îl pot cauza.

Ierbicid toxic Roundup şi soia modificată genetic pentru a-i rezista

Minţind în reclame şi ignorând nivelul înalt de toxicitate pe care îl are ierbicidul Roundup non selectiv (omoară toate plantele), compania Monsanto îl vinde la ora actuală aproape nestingherită. Începând cu anul 1980 Roundup a devenit cel mai bine vândut ierbicid din lume. Monsanto i-a atras pe fermieri şi pe agricultori afirmând că ierbicidul Roundup (un alt nume dat glifosatului, ierbicid principal folosit în SUA) nu este toxic pentru sol şi este şi biodegradabil. Atunci când publicitatea mincinoasă a corporaţiei Monsanto a fost condamnată, prima oară la New York în 1996 şi a adoua oară în Franţa, în anul 2007, corporaţia a înlăturat cuvântul biodegradabil de pe eticheta produsului.

Studiul „Roundup provoacă disfuncţii ale divizunii celulare”, aparţinând cercetătorului francez Robert Belle, ne furnizează informaţia deosebit de gravă că ierbicidul Roundup provoacă primele stadii ale cancerului, iar acest lucru nu a fost făcut public deoarece „deranjează” promovarea produselor modificate genetic. Profesorul Belle lucrează pentru Centrul Naţional Francez de Cercetări Ştiinţifice şi Institutul Pierre şi Marie Currie: „Marea surpriză pe care am avut-o a fost aceea că Roundup are un efect negativ asupra diviziunii celulare. Am observat foarte repede că Roundup afectează procesul cheie în diviziunea celulelor. Nu era vorba despre mecanismul de diviziune al celulelor, ci despre acela care controlează modificarea celulară. Trebuie să înţelegem cum devin canceroase celulele. La început toate celulele sunt benigne, iar apoi, la un moment dat apar modificări în cadrul celulelor, care le fac să fie instabile din punct de vedere genetic. Aceasta este disfuncţia principală pe care am observat-o la Roundup. Din cauza acestui lucru, noi considerăm că Roundup provoacă primele stadii care conduc la cancer. Am avut grijă să nu afirmăm că ierbicidul provoacă boala în sine, pentru că nu s-a putut observa dezvoltarea cancerului decât după o perioadă de aproximativ 30 – 40 de ani. Ne-a fost foarte clar cât de importante sunt aceste descoperiri pentru cei care utilizează acest produs. Mai ales că dozele pe care noi le-am testat erau cu mult sub procentul de Roundup care este folosit în mod normal. Am considerat că trebuie să facem cunoscute publicului aceste pericole cât mai repede posibil. Primul lucru logic pe care l-am făcut a fost să raportez totul administraţiei. Dar am fost foarte şocat deoarece mi s-a spus sau mai degrabă mi s-a ordonat să nu comunic mai departe rezultatele cercetărilor noastre, din cauza problemei OMG care se află în spatele acestora.”

Pentru a demonstra calitatea valorii nutriţionale a soiei modificate genetic pentru a rezista la Roundup, Monsanto a publicat în anul 1996 un studiu în Jurnalul pentru nutriţie (o binecunoscută publicaţie americană). Cercetările trebuiau să sublinieze efectele seminţelor de soia modificate genetic asupra sănătăţii şobolanilor.
Iată părerea lui Ian F. Pryme, un cercetător norvegian care a revăzut studiul publicat de Monsanto şi se arată foarte dezamăgit de modul în care acesta a fost realizat şi publicat: „Studiul lasă foarte mult de dorit şi este „subţire”, mai ales pentru faptul că el a servit drept bază pentru stabilirea aşa-zisului principiu al echivalenţei substanţiale. Cecetările Monsanto afirmă că testele asupra animalelor au oferit dovezi parţiale şi că nu s-a petrecut nicio modificare majoră la şobolanii care au mâncat seminţe de soia modificate genetic. Expunerea unei dovezi parţiale nu este satisfăcătoare în ştiinţă, ci dimpotrivă, aici este necesar un rezultat sută la sută sigur. O altă inadverteţă a studiului o constituie modul în care s-au realizat cercetările. Spre exemplu se afirmă că „exceptând culoarea maro închis, ficatul părea normal la autopsie”. Un adevărat om de ştiinţă nu poate afirma aşa ceva într-un studiu serios, fără să se uite cu ajutorul microscopului la secţiuni din conţinutul ficatului care să arate amănunţit că nu există niciun fel de modificări. Monsanto a  folosit la testat şobolani bătrâni, dar orice cercetător cunoaşte faptul că dacă vrea să vadă schimbările care pot să apară, trebuie să folosească şobolani tineri pe post de cobai. Şi asta nu este tot. Eu sunt convins că multe dintre rezultatele pe care le-au obţinut nu au fost publicate.”
O colegă a cercetătorului norvegian Pryme a încercat să intre în posesia tuturor informaţiilor dar a fost refuzată de Monsanto. „Dacă nu aveau nimic de ascuns atunci ar fi trebuit să nu existe nicio problemă în a furniza materialul oricui ar fi dorit să îl studieze.”

Din cauza acestui studiu limitat, produsele Monsanto modificate genetic au invadat lumea, mai ales America de Nord şi de Sud, Asia şi Australia. În anul 2006, recoltele transgenetice acopereau peste 215 000 acri. Peste 70% sunt rezistente la ierbicidul Roundup, iar 30 % au fost modificate genetic pentru a produce un insecticid pe nume BT.


Din timpuri străvechi au existat diverse semnalări referitoare la anumite lumini ciudate ce au fost văzute pe cer înainte sau după desfăşurarea cutremurelor de pământ. Aceste lumini uneori iau forma unor sclipiri sau a unor globuri plutitoare sau apar ca flash-uri puternice în vârful munţilor. În unele cazuri, s-a observat că acele busolelor se mişcau haotic în astfel de momente.

În 1982 cercetătorii au ajuns să-şi explice parţial cauza acestor fenomene, când satelitul ruso-francez Aureol 3 a detectat activitate electrică în ionosfera pământului cu câteva ore înainte de producerea unui cutremur.  Ei au ajuns la concluzia că acesta ar putea cauza descărcări care ar apare ca flash-uri sau nori de lumină, precum şi ca anomalii magnetice în atmosferă. Motivul pentru care descărcările electrice erau mai des observate în vârful munţilor ar fi acela că munţii ar funcţiona ca nişte antene, care ar arunca o cantitate enormă de electricitate în atmosferă.

Pe baza constatărilor realizate de multe echipe de cercetători, s-a ajuns la concluzia că există un „dialog” permanent între pământ şi ionosferă, dialog care devine sesizabil în timpul cutremurelor. În anul 2004 Serghei Pulinetz, doctor în radiofizică, fost director delegat al Insitutului de magnetism terestru, ionosferă şi propagarea undelor radio din Izmiran, şi Kirill Boyarchuk, doctor în fizica atmosferei, director al aceluiaşi institut din Izmiran, au redactat lucrarea „Precursorii ionosferici ai cutremurelor” (“Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes”) în care au demonstrat apartenenţa cuplului pământ-ionosferă la circuitul electric global, arătând că în zonele cu activitate seismică câmpul electric anormal care apare este principalul purtător de informaţie de la pământ la ionosferă. În continuare vom  arăta ce sunt cutremurele, cum se desfăşoară acest dialog între pământ şi ionosferă şi cum se poate interveni în acest dialog pentru a produce cutremure.

Despre cutremure

Seismele sunt mişcări bruşte ale scoarţei terestre care produc unde elastice şi trepidaţii cu un impact puternic asupra aşezărilor umane. Anual se produc pe glob mai mult de 1 milion de cutremure, dar numai o mică parte din acestea sunt simţite. Cele mai numeroase cutremure naturale se datorează energiilor generate de dinamica internă a Terrei. O parte mică a cutremurelor sunt produse de om prin explozii nucleare şi lucrări privind amenajarea lacurilor de acumulare. Cutremurele produse cu ajutorul instalaţiilor HAARP nu sunt deocamdată recunoscute ca fiind posibile şi nici ca fiind produse de intenţiile criminale ale unor grupări demente care au acces la manevrarea acestor sisteme.

Cutremurele tectonice, fiind cele mai frecvente şi producând cele mai numeroase pierderi de vieţi omeneşti ca şi cele mai mari distrugeri materiale, au fost studiate şi s-a ajuns la  concluzia că răspândirea lor nu este întâmplătoare, ci este legată de dinamica şi configuraţia plăcilor tectonice care alcătuiesc scoarţa terestră. Aşadar, cunoaşterea şi studierea prealabilă a fenomenelor tectonice şi seismice, a centurilor şi punctelor cu tensiuni înalte, specifice unor regiuni geografice, ar da posibilitatea ca prin explozii calculate să se elibereze energiile acumulate în sistemul plăcilor şi faliilor geologice locale. Folosind asemenea metode, prin exploziile detonate în diferite puncte la suprafaţa pământului, în subteran sau sub apă se pot produce deliberat cutremure de pământ. Din păcate această metodă este cunoscută şi utilizată în sens criminal de anumite grupări, nu pentru a detensiona plăcile tectonice, ci pentru a ameninţa sau  a face anumite presiuni asupra altor grupări sau guverne.

Zona de pregătire a cutremurului

Acest concept de „zonă de pregătire a cutremurului” a fost dezvoltat de mai mulţi cercetători în domeniu: Dobrovolski, Keilis-Borok, Kossobokov, Bowman, etc. Ei se referă la suprafaţa unde deformările plăcilor se conectează cu sursa viitorului cutremur. În mod natural, deformările implică modificări ale proprietăţilor crustei, care pot fi măsurate cu diferite aparate: tensiometre, deformografe, înclinometre, ca şi printr-o tehnică ce foloseşte GPS şi care a fost recent dezvoltată de Kostoglodov şi echipa sa (2003).

Tipurile diferite de zone tectonice (subducţii, intraplacă, etc.), de falii şi de mecanisme focale corespondente, structura şi proprietăţile diferite ale rocilor în zonele active seismic nu permit obţinerea unor formule universale de estimare a zonei de pregătire a cutremurului, iar complexul de fenomene precursoare diferă de la zonă la zonă. În continuare vom descrie fenomenele care participă la cuplarea seismo-ionosferică premergătoare cutremurelor.

Modificarea concentraţiei de radon înaintea cutremurelor

În timpul „pregătirii” unui cutermur există oscilaţii ale concentraţiei de radon – gaz radioactiv provenit din dezintegrarea radiului, cel din urmă provenind din dezintegrarea uraniului. Mulţi autori au raportat aceste variaţii de radon înainte de cutremur şi le folosesc ca indicator pe termen scurt, pentru predicţia cutremurelor. Epicentrul viitorului cutermur este, ca o regulă, în interiorul zonei de compresie, acolo unde concentraţia de radon scade înaintea cutremurului. Dinamica concentraţiei de radon indică un proces de pregătire al unui cutremur cu 3-4 luni înainte de şocul seismic, cu un maximum de activitate înregistrată cu 1-2 săptămâni înainte de eveniment. În afara valorii sale de factor de semnalizare, radonul are abilitatea de a ioniza atmosfera. El permite crearea aşa-numitei plasme atmosferice. Radonul este prima verigă în lanţul proceselor fizice care asigură cuplarea seismo-ionosferică. Aria în care se observă radonul precursor, este de acelaşi grad de mărime cu aria zonei de pregătire a cutremurului.

De asemenea, în zona de pregătire a cutremurului, pot fi emanate şi metale sub formă volatilă (mercur, arsen, stibiu). Aceşti aerosoli metalici pot fi uşor încărcaţi electric şi de aceea sunt capabili să modifice proprietăţile electrice ale aerului din vecinătatea pământului. Aria acestor fenomene corespunde ariei de pregătire a cutremurului

Modificările câmpului electric atmosferic înaintea cutremurelor

Înainte de cutremurele mari, pe vreme bună, anomaliile câmpului electric atmosferic au fost observate sub forma creşterii valorilor de câmp până la niveluri ce depăşesc 1kV/m sau -1kV/m. Aria ocupată de acest câmp electric anormal este foarte mare, iar pentru cutremure cu magnitudine aproape de 7, aria este de cel puţin 1400km diametru. Această anormalitate poate apare cu mai bine de o lună înaintea producerii seismului. Dar cu câteva zile sau ore înaintea şocului seismic apare un câmp electric vertical larg.

Cuplul seismo-ionosferic

Pentru prima dată ipoteze despre interrelaţia fluxurilor de particule de energie înaltă, din centurile de radiaţie ionosferică, şi activitatea seismică au fost formulate pe staţia orbitală Salute-7 în 1989. În anii ’90 înregistrările, la bordul staţiei orbitale MIR, a fluxurilor de particule cu energie înaltă, de câteva zeci de mega-electroni-volţi (MeV), au arătat că la câteva ore după fiecare creştere a intensităţii particulelor, un cutremur de magnitudine peste 4 s-a produs. Şi alţi sateliţi au realizat astfel de înregistrări. În anul 1993 Pustovetov, Matyshev şi Aleshina împreună cu echipele lor au specificat prezenţa unei interrelaţii spaţiale între coordonatele cutremurelor şi ariile atmosferice cu particule încărcate înregistrate. La bordul satelitului Intercosmo 19, Ruzhin şi echipa sa au înregistrat fluxurile de particule energetice asociate unui cutremur, simultan cu emisiile de unde de frecvenţă foarte joasă (ELF-extra low frequency) induse seismic.

Cei doi cercetători de marcă, Pulinetz şi Boyarchuk, au arătat cu multe dovezi ştiinţifice „dialogul” care există între cele două structuri: scoarţa pământului şi ionosferă, în lucrarea menţionată anterior („Precursorii ionosferici ai cutremurelor”). Accentul pus în cartea redactată de aceştia a subliniat modul în care pământul „informează” ionosfera şi interacţionează cu ea în condiţiile producerii unui cutremur generat de modificări tectonice. Dar cuplul seismo-ionosferic înseamnă şi influenţe inverse: de la ionosferă către pământ. Comunicarea ce există între aceste două structuri poate fi realizată în ambele sensuri: modificările scoarţei influenţează electricitatea atmosferică şi ionosfera, şi invers – modificările ionosferei, ale electricităţii atmosferice influenţează scoarţa pământului şi determină cutremure.

Există modificări temporare ale ionosferei care ţin de activitatea ciclică a soarelui. Ionosfera resimte activitatea solară sub forma emisiilor optice şi electromagnetice. Ionosfera este un înveliș de electroni, atomi și molecule încărcate electric care înconjoară Pământul, de la o distanţă de aproximativ 50 de km pînă la mai mult de 1000 km. Ca mediu conducător de electricitate, ionosfera joacă un rol important în circuitul electric global, iar ca gaz ionizat parţial, se supune legilor fizicii plasmei. Datorită proprietăţilor ei electromagnetice, plasma ionosferică interacţionează cu câmpul magnetic al Pământului.

Manipularea ionosferei, prin sistemele HAARP, poate provoca cutremure

Observarea în ambele sensuri a relaţiei dintre scoarţa Pământului şi ionosferă, cu influenţele reciproce care apar, a fost semnalată public pentru prima dată de către Nick Begich Jr., după ce a găsit mai multe documente referitoare la proiectul HAARP (High Active Auroral Research Project). Într-unul dintre documentele HAARP şi anume în raportul Administraţiei Naţionale pentru Telecomunicaţii şi Informaţii referitor la „Evaluarea preliminară a instrumentului de cercetări ionosferice efectuate de Forţele Aeriene” (etapa a doua, 1 oct. 1993) se afirma: „au fost detectate tulburări ale ionosferei, care au fost puse pe seama cutremurelor, cum ar fi cutremurul din Alaska din data de 28 martie 1964”. Nick Begich Jr. s-a întrebat de ce nu ar putea fi adevărată ipoteza inversă, adică „tulburările ionosferice provocate deliberat să rezoneze cu materiale din pământ şi să declanşeze un cutremur.” Aspect perfect posibil datorită comunicării electromagnetice care există între pământ şi ionosferă.

Nick Begich Jr., preşedintele Federaţiei Profesorilor din Alaska şi a Consiliului pentru Educaţie Anchorage, a crescut într-o familie politică în care „a schimba lucrurile” era un mod de viaţă. Tatăl său, Nick Begich Sr., a fost senator al statului iar mai târziu reprezentant în Congresul SUA. Begich a arătat că un document din 1990 de la Marina şi Forţele Aeriene SUA preciza că obiectivul proiectului HAARP este de a învăţa cum să manipuleze ionosfera la o scară mai mare decât o putea face URSS pe atunci cu instalaţii similare.

Sistemele HAARP au fost construite pe baza invenţiilor fizicianului Eastlund. Dr. Bernard Eastlund a brevetat o serie din invenţiile sale, primul dintre acestea, brevetul SUA cu nr. 4.686.605 emis pe 11 august 1987, este cel care stă la baza construirii instalaţiilor HAARP. În acest brevet se menţionează, printre alte rezultate ale utilizării sistemului respectiv că „…această invenţie oferă posibilitatea de a plasa cantităţi de energie fără precedent în atmosfera Pământului, în locaţii strategice, şi de a menţine nivelul injectării de energie, în special dacă se folosesc impulsurile neregulate, într-un mod mult mai precis şi mai bine controlat decât până acum…”.

HAARP-ul a fost construit pentru a testa efectele miliardelor de waţi de energie radio concentrată în ionosfera planetei. Lentile electrice făcute la o extrem de înaltă altitudine prin miliarde de particule atmosferice ionizate sunt folosite pentru a focaliza suporturi de unde radio pe suprafaţa Pământului. Este logic să ne gândim că o asemenea focalizare criminală de cantităţi enorme de energie asupra Pământului nu poate lăsa planeta neafectată. Ţinând cont de aceste precizări şi de cele expuse anterior referitor la cuplul seismo-ionosferic, nu trebuie să ne mire frecvenţa fără precedent a cutremurelor de magnitudine mare care au zguduit diferite zone ale Terrei în ultimele două decenii, întrucât instalaţiile HAARP au fost puse în funcţiune şi sunt utilizate!

Încălzitoarele ionosferice (sistemele HAARP) sunt un domeniu foarte specializat de cercetare. „Există două grupuri în Uniunea Sovietică, câteva persoane în Europa şi poate zece persoane în Statele Unite. Cam asta ar fi”, a declarat Sasha Koustov, un savant canadiano-rus, de la Universitatea Saskatchewan, specializat în ionosferă. Ca majoritatea specialiştilor în atmosferă intervievaţi, nici el nu prea cunoştea studiile referitoare la HAARP. „Singurul mod prin care s-ar putea produce amplificarea undelor electromagnetice, odată ce ele ajung la ionosferă”, în opinia sa, „ar fi printr-un experiment special în care s-ar utiliza două emiţătoare focalizate în acelaşi loc”. Dar „interacţiunile undelor radio pot provoca (şi alte –n.n.) interacţiuni”, a spus Koustov. „Aceste reacţii de mare energie pot crea chiar aşa-numitele valuri de gravitaţie”, spunea el.

Atât timp cât scoarţa terestră este cuplată electromagnetic de ionosferă, nu putem să spunem că plasarea unor cantităţi imense de energie în ionosferă, produse în mod deliberat prin HAARP, nu determină nicio reacţie la nivelul scoarţei terestre. E ca şi cum am spune că plasarea unei cantităţi uriaşe de energie într-un circuit electric nu afectează componentele circuitului! Nici un copil de clasa a 6-a care începe să studieze legile fizicii nu va crede această aberaţie! Iar Pulinetz şi Boyarchuk au dovedit că acest cuplu Pământ-ionosferă este un astfel de circuit. Deci, exact aşa cum nu se vrea testarea experimentală a noilor vaccinuri antigripale pentru că li se poate dovedi astfel inutilitatea, pe de o parte, şi potenţialul toxic, pe de altă parte, la fel nu se doreşte punerea în lumină a datelor tuturor experimentelor realizate cu instalaţiile HAARP (perioada de emisie, intensitatea emisiei, etc.) şi a tuturor datelor seismice înregistrate (gaze emise – variaţia concentraţiei de radon, electricitate, mecanica plăcilor tectonice, etc.) de la cutremurele din ultimele decenii, urmate de corelarea acestor date, pentru că s-ar dovedi în mod clar o corespondenţă între activitatea HAARP şi acestea, şi nu creşterea aşa-zis neobişnuită a seismicităţii planetei însoţită de „aura” de mister virtual care învăluie cauza cutremurelor care sunt de fapt produse de diferitele grupări demente cu intenţii criminale.

Înregistrări ale satelitului Demeter

Pe 23 octombrie 2011, în timp ce seismul cu magnitudinea de 7,2 a afectat provincia Van din Turcia, destabilizând zona de frontieră cu Iranul, s-a obţinut confirmarea că satelitul francez Demeter a observat, cu 40 de minute înaintea cutremurului din martie 2011 din Japonia, o încărcătură anormală de electroni deasupra zonei afectate. Demeter, a înregistrat acelaşi aspect înainte de cutremurul din Haiti (2010). Întrebarea logică ce se poate pune este dacă au fost corelate datele înregistrate, atât pe satelit cât şi la sol  în ultimele săptămâni înaintea cutremurelor, referitoare la modificările electrice atmosferice din zonele respective (corespunzătoare zonelor de pregătire a cutremurelor), cu cele referitoare la modificările gazoase (emisia de radon) şi cu încărcăturile anormale de electroni (înregistrate de Demeter) apărute în aceste zone imediat înainte de producerea cutremurelor. În acest mod am putea şti cu precizie cauza – naturală sau produsă intenţionat – a acestor cutremure. Nu suntem naivi să credem că astfel de date complete vor fi date publicităţii prea curând.

DEMETER (Detection Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions = detectarea emisiilor electromagnetice transmise de regiunile seismice) este un microsatelit francez din dotarea Centrului Naţional de Studii Spaţiale Franceze care este dedicat investigării perturbărilor ionosferice datorate activităţii seismice şi vulcanice.

Pierderi de vieţi omeneşti şi pierderi economice ca urmare a seismelor, în ultimele trei decenii

Mai jos puteţi observa, în cele patru diagrame realizate de Sistemul de Supraveghere Geologică a Statelor Unite (United States Geological Survey), creşterea importantă a numărului de cutremure cu magnitudine între 7 şi 9 în ultimele două decenii – perioadă de timp în care au apărut şi au fost puse în funcţiune sistemele HAARP, faţă de anii ’80 când aceste sisteme nu erau încă construite. În anii ’90 (1990-1999) au fost 6 cutremure cu magnitudine peste 8. În perioada 2000-2011 au avut loc cu 9 cutremure cu magnitudine peste 8 mai mult decat în anii ’90 (n=15).

Pierderile de vieţi omeneşti în aceste cutremure au fost importante, numărul acestora crescând de la un deceniu la altul într-un ritm alarmant în ultimele trei decenii. Astfel, dacă în perioada 1980-1989 cutremurele au făcut 58.680 morţi, în deceniul următor, 1990-1999, numărul acestora s-a dublat aproape, ajungând la 114.646 decese. În perioada 2000-2009 numărul persoanelor decedate în timpul seismelor a fost de patru ori (!!!) mai mare (n=471.015) faţă de anii ’90. Iar în ultimii doi ani (2010, 2011) s-a atins nivelul de 72,5%  (n=341.518) din decesele produse de cutremure în perioada 2000-2009.
Din punct de vedere economic, în topul pierderilor materiale produse de cutremure se află seismul din 11 martie 2011 din Japonia cu pierderi de 122 de miliarde de dolari, apoi cel din China (Sichuan) din 2008 – 75 de miliarde de dolari şi cel din Chile (2010) care a provocat pagube în valoare de 15-30 miliarde de dolari.

Vă reamintim pe scurt cutremurele importante din ultimii ani:
23 octombrie 2011 – provincia Van, Turcia (magnitudine 7,2)
11 martie 2011 – cutremurul Tohuku, Japonia (M9)
27 februarie 2010 – Chile (M8,8)
12 ianuarie 2010 – Haiti (M7)
12 mai 2008 – Sichuan, China (M8),
12 septembrie 2007 – Sumatra (M8,5)
28 martie 2005 – Sumatra, Indonezia (M8,6),
26 decembrie 2004 – oceanul Indian, Indonezia (M9,1-9,3).

…în loc de concluzie…

Şi de această dată se dovedeşte că ştiinţa fără conştiinţă poate ruina nu numai sufletul, dar şi vieţile multor sute de mii de oameni. Încă o dată se dovedeşte că invenţiile geniale ale unor fizicieni dornici de faimă sunt utilizate împotriva fiinţei umane.

Dr. Edward Teller, supranumit „părintele bombei cu hidrogen”,  afirma: „dacă muntele dvs. nu se află în locul potrivit, apelaţi la noi”. Cei care utilizează sistemele HAARP ar putea spune la fel sau mai mult … „dacă vă deranjează placa tectonică vecină sau ceea ce se află pe placa tectonică vecină, sunaţi-ne!”…

“Ionospheric precursors of earthquakes”- Sergey Pulinets, Kirill Boyarchuk (2004)
„Războiul geofizic” – dr. Emil Străinu, G-ral brigadă (2009)
„Angels don’t play this HAARP” de Nick Begich, Jeane Manning (1996)

The Murder of Simon of Trent (1475)
Woodcut by Wolgemuth, from Schedel’s Weltchronik, Nuremberg, 1493
Note the (still) clearly recognizable types engaged in torturing Simon. . .

Simon of Trent

This translation is dedicated to Dr. Hellmut Schramm, whose fate remains unknown, and to Julius Streicher and all the other investigators who have paid with their lives for publicizing information about this subject. — R.B.

Table of Contents



Jewish Ritual Murders up to the Year 1840 — page 15
— page 223
— page 341

Damascus 1840 — page 163
— page 282
— page 3101
— page 4123

Tisza-Eszlár 1882 — page 1135
— page 2156
— page 3178

Skurz 1884 — page 1197

Corfu 1891 — page 1205

Xanten 1891 — page 1229
— page 2249

Polna 1898/99 — page 1265

Konitz 1900 — page 1289
— page 2310

Kiev 1911 — page 1333
— page 2355

Summary of the Historical Events — page 1375
— page 2395

Appendix — 417

1. Translation of the address delivered to the Vice-Regent of Egypt (4 August 1840)419

2. M. Crémieux in Vienna (December 1840)420

3. Protocol II from 22 May 1882426

4. From the speech of Deputy Rickert in the Prussian House of Deputies (9 February 1892)428

5. Letter of Rohling to the Court at Cleves430

6. Excerpt from speech of the attorney Dr. Braxa at Kuttenberg432

7. Alliance for the Solution of the Konitz Murder434

8. Excerpt from speech of Deputy Liebermann von Sonnenberg, 7 February 1901435

9. Table of Ritual-Murders established through present investigation443

10. Bibliography451

Index of Locations461

Index of Persons465


Gallery and Maps Section

Gallery I

Gallery II

Gallery II-a

Gallery III

Gallery IV

Gallery V

Gallery VI





Kennedy and KING KILL 33

Posted: February 9, 2012 in Uncategorized



Table of Contents:



Preface to King-Kill/ 33: James Shelby Downard’s Vision

This excerpt from the essay “King-Kill/33” has been out of print since 1987 and the publication of the first edition of Adam Parfrey’s conspiracy anthology, ‘Apocalypse Culture.’ Subsequent editions of ‘Apocalypse Culture’ (including the current Feral House edition), do not carry it.

The Campaign for Radical Truth in History ( is pleased to make this excerpt available once again, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the immolation of America’s only Catholic president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. May his surviving murderers be yet brought to justice.

Convicted Mafia hit-man Charles Harrelson, a suspected Kennedy assassin, is incarcerated in a Federal prison for the contract killing of a federal judge. (The suspect is the father of “Natural Born Killer” movie star Woody Harrelson, who was directed by “JFK” filmmaker Oliver Stone). Journalists have thus far shown little interest in attempting to interview the senior Harrelson and persuade him to provide information which might lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for Kennedy’s killing.

The late James Shelby Downard’s primal way of looking at things, which is the way I think ancient man perceived the world, encompasses a vision that detects every link and every symbol, beginning with the significance of names, then places and then the obsessive actions which stem from the confluence of the two and which have come to be known as ritual. Publisher Adam Parfrey, who first brought Shelby’s work to a mass audience, states:

“In Downard’s writings, the products of his subconscious bubble to the surface and catalyze painstaking research. The collision of the poetic against the logical works especially well in the field of conspiracy; it remains the freshest approach to a field of inquiry…”

I remember sitting in Shelby’s airstream trailer in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1977, along with the great Fortean philosopher William N. Grimstad and Charles Saunders, a brilliant recluse who was a close friend of Jack Kerouac toward the end of the Beat writer’s life (a fact missed by every one of Kerouac’s numerous biographers; so much for biographers).

Shelby’s conversation that day ranged from the occult significance of the Theremin musical instrument to the sorcerous implications of elevators, the relationship he had with an evanescent rabbit named Petey; the sinister connotations of the circus and the mystical topography of the American Southwest, which Mr. Downard knew the way you and I know our backyard.

As he fried our hamburgers, he regaled us in his prospector’s drawl with the hidden wonders of a tapestry of coincidences which he wove from the seeming mundane details of everyday living, into a magic carpet of incomparable strangeness and peerless utility.

Parfrey spoke for many of Shelby’s friends and associates when he stated: “Downard has influenced me to look with interest upon the details and the fantastic convergences of life…”

For my money, James Shelby Downard is the one man most intimately tied to the once and future November, on the Camelot calendar’s 33rd turning of the wheel, in this age of the Revelation of the Method; the era of the deluge of hidden facts made public, which Downard predicted would not liberate us, but only enslave us further.

More than two decades ago he foresaw the coming of this time as the fulfillment of the final dictum of the alchemical rampage of the elephant Must Be; the behemoth run amok in the fields of our nightmares. As the “X-Files” and the other fictional TV shows which neither I or Shelby have ever seen, purposefully muddy the waters with a flood of pop drivel disguised as revelation, the actual truths are lost in the swirl.

James Shelby Downard looked forward to the time beyond Must Be, to the era which will witness the return of could be. After the coming cataclysmic chastisement has run its cleansing course, we will once again wish upon a star and dream a destiny free of the masonic chain that at present binds our nation as tightly as the hangman’s rope once bound the rotted cadavers on Tyburn Tree.

Despite having been relentlessly targeted and attacked for more than a half century, Mr. Downard, unlike poor Kennedy, did trip the Harodim on the winding stairs and did slide down the railing, like a child outwitting enormously big and powerful bad guys, by the fortune which Providence reserves for the guileless. –Michael A. Hoffman II


Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

By James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II

This excerpt Copyright©1998. All Rights Reserved.

To purchase a ring-bound copy of the complete 41 pp. King-Kill 33 manuscript, as well as other writings of Mr. Downard, visit our secure online store.

The information I present in these pages on the Kennedy assassination is well-known to certain news agencies who have chosen to suppress it, just as the motivation for the assassination has been plunged into cryonic secrecy. Masonic betrayal of the “common man” involves archetypes of fertility and death symbolism seemingly motivated to bring about syncretism in opposing principles in order to green Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and establish a One World government.

It is by way of Masonic sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about. The criminals who stage-managed Dallas in the killing of Kennedy have controlled the American people’s will in exchange for a sleep without nightmares. I publish this in the wake of the situation Charles Seymour alluded to: “The moralist unquestionably secures wide support; but he also wearies his audience.” Most Americans are beyond being tired; the revelations have benumbed them.

Most Freemasons apparently have no idea of the evil that is part of Masonry, and if they do know about it they don’t believe it. The same holds true for most members of the “Clandestine Lodges” and Masonic-oriented fraternal organizations as well as Androgynous Masonic Societies.

It is certain that onomatology, or the science of names, forms a very interesting part of the investigations of the higher Masonry…. –(Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)

When the ancients saw a scapegoat, they could at least recognize him for what he was: a pharmakos, a human sacrifice. When modern man sees one, he does not, or refuses to, recognize him for what he IS; instead he looks for “scientific” explanations-to explain away the obvious.

–Thomas Szasz, (Ceremonial Chemistry)

The “science of names” word wizardry forms only one segment of the science of symbolism used by Masons. The JFK assassination encounters this science in a decisive way and contains a veritable nightmare of symbol-complexes having to do with violence, perversion, conspiracy, death and degradation. These elements are important not only as cause-and-effect in the murder of a president but in the ensuing reaction of the people of America and the world.

The fertility and death symbolism in the “Killing of the King” rite which is part of Greening Ritualism that has to do with JFK, has been suppressed because examination of it must necessarily link it to “Freemasonry” and its mysticism, as well as to the political influence it exerts. Obviously this would do some damage to public confidence in:

a. Masonic progressivism. i.e. Iiberty, equality, fraternity.

b. Those who have shielded the conspirators.

c. The entire mental concept that passes for knowledge about the genuine nature of the government of the United States.

Mystical Toponomy

Mystical toponomy incorporates word wizardry (onomatology) and the Masonic science of symbolism. In considering my data it would be helpful to consider a dictum of Einsteinian physics: “Time relations among events are assumed to be first constituted by the specific physical relations obtaining between them.”

My study of place names imbued with sorcerous significance necessarily includes lines of latitude and longitude and the divisions of degrees in geography and cartography (minutes and seconds).

Let us take as an example the “Mason Road” in Texas that connects to the “Mason No El Bar” and the Texas-New Mexico (“The Land of Enchantment”) border. This connecting line is on the 32nd degree. The 32nd degree is the penultimate Masonic degree awarded. When this 32nd degree of latitude is traced west into the “Land of Enchantment” it becomes situated midway between Deming and Columbus, New Mexico.

Slightly to the north of the town of Columbus are the Tres Hermanas (three sisters) mountains. It is approximately 32 miles between Deming and Columbus. The Three Sisters mountains are a minute and some seconds south of the 32nd degree line. When this line is traced further west it passes the ghost town of Shakespeare at a distance south of the town which is roughly equivalent to the distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the Three Sisters mountains. The names “Shakespeare” and “Three Sisters” find a connection in the tragedy Macbeth which comprises such a large part of JFK assassination imagery.

When this 32nd degree line is traced a little distance farther west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meandered north of what is now another ghost town but which at one time was called the town of “Ruby.” Part of the old winding trail became known as the “Ruby Road.” The town of Ruby acquired its name officially on April 11, 1912, and was notorious for many brutal murders which had ritual aspects. Four of these homicides occurred in a store attached to the post office which had been erected over the grave of a Catholic priest.

Continuing on with mystical toponomy, one encounters the fact that Ruby road twists north into the area known as the Kennedy and Johnson mountains.

Johnson Mountain is supposedly named after the general manager of the Peabody Mining Company who also had a town named after him which was the location of the Keystone and Peabody copper mines. The 32nd degree of latitude is but a few seconds from Johnson. In this frontier town on a December evening, 1883, a Colonel Mike Smith and a man Mason were ambushed by gunfighters described as being of questionable reputation and questionable character. These terms are employed in Masonic writings:

He [Captain William Morgan, victim of an early 19th century torture-murder by Masons] was a man of questionable character and dissolute habits, and his enmity to Masonry originated in his refusal of the Masons of Leroy. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry).

A “keystone” is the designation for which, when set in place, “keys” or locks the whole. A symbolic keystone is vital to the legend of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree of York. The earliest known record of such a degree is in the annals of the city of Fredericksburg, Virginia, on December 22, 1753. Fredericksburg is also the location of the “House of the Rising Sun,” a masonic meeting place for such notables as founding fathers George Washington and Benjamin Franklin (of Hell-Fire Club fame) and George Mason.

The Killing of the King

Never allow anyone the luxury of assuming that because the dead and deadening scenery of the American city-of-dreadful-night is so utterly devoid of mystery, so thoroughly flat-footed, sterile and infantile, so burdened with the illusory gloss of “baseball-hot dogs-apple-pie-and-Chevrolet” that it is somehow outside the psycho-sexual domain.

The eternal pagan psychodrama is escalated under these “modern” conditions precisely because sorcery is not what 20th century man can accept as real. Thus the “Killing of the King” rite of November, 1963 is alternately diagnosed as a conflict Needless to say, each of these groups has a place in the symbolism having to do with the Kennedy assassination.

But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous: for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshalling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation. Something died in the American people on November 22, 1963-call it idealism, innocence or the quest for moral excellence. It is the transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder and until so-called conspiracy theorists can accept this very real element they will be reduced to so many eccentrics amusing a tiny remnant of dilettantes and hobbyists.

President Kennedy and his wife left the Temple Houston and were met at midnight by tireless crowds present to cheer the virile “Sun God” and his dazzlingly erotic wife, the “Queen of Love and Beauty,” in Fort Worth. On the morning of November 22, they flew to Gate 28 at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is “Beale.”

On the 28th degree of latitude in the state of Texas is the site of what was once the giant “Kennedy ranch.” On the 28th degree is also Cape Canaveral from which the moon flight was launched-made possible not only by the President’s various feats but by his death as well, for the placing of the Freemasons on the moon could occur only after the Killing of the King. The 28th degree of Templarism is the “King of the Sun” degree. The President and First Lady arrived in Air Force One, code-named “Angel.”

The motorcade proceeded from Love Field to Dealey Plaza. Dealey Plaza is the site of the Masonic temple in Dallas (now razed) and there is a marker attesting to this fact in the plaza.

Important “protective” strategy for Dealey Plaza was planned by the New Orleans CIA station whose headquarters were a Masonic temple building. Dallas, Texas is located ten miles north of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the highest in Freemasonry and the founding lodge of the Scottish Rite in America was created in Charleston, South Carolina, exactly on the 33rd degree line.

Dealey Plaza is close to the Trinity River. At 12:22 p.m. the motorcade proceeded down Main Street toward the Triple Underpass, traveling first down (“Bloody”) Elm St. The latter was the scene of numerous gun fights, stabbings and other violence, and it is the location of the Majestic Theatre, the pawn shop/negro district, and industrial district.

It was also the home of the Blue Front Tavern, a Masonic hangout in the grand tradition of “tavern-Masonry”: Sam Adams and the Masons of the American Revolution did much of their conspiring at the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. One of the many bars claiming the honor of being the first Masonic lodge is the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, also in Boston.

The Blue Front was the site of the “broken-man” ritual in which various members of the “Brotherhood of the Broom” swept the floor and tended some fierce javelino pigs. The Blue Front was once a fire-house and was still sporting its fire-pole in the late 1920s. This is extremely germane symbolism. The national offices of the Texaco Oil Corporation are located on Elm St., Dallas. Its chief products are “Haviland (javalino) Oil” and “Fire Chief” gasoline.

On the corner of Bloody Elm and Houston is the “Sexton Building.” “Sexton” is heavily laden with graveyard connotations. It is closely associated to the beetles of the genus Necrophorus or Sexton Beetles, so-called because they bury the remains of tiny animals with their eggs.

Bloody Elm, Main, and Commerce form a trident pattern in alignment with the triple underpass as any Dallas map will show. Many analysts contend that at least three assassins were involved in the crossfire ambush of Kennedy.

It is a prime tenet of Masonry that its assassins come in threes. Masonic assassins are known in the code of the lodge as the “unworthy craftsmen.” Because Masonry is obsessed with earth-as-gameboard (tessellation) and the ancillary alignments necessary to facilitate the “game,” it is inordinately concerned with railroads and railroad personnel to the extent that outside of lawyers and circus performers, no other vocation has a higher percentage of Masons than railroad workers.

Minutes after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered three “hoboes” (“unworthy craftsmen”) were arrested at the railyard behind Dealey Plaza.

No records of their identities have ever been revealed nor the “identity” of the arresting officer. All that remains of those few minutes are a series of photographs which have reached legendary proportions among persons concerned with uncovering the real forces and persons behind the assassination.

Dealey Plaza breaks down symbolically in this manner: “Dea” means “goddess” in Latin and “Ley” can pertain to the law or rule in the Spanish, or lines of preternatural geographic significance in the pre-Christian nature religions of the English.

For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the “Queen of Love and Beauty” and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the “Ceannaideach” (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning “ugly head” or “wounded head”).

The systematic arrangement and pattern of symbolic things having to do with the killing of Kennedy indicates that he was a scapegoat in a sacrifice. The purpose of such macabre ritualism is further recognizable in patterns of symbolism culminating in the final “making manifest all that is hidden.”


Oswald means “divine strength.” The diminutive form of the word is “os” or “Oz”: denoting strength. The role which “Divine Strength” played in the Dealey “Goddess Rule” Killing of the King ritual should be given careful consideration.

One should also note the significance of (Jack) Ruby’s killing (destroying) of “Ozwald” in reference to the “Ruby Slippers” of The Wizard of Oz which one may deride as a fairy tale but which nevertheless symbolizes the immense power of “ruby light,” otherwise known as the laser.

Oswald may have undergone biotelemetry implantation in the Soviet Union while a “volunteer” at a Behavior Control Center at Minsk. Oswald roomed with Cubans and was allegedly friendly with a Castro-man identified only as being “burly” and a “key man.” “Burly” can mean burlecue, burlicue or burlesque. The “key,” of course, is one of the most important symbols in Masonry and the symbol of silence.

If Oswald was the result of some Soviet Frankenstein process why did he have to travel several thousand miles for such treatment when it is a routine operation in America?

While such activities of the Mill-of-Dread are pro forma at a variety of institutions at the present, there was once a time when it was deemed necessary to do such work at Walter Reed Hospital.

These implants were back alley operations in which the victims were overpowered in some place or other, drugged and then dragged to this government hospital. They were operated on, continued on a heavy drug regimen and varied from somnolent to comatose for a number of days. The electrical function of the victim was recorded and monitored and the biotelemetry plant tested. Subsequently the victims were “brainwashed” and returned to the place where they had been seized. The targets then continued their existence, unaware of how their bodies had been invaded and their autonomy stolen.

Occasionally, victims were returned to Walter Reed because of abscesses at the incision or for the replacement of the obsolete device with an updated one. Biotelemetry implants were made in various parts of the body depending on the desired effect and function.

Like the disgraceful treatment of the autopsy of President Kennedy, Oswald’s is similarly weird. Oswald was literally butchered in the “postmortem examination.” Pieces were actually cut out of his body. The major incision in his torso resembled a huge “Y” which ran from the area of his groin to the solar plexus region. From there incisions were made to the right and left armpits. The so-called “two horns of the letter Y” supposedly symbolize the paths of virtue and vice: the right branch leading to the former and the left to the latter. The letter is sometimes referred to as the “Litera Pythagorae” (The Letter of Pythagoras): “Litera Pythagorae, discrimine secta bicorni, Humanae vitae speciem praeferre videtur” (The Letter of Pythagoras parted by its two branched division appears to exhibit the image of human life).

In the 47th Problem of Euclid lies a secret of the 3rd Degree of Masonry. Pythagoras is called by Freemasons “our ancient friend and brother.” One of Pythagoras’ main doctrines was the system of “Metempsychosis” which pertains to the passing of a human soul into the body of an animal. Perhaps this was the intention of the autopsy-by incising in Oswald’s body the “Letter of Pythagoras” they sought to expedite transmigration, and they may even have gone as far as feeding sections of Oswald’s corpse to the intended animal, for this too is a practice of what used to be widely feared as necromancy.

Arlington Necrology

The Kennedy and Oswald burials were both at “Arlington”: JFK at the National Cemetery near Washington, D.C., and Oswald at Rosehill Cemetery near Arlington, Texas. “Arlington” is a word of significance in Masonic sorcery and mysticism and it has a hidden meaning which ties in with necrolatry.

At the Kennedy gravesite there is a stone circle and in its middle a fire that is called an “eternal flame.” The fire in the middle of the circle represents a point in the circle, the same type of symbolism that is recognizable in Kennedy’s bier and cof fin being in the center of the rotunda in the Capitol. A point in a circle symbolized the sun in ancient sun worship. It was also a symbol of fecundity, with the point symbolizing a phallus and the circle a vagina.

At the Oswald gravesite stands a small tree. There exists an old belief that a tree which grows at or on a grave is embodied with the spirit-force of the person buried at that site, and that a twig or branch taken from such a tree has magical powers.

I suggest that Lee Harvey Oswald’s mother should gently remove a twig from the tree at her son’s grave and then at every opportunity touch FBI agents, CIA operatives, policemen, etc., with that same twig. Such a procedure couldn’t help but be more efficacious in bringing the murderers of JFK to justice than the Warren Commission was.

Funerary Rites

John F. (Honey Fitz) Fitzgerald, the grandfather of John F. Kennedy, was elected mayor of Boston thanks in part to his “Wake House” campaigns which were much imitated. These consisted of a daily surveillance of the newspapers for announcements of deaths after which a discreet “sympathizer” would be dispatched and a good deal of political mileage accumulated in the bargain.

For a time the Fitzgeralds lived near the former site of the Green Dragon Tavern, established around 1680 and demolished for the widening of a street in 1820. The Fitzgerald home was on Hanover Street and the Green Dragon Tavern was on Green Dragon Lane (now Union Street). The tavern boasted the “first lodge room of Freemasonry in America,” the St. Andrew Lodge located within the tavern proper.

In the mysticism of the Chinese tongs, the Green Dragon is a death symbol. A symbol of the dragon is worn on a ring or held in the hand of a “hatchet man.” The Green Dragon is supposed to impart the notion of a “license to kill” for it signifies that the murder is an affair of “honor”: the Green Dragon is the guardian of the god-with-a-thousand-eyes who protects the sanctity of the third heaven.

Much of Boston’s Irish population arrived in American in what were nicknamed the “coffin ships.” Members of the Kennedy family were acquainted with the “Coffin” family. The Reverend William Sloane Coffin was the son of the theologian Henry Sloane Coffin; the younger Coffin was a member of the Peace Corps Advisory Council that Sargent Shriver headed. “Shriver” or “Shrive” has the meaning of one who grants absolution to a penitent, and it was customary to call upon a shriver before death. If the shriver was not available, a “sin eater” was summoned. The old pious cry which was connected with the request for a shriving was “Shrive me O Holy Land and Give Me Peace.” To this the shriver would respond “Pax Vobiscum“:

…the spell lies in two words, Pax Vobiscum will answer all queries. If you go or come, eat or drink, bless or ban, Pax Vobiscum carries you through it all. It is as useful to a friar as a broomstick to a witch or a wand to a conjurer. Speak it but thus, in a deep grave tone, Pax Vobiscum! It is irresistible-watch and ward, Knight and squire, foot and horse, it acts as a charm upon them all. I think, if they bring me out to be hanged tomorrow, as is much to be doubted they may, I will try its weights upon the finisher of the sentence. (“Wamba, son of Witless”)

Sargent Shriver, a Catholic and Kennedy by marriage, as head of the Peace Corps and in association with a Coffin, might be considered to be in a sensitive position in relation to mystical onomatology.

In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the highest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin. The placing of him in the coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed a rising from the dead; the “mind,” says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus, is afflicted in death just as it is in the initiation in the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on the tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries. [My emphasis.] (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)

President Kennedy sat at the head of a coffin table at the White House. To his back, over a fireplace, hung a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, an assassinated president. On either side of the picture were urns that resembled the type called “cinerary urns” which are vessels in which the ashes of the dead are kept.

A book about JFK was called Three Steps to the White House. In Masonry are what is known as the “three symbolical steps.” “The three grand steps symbolically lead from this life to the source of all knowledge.” (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)

It must be evident to every Master Mason without further explanation, that the three steps are taken from the darkness to a place of light, either figuratively or really over a coffin, the symbol of death, to teach symbolically that the passage from darkness and ignorance of this life through death to the light and knowledge of eternal life. And this from earliest times was the true symbolism of the step. (Ibid.)

The body of President Kennedy was placed in a coffin which was positioned in the center of a circle under the Capitol dome. The catafalque was “a temporary structure of wood appropriately decorated with funeral symbols and representing a tomb or cenotaph. It forms a part of the decorations of a ‘Sorrow Lodge.’ ” This Masonic Encyclopedia entry refers to the ceremonies of the Third Degree in Lodges of the French Rite.

Pictures taken of the Kennedy coffin and catafalque show these two props of the funerary rite as a point in a circle. Fecundity is the symbolic signification of the Point within a circle and is a derivation of ancient sun worship.

In the lore of mystery cults and fertility religions was invariably the legend of the death of the hero god and the disappearance of his body. In the subsequent search and supposed finding of the body we see the contrivance of an elaborate psychological ruse. The body was said to have been concealed by the killer or killers of the hero god. The concealment of the body was called “aphanism” and is a rite of the Masonic 3rd Degree. Anyone interested in comprehending the mechanics of group mind control would do well to study the 3rd and 9th degrees in particular, and all the grades of Masonry in general. The disappearance of the body, this aphanism, is to be found in the assassination of President Kennedy:

The President’s brain was removed and his body buried without it … Dr. Cyril Wecht, chief medical examiner of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, past president of the American Academy of Forensic Scientists, and a professor of pathology and law, received permission from the Kennedy family in 1972 to view the autopsy materials (at the National Archives) … When he routinely asked to see the brain, Wecht was told it was missing, along with the microscopic slides of the brain. Marion Johnson, curator of the Warren Commission’s material at the Archives said, “The brain’s not here. We don’t know what happened to it.” (Los Angeles Free Press, Special Report No. I, pg. 16)

If and when the brain is recovered, the entire process will have been completed under the term “euresis.” In the Masonic Mysteries are “symbolical ladders.” On the Masonic tracing board of 1776 there is a ladder with three steps, a significant revision of the usual ladder in such references (seven steps).

There are of course all sorts of ladders: the Brahmanical Ladder (seven steps), the Kadosh Ladder (seven steps), Rosicrucian Ladder (seven steps), Jacob’s Ladder (various numbers attributed), the Kabbalistic Ladder (ten steps); then there is old “Tim Finnegan’s Ladder” which is known to some as the “Ladder of Misfortune,” and it is seemingly comprised of one false step after another.

Tim Finnegan was an Irish hod carrier who fell off his ladder while drunk. Since he was apparently dead, his friends held a “Death Watch” (black watch or wake) at his coffin. This watch lived up to the traditional “liveliness” of these affairs and Mr. Finnegan was splashed with some vintage Irish whiskey (Fitzgerald’s?) and resurrected. “Finnegan’s Wake”…

After the Kennedy coffin was removed from the center of the Capitol rotunda circle, it was taken, with pageantry, to the street for viewing. The funeral procession made an “unplanned stop” on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the “Occidental Restaurant” and a picture was taken of the flag draped Kennedy coffin with the word “Occidental” featured prominently over it. In Masonry and in the lore of the Egyptian jackal-god Anubis, a dead person is said to have “gone west.”

Several months after the Kennedy funeral, “Occidental Life,” an insurance branch of the Transamerica Corporation, ran an advertisement for group life insurance which it proclaimed to be “new” but contained a turn that was indeed original: the inferential weird claim was made that “Until now there was only one way to cash in on Group Insurance” (my emphasis); apparently some rather profound changes were made in the manner of things-as-they-are after the “Killing of the King” had become a fait accompli.

The spontaneous stop was made because of the horse Sardar (“chief”), a gelding (“Castro”), which was wearing boots pointing around to the rear in the Kennedy funerary rite. Horses figure prominently not only in the pleasure of kings but in their murders as well. James Earl Ray was convicted partly on the evidence of a “white Mustang” (automobile), Sirhan Sirhan claimed to his psychiatrists, trance-like, that he shot Robert Kennedy “for a mustang, mustang, mustang …”

John F. Kennedy had demonstrated affection for the performance of a lady who was a renowned ostrich-feather fan-manipulator (Norma Jean Baker a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe). In Egypt, lamenting girls with ostrich feather-fans sang a song of entreaty of the type that Nephthys and Isis reputedly sang as a dirge, before the partial resurrection and/or erection of Osiris. The sad dirge or lamentation has become known as a “Maneros” consisting primarily of the singers entreating the dead to return, by singing “come to my house” and then offering inducements of some type or other.

It is a damn pity that the ritualists didn’t have Marilyn Monroe and Rosemary Clooney sing a Maneros at the JFK funeral, for Rosemary Clooney just couldn’t believe that JFK was dead at the time, and Marilyn Monroe was killed because of JFK. In Ancient Egypt the entreaty to the dead of the type said to be performed by Isis and Nepthys was usually performed with a hawk-fertility-goddess statue present along with other funerary symbolism.

Jacqueline Kennedy was considered “fashionable, erudite, erotic and stunningly gorgeous.” Mrs. Kennedy visited an exhibition of Egyptian funerary rite symbols at the National Gallery of Art where she was photographed with a depiction of the “hawk-headed divinity that was said to be named Hor-khenty-khem.” Recently there was a traveling nightmare of funerary symbolism touring the country (the Tutankhamen exhibit of the National Endowment of the Humanities).

Before JFK began his Jornada del Muerto (Journey of Death), he was photographed with Yugoslavian dictator Tito on the winding stairs in the White House. Tito is a significant name in Masonry since it was the title given to Prince Harodim, the first Judge and Provost said to be appointed by King Solomon. The Tito was a reputed favorite of Solomon, whose temple was a hotbed of thievery, money-changing, male and female prostitution and sorcery. This ancient Tito presided over the Lodge of Intendants of this temple and was one of the “twelve knights of the twelve tribes of Israel.”

Let me repeat, JFK was on some winding stairs with a man named Tito. Winding stairs are symbolically important in Masonry.

The degree of the winding stair is taught in the degree of Fellow Craft. This is the Second Degree, and a person at this grade is of course a candidate for the symbolic assassination, euresis, autopsy and coffin resurrection of the Third Degree.

The number of steps in the winding stair are “odd” although no less so than the fact that this Tito or Harodim is a name translating as “those who rule over” the activities of the temple Solomon.

The winding stairs of this temple, according to the Masons, begins at the porch and winds to a level purified by the Divine Presence (Shekinah) and dominated by the Divine Strength (Oswald).

President Kennedy preceded Tito down the stairs to a portrait of the assassinated President Garfield where he was photographed, and another picture was taken on the stairs before a picture of Lincoln (recall the black walnut rocker of JFK, comparable to the black walnut rocker Lincoln was assassinated in; the “Lincoln Continental” limousine in which Kennedy was shot and the dozens of other parallels between the two men). It’s unfortunate that President Kennedy didn’t trip Tito and then slide down the stair-rail, for he was in a very vulnerable position as related to Masonic sorcery, and such unorthodox action might have rattled the “Prince of Harodim.”

John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a “pharmakos.” “Pharmakos” or “Pharmak-vos” can mean “enchantment with drugs and sorcery” or “beaten, crippled or immolated.” In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.

Jesus Christ was tortured and murdered as the result of the intrigue of the men of the Temple of Solomon who hated and feared Him. They were steeped in Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician mysticism.

Masonry does not believe in murdering a man in just any old way and in the JFK assassination it went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act of theirs correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of the King.

I have stated that the three hoboes arrested at the time of the assassination in Dallas are at least as important symbolically as operationally and that they comprise the “Three Unworthy Craftsmen” of Masonry. This symbolism is at once a telling psychological blow against the victim and his comrades, a sign of frustrated inquiry– the supposedly senseless nature of any quest into the authentic nature of the murderers–and a mirror or doppelganger of the three assassins who execute the actual murder.

As for the three assassins themselves:

Perry Raymond Russo told a New Orleans grand jury that [CIA agent David] Ferrie said [regarding the assassination of JFK] that “there would have to be a minimum of three people involved. Two of the persons would shoot diversionary shots and the third … shot the good shot.” Ferrie said that one of the three would have to be the “scapegoat.” He also said that Ferrie discoursed on the availability of exit, saying that the sacrificed man would give the other two time to escape. (Quoted by W.H. Bowart in Operation Mind Control).

The Warren Commission

Gentlemen, don’t pass me by!

Don’t miss your opportunity!

Inspect my wares with careful eye; I have a great variety. And yet there is nothing on my stall.

(Witch in Goethe’s Faust I, Walpurgis Night)

These are the thoughts of a huckster-witch which one need not search for dressed all in black with conical cap; instead, look among the gray flannel suits in the board rooms and offices of the newspapers, electronic media, government and advertising agencies-that is, those who are not busy working for the CIA or Naval Intelligence selling the public lies.

Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate the death of Catholic Kennedy. Mason and member of the 33rd degree, Gerald R. Ford, was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information to the commission was Mason and member of the 33rd degree, J. Edgar Hoover. Former CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his agency’s data supplied to the panel.

Is it paranoid to be suspicious of the findings of the panel on these grounds? Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate the death of a Jew or to suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to investigate the death of a negro?

Representative Hale Boggs, the only Catholic on the commission, at first agreed with its findings and when he later began to seriously question them he was “accidentally” killed in a plane crash.

HOODWINK. (Definition.) A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.”-Dr. Albert Mackey, Mason, member of the 33rd degree, foremost Masonic historian of the nineteenth century, writing in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.

That is how they see us, as “profane,” as “cowans” (outsiders), unclean and too perverted to look upon their hallowed truths. Yes, murder, sexual atrocities, mind control, attacks against the people of the United States, all of these things are so elevated, so lofty and holy as to be beyond the view of mere humans.


On December 20, 1947, Jacob Rubinstein changed his name to Jack L. Ruby by decree of the 68th Judicial Court of Dallas, Texas. The etymology of the term “Ruby”: (French) rubis; (Spanish) rubi; (Latin) rubinus, carbuncle.

ln old law books it was once the practice to print some of the titles of the statutes in red and these were termed rubrics or a ruby and hence any fixed, formulated or authoritative injunction of duty was apt to be designated as being a rubric or ruby.

As a rubinus or carbuncle Ruby is associated with the “Breastplate of Judgment” used by the Chosen Mispet (High Priests) of Jewish sorcery, enabling them to receive “divine” answers regarding the welfare of Judaism; some interpretations claim that the “Breastplate of Judgment” manifested the immediate presence of Jehovah and was also worn by Masons in Royal Arch chapters.

This “breastplate [which] contained twelve stones” each symbolized one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The carbuncle or ruby was connected to the tribe of Judah (Nohpech).

The term “Jack Ruby” was once used by pawnbrokers to indicated a fake ruby.

In iconography a ruby or carbuncle symbolizes blood, suffering and death.

Truth or Consequences

District Attorney for New Orleans, James Garrison, was supported by a “Truth or Consequences” Club and is alleged to have been an ex-FBI agent and to have been mentally disturbed at one time. Jim Garrison was an outsider in the Secret Society machinations of the FBI and may very well have been pharmacologically or hypnotically induced to set up his ill-fated investigation and the position he acquired in the “Truth or Consequences Commission.”

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is a town located on the 33rd degree of parallel latitude, and near the same latitude John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an oblation and on the same latitude is the chief Temple on this planet in the minds of sorcerers, namely the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem, which was once located there and is sworn to be rebuilt on this 33rd degree.

In a literal, alchemical sense, the Making Manifest of All That is Hidden is the accomplishment of the 3rd Law of the Alchemists and is, as yet, unfulfilled or at least not completed; the other two have been: the creation and destruction of primordial mater (the detonation of the first Atomic Bomb at the Trinity Site, at White Sands, New Mexico, on the 33rd degree of parallel), the Killing of the King (at the Trinity Site, at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, near the 33rd degree of latitude).

Only the repetition of information presented in conjunction with knowledge of this mechanism of Making Manifest of All That is Hidden provides the sort of boldness and will which can demonstrate that we are aware of all the enemies, all the opponents, all the tricks and gadgetry, and yet we are still not dissuaded, that we work for the truth for the sake of the truth. Let the rest take upon themselves and their children the consequences of their actions.

–James Shelby Downard with Michael A. Hoffman II


She wants me to be / perfect like Kennedy.

Marilyn Manson, Posthuman

First referenced in 1998 in Mechanical Animals on the song ‘Posthuman’, JFK and the impact of his death upon America has been a theme which Manson has subsequently and continually referenced in his work ever since. Most noteworthy of these references have been the songs ‘President Dead’, ‘King Kill 33°’, as well as many off-handed allusion throughout the album Holy Wood and very prominently in the video for ‘Coma White‘ in which Manson actually reenacts Kennedy’s assassination. To those unfamiliar with Manson this seemingly unrelated juxtaposed imagery may seem as a whole something of mere sensationalism but in reality has been a theme which Manson has always played upon even long before he used Kennedy as an example of this; Celebritarianism, which mankind’s inherent violent nature and morbid fascination of such. In America, most children (though particularly of now slightly older generations) have grown up watching the Zapruder film of of Kennedy’s head being eviscerated on camera. The concept of Celebritarianism is Manson’s observation and indictment of a culture which places serial killers on the same celebrity status as a glamour starlet, where the very name ‘Marilyn Manson’ derives from. Celebritarianism (if taken literally, the devouring and consumption of the concept of celebrity) is where one is only cared about after one is dead; and where if one is killed on camera it’s a guarantee of a posthumous celebrity treatment, with Kennedy’s public and televised assassination being representative of this. After his death he became, and to many parties concerned, a Second Christ in the eyes of America.

Dear god the paper says you were the King / In the black limousine
Dear John and all the King’s men / can’t put your head together again

Marilyn Manson, Godeatgod

There was Christ in the metal shell / there was blood on the pavement

Marilyn Manson, Lamb Of God

Though the imagery Manson utilizes is one which both graphic and dark it is in no way one which is glorifying to such violence, and in fact quite the contrary. Manson has been quoted on numerous occasions that an artist he did not create the world but instead reflects upon it. This theme is one, as previously stated, concurrent throughout Manson’s body of work but one most apparent after being scapegoated for the Columbine shootings and also a theme which was subsequently validated by the very same society and media blitzing that Manson was indicting. The point was proven when the two killers, only days prior were mere ‘Nobodies’, made the cover of Time magazine for a mass killing just as Charles Manson made the cover of Life magazine in the late 1960’s under similar circumstances, just as the song ‘The Nobodies’ lyricizes on Holy Wood. On Manson’s preceding album, Mechanical Animals, the song ‘Posthuman’ summarizes this in what is referred to in metaphorical terms is a society where violence is the religion and the saints are dead stars with the preconditional of being beatified is either a public death or causing one.

In all of her dreams / she’s a saint like Jackie-O

Marilyn Manson, Posthuman

“A loved one laid his head in her lap. Red roses fell to the floor, and the world stood still.”
(Sample introducing the track ‘Coma Black’, and describing this particlar scene).

METAL EDGE: How do you see Kennedy as a Christ figure?

MARILYN MANSON: First of all, my theory that I’ve really been thinking about since I had so much interaction with Christianity after doing ‘Antichrist Svperstar’, is that Christ was the blue-print for celebrity. He was the first celebrity, or rock star if you want to look at it that way, and he became this image of sexuality and suffering. He’s literally marketed – a crucifix is no different than a concert shirt in some ways. I think for America, in my lifetime, John F. Kennedy kind of took the place of that in some ways. He became lifted up as this icon and this Christ figure. I started to, in my weird drugged version of Hollywood, dream up a world where these dead stars are really saints. Jackie O[nassis] is kind of like Mary Immaculate. That’s what I was thinking when I was writing the album, and I hinted that in a lot of song like ‘Posthuman’.The story was something that I had in my head, and that’s where the songs came from. As the songs came to life the story kind of grew also. It’s all really a metaphor for my own life, but the story, without giving away too much, takes place in an alternate dystopia of Hollywood where everything is taken to the extreme. It’s sort of Andy Warhol’s worst nightmare, combined with Scientology and communism. If you imagined everything was as far as anyone can take it, the way the movie stars are treated. There are a lot of references to the way that I see John F. Kennedy as a modern day Christ and how religion kind of sprouts from that. It’s really a strange story, but in the end it’s a parable about fame and love and what matters to you the most, but I can’t say it’s got a happy ending. The video for ‘Coma White’ is adapted from my script, so it will be a bit of a teaser, a hint at what people can expect… Though I’m sure they won’t understand it or make it any clearer.

Metal Edge, July 1999 ‘Marilyn Manson – Revelations of an Alien-Messiah’

A still frame from the ‘Coma White’ video portraying a crucified and deified Manson in the role of JFK, expressing how Kennedy had become a “second Christ” in the eyes of America when his televised assassination had made him into a martyr to the popular consciousness.

She’s got eyes like Zapruder / and a mouth like heroin

Marilyn Manson, Posthuman

Left; detail of The Fight Song single showing a still of frame 313 of the Zapruder film depicting Kennedy’s head being shot in the monitor screen on Manson’s shoulder.

Right; Two stills of frame 313 of the Zapruder film which appear in the opening vignette of Frame 313 of the film, being annotated, is the frame in which Kennedy’s head is impacted and explodes; coinciding the song “President Dead” is 3 minutes and 13 seconds long.

“We applaud the creation of a bomb whose sole purpose is to destroy all of mankind, and we grow up watching our president’s brains splattered all over Texas. Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.”

‘Columbine: Whose Fault Is It?’ Marilyn Manson.
Essay published in Rolling Stone, June 1999.

Background projection and subliminal image of JFK in the 2004 Personal Jesus video, among several other Personal Jesus’s of history such as Staline or Gandhi.

For more on Celebritarian and Celebritarianism read THE LAMB OF GOD .COM, HIDDEN SITES, VALENTINE’S DAY and the CELEBRITARIAN CORPORATION section of The NACHTKABARETT.




“and I want you now to just kill the king…”

Marilyn Manson, King Kill 33°

One of the more esoteric references in Holy Wood, King Kill 33° is one of the most blatant references to the Kennedy assassination after the song ‘President Dead’, which again represents the theme of Kennedy becoming the Second Christ in the eyes of America because his death was televised and subsequently portrayed as martyrdom. The title is a reference to the manuscript ‘King Kill 33’ by James Shelby Downard and Michael A. Hoffman. Most Marilyn Manson fans at one time or another have probably come across the web page entitle King-Kill/33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F.Kennedy which is a preface and excerpts to the entire 35 page manuscript, and upon reading the excerpt it is a very interesting treatise and is essentially what the song and imagery surrounding the album are evocative of.

Left; cover of Downard’s 1987 essay ‘King Kill 33’. Right; 18th century Masonic apron related to the death of Grand Master Hiram Abif, architect of King Solomon’s Temple, assassinated by the three ruffians with a square, gauge, and gavel to obtain his secret soon after the Temple was built.

“The assassination of JFK was a performance of the occult ritual called The Killing of the King, designed as a mass-trauma, mind-control assault against the national body-politic of the United States.”

James Shelby Downard, King Kill 33, 1987

The concept dealt with within ‘King Kill 33’ is reference to the esoteric rite of The Killing Of The King (an ancient, radical version of the Masonic initiation ritual of the Death of Hiram), often associated with alchemy, and particularly how the enactment of this rite was the motive behind John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The number 33 is the highest degree of the Scottish rite of Masonry, it is also the degree of latitude at which JFK was assassinated at the Dealy Plaza, the degree of latitude which the detonation of the first atomic bomb at Trinity and the degree of latitude which the the Temple of Solomon in Israel is to be rebuilt, as foretold in the Book of Revelations as one of the signs heralding the Apocalypse, The Second Coming Of Christ.

Left; depiction of Hiram Abif, sometimes amalgamated with Hiram, King of Tyre, in his coffin surrounded by the three assassins.

Right; 1866 engraving from the book of Duncan’s Ritual, in which the Mason aspirant blindly reenacts the final scenes of Hiram Abiff’s life before being resurrected, a ritual Downard associates to the Killing of The King one in his essay.

“In the ancient mysteries the aspirant could not claim a participation in the hightest secrets until he had been placed in the Pastos, bed or coffin was called the symbolical death of the mysteries, and his deliverance was termed as a rising from the dead; the ‘mind’, says an ancient writer quoted by Stobaeus is affected in death just as it is in the initiation in to the mysteries. And word answers to word, as well as thing to thing; for burial is to die and death to be initiated. The coffin in Masonry is found on tracing boards of the early part of the last century, and has always constituted a part of the symbolism of the Third Degree, where the reference is precisely to the same as that of the Pastos in the ancient mysteries.” .

Passage from Encyclopedia of Freemasonry quoted by Downard in ‘King Kill 33’

“The Abraham Lincoln town cars / arrive to dispose of our king and queen
and they orchestrated dramatic new scenes / for Celebritarian™ needs”

Marilyn Manson, The Fall of Adam

The whole mass manipulation idea in the essay is obviously at the basis of Manson’s Celebritarian philosophy, as illustrated in the lyrics for ‘The Fall of Adam’, with a nice allusion to Downard’s essay :

“The entire left wing-right wing scenario is a chess game where various pawns are motivated by emotions to follow the orders of “Kings and Queens” whose allegiance is to psychological control objectives and propaganda is one of the ways that psychological control is established.”

James Shelby Downard, King Kill 33

As outlined by the book Secret Societies And Psychological Warfare, “Fabled alchemy had at least three goals to accomplish before the total decay of matter was fulfilled. These are :

  • The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter
  • The Killing Of The King
  • The Bringing of Prima Materia to Prima Terra

“The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter was accomplished at the White Head (“Ancient of Days”), at White Sands, New Mexico, at the Trinity Site. The Trinity Site itself is located at the beginning of an ancient western road in old Mexico as the Jornada del muerto (the Journey of Death).

“Early in this century a Freemason named Peter Kern was ordered to build a highly symbolic ‘Gate of Death’ at a key point on the ancient Jornada del muerto trail. It was known as the Gate with a Thousand Doors. At the front of this gate Kern was ceremonially murdered (decapitated) by a hooded executioner.

“The are 33 segments in the human spinal column which according to occult lore is the vehicle of the fiery ascent of the Kundalini serpent force which resides in the human body. 33 is the highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter occurred exactly on the Trinity Site, the ‘Place of Fire,’ with the explosion of the first atomic bomb, culminating untold thousands of years of Alchemical speculation and practise.

“The Killing of the King rite was accomplished at another Trinity Site located approximately ten miles south of the 33rd degree of north parallel latitude between the Trinity River and the Triple Underpass at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Dealey Plaza was the site of the first masonic temple in Dallas. In this spot, which had been known during thr 19th century cowboy era as ‘Bloody Elm Street,’ the world leader who had become known as the ‘King Of Camelot,’ President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was shot to death.” The third and last goal, The Bringing of Prima Materia to Prima Terra, was also allegedly fulfilled in 1969 when the Apollo brought back moon rocks from the ‘Prima Materia,’ to the Earth, the ‘Prima Terra.’

Left; photograph of Kern’s Gate revealed in Marilyn Manson’s hidden website, among other images hinting at the themes for the album.

“Peter Kern, a turn-of-the-century Mason built a ceremonial entrance to his land to represent an esoteric gateway to death. This is the Jornada del Muerto, the journey of the dead man. Some believe that JFK passed through here on his way to Trinity and on to Dealy Plaza. It is located near El Paso. To my knowledge, it has no affiliation with Nazis nor do I CONDONE or PROMOTE any such beliefs. This is merely a mystical and bizarre piece of architecture I discovered on my quest for knowledge. If you look deeper, you will see its connection to Adam Kadmon as well.”

Marilyn Manson, in a post from his Official BBS,
Concerning his choice of Kern’s Gate as an inspiration for Holy Wood.

Menu for ‘The Death Parade’ from the Guns, God and Government DVD, documenting backstage scenes from the band’s trip around the world. The first part is entitled Journada Del Muerte as a reference to Kern Gate’s site.

Manson has also used the moniker ‘The King Of Camelot’ in referencing Kennedy during the writing of Holy Wood. At a later date I plan on adding more on how this actually relates to In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death and the Triptych but as this is a very esoteric and misunderstood reference in Holy Wood, this is what the title of the song if referring to.

It should be noted that these facets of Alchemy stated here are those claimed by Hoffman in relation to the manuscript ‘King Kill 33’ which are his own interpretations and are are not discussed herein for the purpose of accuracy in regard to historical alchemy, but those which reflect the theme of the writing.


“The Masons apply this fertility information to their own death rites: ritual assassination, the symbolical euresis and the autopsy. The latter comes from the Greek, “to see with one’s own eyes”. In the ancient mysteries an autopsy signaled the communication of mystical secrets. After the autopsy the corpse or in the case of the ritual, the Fellow acting as a corpse, i placed in a coffin and the coffin on a catafalque and the catafalque in the center of a circle. There the symbolical corpse awaits resurrection.”

James Shelby Downard, King Kill 33

The deadly ritual Downard invokes which is part of Greening Ritualism corresponds to a fertility oblation, and thus expresses by its symbolism an idea of cyclicical nature of time and actions, another theme which is recuringly played upon by Manson. This was first seen in 1996’s Antichrist Svperstar where each of the albums three sections were titled ‘cycles’ and with the last track 99 flowing seamlessly back into track one creating such a loop. As Holy Wood is the third dimension of the story drawn upon in the Triptych of Antichrist Svperstar, Mechanical Animals and the aforementioned, the use of cycles continued and particularly through the use of alchemical themes. Most notable is the theme of rebirth and transformation which is not only present Holy Wood but is one of the most consistent links throughout all of Manson’s works.

The cyclical nature of Holy Wood is represented both by the parallelism of ‘Godeatgod’ and ‘Count To Six & Die (The Vaccuum of Infinite Space Encompassing)’, the first and last songs respectively, but also through the use of visuals in this occurrence. The hidden feature of Holy Wood when it was released was that it was an enhanced disc that when inserted into the computer it acted as a link to a video which most recently was also included as a bonus on the newly released Lest We Forget video collection DVD. As discussed above and the reasons for which, Manson has previously reenacted Kennedy’s death. The bonus video of Holy Wood is a black and white depiction or Manson reenacting Kennedy’s autopsy (or revelation of secrets), and the removal of his brain, the disappearance of which afterwards is compared in Downard’s essay to ‘aphanism’, or disappearance of Hiram’s body from the Masonic legend.

The operative intentional difference between the original footage of Kennedy and Manson’s interpretation is that instead of the removal of Manson’s brain at the end of the film, when his skull is sawed open the technicians remove from the head cavity a fetus attached to an umbilical cord.

“When One World Ends Something Else Begins
But Without A Scream….”

The Fall of Adam

Left; detail from Holy Wood artwork representative of life emerging from death, and also related to the Tree Of Life. Notice the fragments from Kennedy’s autopsy cover sheet. Right; alchemical drawing borrowed by Manson on his website during Holy Wood. A remarkable depiction about cyclical nature of times and actions. Read more about this symbol on our page ‘GODEATGOD – The Dawn of Holy Wood‘.

Though a very squeamish and disturbing imagery, the autopsy bares much significance and many parallels throughout Holy Wood and Manson’s work. One of the aspects which, prior to its release Manson stated about the album, was that two core themes throughout was the idea of evolution and revolution (and yes, that in itself is also a reference to John Lennon who, like Kennedy, is another public martyr) with this bonus video being yet another reiteration of such. Manson, in Holy Wood, took the concept of being Born Again and applied it to another more metaphorical dimension, which specifically in alchemy, is the idea that one transforms oneself continually throughout the accomplishments of one’s work. This, again, was played upon in Antichrist Svperstar with the use of a cyclical timeline and recurs in Holy Wood with the illustration that metaphorical death is a necessary step to such a rebirth, with the use of a cyclical illustration to depict the regeneration to life. The title of the song ‘Godeatgod’ reflects this particularly in that, as in the above illustration, the concept of Ouroubourous the self devouring serpent to represent the infinite process that there is no life without death, an vice versa.

“…some of us are really born to die.”

Valentine’s Day

Left; Interior back cover of Holy Wood depicting a fetal skeleton within its mother. A morbid illustration of life emerging from death. Right;
The Four Worlds of the Kabbalah as shown within the Holy Wood booklet alongside the original sourced diagram of occult historical antiquity.

“John F. Kennedy, the one and only Catholic president of the United States, was a human scapegoat, a “pharmakos.” “Pharmakos” or “Pharmak-vos” can mean “enchantment with drugs and sorcery” or “beaten, crippled or immolated.” In alchemy, the Killing of the King was symbolized by a crucified snake on a tau cross, a variant of the crucifixion of Jesus.”

James Shelby Downard, King Kill 33

Manson as the Magician holding the bronze serpent coiled around the silver crucifix. Besides bearing the reference to Moses’ bronze serpent mentionned in our page The Tarot & Holy Wood, the serpent on a tau cross (right, from “Les Devises Heroiques”, 1551) happens to be an alchemical symbol for the Killing of the King rite according to Downard, and is believed by some to have given its shape to the Dollar Sign Manson would later borrow in the video for “Arma…Geddon“.




Now we hold the ‘ugly head’

A Place in the Dirt

The next day Mrs. White’s funeral is held on a renovated motion picture lot still equipped with essential sound and lighting effects required for such a tragedy-inspiring media drama. This place is called the Holy Wood Memorial Cemetery and everyone is in attendance. The President wears his best mask of grief–Academy Award winning, in fact. He even adds a drop of glycerin to his eye before his eulogy. The best make-up artists available concealed his gash perfectly but a few more hours in the sun and it will get as the Gaelic say “Kennedy,” which means, of course, ugly or wounded head.

HOLY WOOD, The Novel

The closing sentence is another reference to ‘King Kill 33’ and throughout the text of the one chapter of the Holy Wood novel which has been public are further allusions to Kennedy as the King of Camelot which is prevalent in the American lore of Kennedy but discussed particularly within the manuscript as occult elements surrounding Kennedy’s assassination :

“For many years Dealey Plaza was underwater at different seasons, having been flooded by the Trinity River until the introduction of a flood-control system. To this trident-Neptune site came the “Queen of Love and Beauty” and her spouse, the scapegoat in the Killing of the King rite, the “Ceannaideach” (Gaelic word for Kennedy meaning “ugly head” or “wounded head”).”

James Shelby Downard, excerpt from KING KILL 33

Within the album of Holy Wood, the song ‘A Place in the Dirt’ holds further reference to Downard’s essay and Kennedy with the chorus repetition of “Put me in the motorcade, put me in the death parade” and with “Now we hold the ‘ugly head’” to the manuscript allegations of Kennedy being Gaelic for the term “ugly or wounded head”.


“Sometimes we walk like / we were shot through / our heads, my love”

Marilyn Manson, Disassociative

Detail of Disposable Teens single cover with the Kennedy autopsy face sheet. Detail of The Fight Song single cover with Boswell’s diagram of JFK’s fractured skull.
Face/Descriptive sheet and diagram of JFK’s skull noting the 10 x 17 cm missing piece from the President’s skull as drawn by J. Thornton Boswell, MD.

“Dear god the sky is as blue / as a gunshot wound”

Marilyn Manson, GODEATGOD

Left; Cover of Holy Wood featuring the martyred Manson silenced via his absent jawbone with a detail of the Kennedy autopsy cover sheet which follows through the album artwork. Right; another fragment from the autopsy sheet dissimulated in a detail of the artwork… CAUSE OF DEATH: Gunshot wound, head.
Illustration of the “Magic Bullet” theory deatiled in the Warren Commission investigation into Kennedy’s assassination in which a single bullet allegedly shot Kennedy, causing two wounds, and then hit Texas Governor Nellie Connally three times, passing through bone, and was removed from his left thigh in pristine condition as opposed to the completely flattened and obliterated state in which it should have been. Since such a series of wounds and as many multiple changes of trajectory of a single bullet are theoretically and otherwise impossible, the “Magic Bullet” theory remains as the key physical evidence which points to a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK as more than one gunmen from more than one location with more than the three shots which were documented as being fired would have been needed to to coincide with the physical evidence and witness testimonials of the assassination.

“Anti cop / Anti fun / Here is my anti-president gun”

Marilyn Manson, 1996

Left; the Secret Service agent John 5 as the Fool in the Holy Wood Tarot, wearing sunglasses and carrying a poster of Kennedy hung on his rifle; obliviously walking toward the abyss and unaware of the importance he plays to the man he must protect. Notice Jackie O in the pink dress worn the day he was assassinated.

Center; ‘Eventually they discovered that J.F.K. was, in fact, a firearm.’ Watercolor by Marilyn Manson.

Right; 2008 Rape Of The World tour poster, with an apropos montage for the Dallas venue of the tour showing the presidential couple with sights on JFK’s head, a closeup his killer Lee Oswald’s eyes, an epitaph and a period ad of the rifle model Oswald used for the killing.
The same rifle that was used for Manson’s Gun Crucifix and microphone stand during Holy Wood.

“Am I sorry you killed the Kennedy’s and Huxley too?”

Marilyn Manson, Target Audience

Left; Manson as a pope reenacts Psalm 23 during the Guns, God and Government tour, officiating a Celebritarian mass surrounded with tapestry reproducing the faces of iconic celebrities who are more revered in death than in life : Christ, Elvis, Monroe, Manson, Lenin and Kennedy.

Right; Lee Harvey Oswald’s widow on Time magazine cover dated February 14th, 1964, as it appeared on Manson’s hidden website launched February 14th, 2001, hiding links to a chapter of Manson’s unreleased ‘Holy Wood’ novel and to the “sister” site

Left; background screen of JFK during the ‘Against All Gods‘ tour, flashing with other fathers of nations like Stalline, Hitler or Bush a la Personal Jesus video. Right; video sequence of JFK displayed on a loop when hovering the News link on the late 2006 Celebritarian main page.

“Let’s shoot up the mall / the school / or the president of whatever / or whoever wants to fight.”

Marilyn Manson, Blank and White

Left; Manson’s speech before his performance of ‘The Beautiful People’ with Shock podium reworked in the fashion of the U.S. Presidential Seal at the
1997 MTV Video Music Awards. Background subliminal projection of flashing words during the 2007 ‘Rape Of The World‘ tour in Manson’s pure tradition.


Still frame from the “Día de los Muertos” procession of the ‘Coma White’ video.



Sources & references of interest within The KENNEDY: KING KILL33° section of The NACHTKABARETT:

  • King Kill 33 by James Shelby Downard & Michael A. Hoffman
  • Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman




If you die when there’s no one watching / then your ratings drop and you’re forgotten
but if they kill you on their TV / you’re a martyr and a lamb of god.

Marilyn Manson, Lamb Of God

The sister site of launched in the Summer of 2000. The site went through five transformations/additions all to illustrate Manson’s own transformation and to illustrate the five pillars and themes most prevalent throughout Holy Wood; Christianity/Martyrdom and mankind’s morbid fascination with it, Alchemy, Death Valley, JFK as the second Christ in the eyes of America and the Occult. Click on any of the headings as well as the BBS link to navigate through the site in its original configuration.


Original Hidden Link to from the Official Marilyn Manson BBS in the Summer of 2000. Illustration taken from “The Tree Of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic” by Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley’s one time personal secretary. It is a book that Manson very evidently owned and used due to the number of images from it which he used as well as the themes discussed within, primarily Hermetic Kabbalah, which is the Westernized version of Kabbalah absorbed with Egyptian mythology, Alchemy and Sex Magick. It is the type of magickal practice which Aleister Crowley most widely used, which was popularized at the turn of the Nineteenth century by The Golden Dawn and continues to be currently practiced by the OTO, or Ordo Templi Orientis, of Order Of The Eastern Temple. Manson has revealed attending functions conducted by the OTO but has denied any further connections to the group. But regardless, that Occult standpoint is the one utilized within Holy Wood. See ‘Adam Kadmon‘ for more references to this figure within the artwork and lyrics of Holy Wood.

The Head Of Adam Kadmon, taken from ‘The Tree Of Life’ by Israel Regardie.


Behold the Lamb Of God which taketh away the sins of the world.

John 1:29

The first image added to the sister site of which it takes its name. In the New Testament Christ is referred to as The Lamb Of God, the sacrificial offering which God sent down to Earth to take away the sins of the world. It illustrates the most prominent theme within Holy Wood of celebrity and martyrdom, and most specifically celebrity through death and martyrdom as is illustrated through Christ, JFK, and John Lennon, the theme that Holy Wood consistently revolves around as well as to illustrate the morbid fascination mankind has inherently felt towards the theme. Hence the lamb bleeding into the grail, whose blood we drink and whose body we feed upon in the form of a communion wafer; the idea of Celebritarianism, the devouring of celebrity as demonstrated by the first celebrity, Jesus Christ. This particular image is a detail of the centerpiece of the painting ‘Adoration Of The Lamb’ by the 15th century Northern Renaissance painter Jan Van Eyck, which in itself is the lower-center panel of the much larger polyptych, The Ghent Alterpiece. The inscription on the alter reads: ECCE AGNUS DEI, QUI TOLLIT PEC(CA)TA MV(N)DI, or the Latin translation of St. John quoted above.

O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace.

‘Agnus Dei’ or Lamb Of God litany from the Roman Catholic Mass

Detail of central panel, used for
The Lamb Of God bleeding into the Holy Grail.
Marilyn Manson as the Lamb Of God, in sheep’s clothing
which is also the attribute of false prophets.

lamb of god have mercy on us / lamb of god won’t you grant us

Marilyn Manson, Lamb Of God

The Ghent Altarpiece painted by Jan Van Eyck, completed 1432.
Note the presence of Adam and Eve on both sides of the upper part.
Manson’s perverted interpretation of the Eucharist from the ‘Disposable Teens’ video; the feeding upon Christ’s body and drinking of his blood (notice the grail). A founding act of Christianity and Manson’s Celebritarian ideology, and an obvious inspiration for the title “Eat Me, Drink Me.”



“when the lion swallows the lamb”…

By clicking on the bleeding wound on the Lamb’s pierced chest we are taken to the second image added to site. Although the text being of undetermined origin the theme illustrated is the alchemical treatise which is also an underlying but prevalent aspect of Holy Wood. Using Biblical imagery the theme illustrated is similar to that of the well-known drawing It Is Finished When Seven Are One. The text seen here is an alchemical treatise illustrating the theme of divine unity through the amalgamation of opposing elements. The principle involved is that when the Alchemist amalgamates these metals and achieves the divine mixture it represents his own transformation and his soul ascended. Also in that the the elements purified and combined is a microcosm of the Alchemist’s own spiritual purification as he dedicates his entire being to the pursuit of such, so the work of the Alchemist and the Alchemist himself become One. It has to do with the reoccurring theme of rebirth and transformation which is what the entire Triptych revolves around. Where the work of the alchemist is used to transform the alchemist himself; like Manson’s art and his own transformations. It’s not necessarily limitted to metals, the premise of alchemy can be used in any type of pursuit where the person performing the work is so deeply involved enough to commit their entire being to their work. Again like Manson has done, wholeheartedly dedicating his life to his art. Several elements the text mentions are echoing Manson’s themes and Biblical inspirations : the lamb to begin with, the King, which can relate to Christ or Kennedy, in the context of King Kill 33°, but also Satan’s “bottomless pit” previously mentioned by Marilyn Manson in the song ‘Little Horn‘, and which also relates to Charles Manson and his Goler Wash home in Death Valley as we’ll develop below.

Left; Devil Tarot card from the Holy Wood artwork, with Manson in the Baphomet pose and wearing the head of a ram instead of the traditional goat (an apropos inversion as the Baphomet or Sabbatic Goat was perceived by Christianity as a perversion of its Lamb Of God), with the animal’s split body forming the demon’s wings in the fashion of Francis Bacon’s ‘Figure with meat’.
Center; still frame from the video ‘A Burnt Offering Can Be Considered Instant Choreography’ posted on Manson’s Journal on March 15th, 2002, which features a statue of a lamb in flames while a Marlene Dietrich song plays in the background.
Right; backstage photograph of the 2004 (s)AINT video, with the skinned head of a lamb on a dinner plate for ready devouring, in another reinterpretation of the Last Supper which is also evocative of Manson’s theme of the “Meat Show” during the Golden Age of Grotesque.



“the valley of death we are free / your father’s your prison you see”

Marilyn Manson, Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis)

The third image, a map of Death Valley found linked from the Lamb’s right eye. Arguably the most obviously fitting addition of the site as the album was first announced to be titled solely ‘In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death’, which is also a perversion of the verse “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” from Psalm 23. This section of the site acts to represent one of the most prevalent elements in Holy Wood, the theme of the end of the Sixties mirrored the turn of the Millennium; from Columbine paralleling the Manson Murders to Woodstock ’99 paralleling the deaths at Altamont, and the respective media witchhunts that ensued after both. Just as the papers ran the headlines, “Nixon Says Manson Is Guilty” in 1970, the papers ran the same “Manson Is Guilty” headline in 1999 and 2000, if not literally it was at least an undoubted insinuation, in regards to another Manson. The Death Valley theme and imagery stems from in part identifying with the plight of Charles Manson and his Family, who were ‘going to WAR’ against Hollywood and the world they felt was evil, the actions of which, whether or not they were right or wrong, parallels in many respects with another Manson’s struggle against the America that has attempted both the muzzle and destroy them. The title of the album itself is evocative of this, the struggle between the two metaphorical worlds of Holy Wood and Death Valley. Throughout the recording of the album the band holed themselves up in Death Valley and attempted to capture in music the atmosphere of the desert and being forced into persecution. In theory and in theme Marilyn Manson became the Manson Family and waged their WAR against the world that had beaten them down after the media witchhunt after Columbine, but instead of using the futility of murder to wage their WAR Manson put the scathing counteraction into the imagery and music to fight back which is by far the more wide reaching retaliation.

The body of Leno LaBianca, victim of the Manson Family. Manson in Eminem’s ‘The Way I Am’ video Summer of 2000.

the valley of the dolls is / the valley of the dead

Marilyn Manson, Born Again

Still frames from ‘The Fight Song’ video, orchestrated as a football game between the dichotomist teams of Holy Wood as a metaphor for a modern-day myth that no human could ever live up to (notice the number seven), and Death Valley as a symbolic refuge for the disenfranchised.

“Making the album, there were a lot of rituals–wether it was something as simple as absinthe, or just achieving a mindset that took you out of the regular world so that you could concentrate on what you were creating. We took a lot of field trips out to Death Valley just to try to imprint the feeling of the desert into our minds, so that when we were writing the songs and trying to capture that feeling, it was not being forged, it was real.”

Marilyn Manson, Hightimes, February 2001

The Fight Song. Left; Ginger Fish’s drums under the colors of Death Valley High, and marked with a big Totenkopf, or Death’s Head.
Read our article Degenerate Art & Fascism to learn more on this symbol’s signification.

As further illustrative of this theme is the path to the next page of the site which is reached by following the hidden link at Goler Wash, the Death Valley home of Charles Manson and the Family. Also related is the previous addition to the site, the Prophecy which evokes verse One of the Ninth chapter of Revelations :

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key to the Bottomless Pit”.

This angel, whom Charles Manson believed himself to be, ‘fell to the earth’ where he and his Family dwelled, in Death Valley, The Bottomless Pit. As can be read in Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi. This obviously links back to the enigmatic prophecy above, as well as the song ‘Little Horn’ in Antichrist Svperstar which borrows from another passage of Revelation (and from the book of Daniel) with the lyrics “Out of the bottomless pit comes the little horn”, as detailed in our article ‘The Third and Final Beast – The Antichrist‘. Both verses about the bottomless pit happen to feature amongst the passages included in Manson’s 2004 ‘God Bandaid‘ watercolor collage.

Marilyn Manson in the ‘Disposable Teens’ video, wearing lamb skin, angel wings and Tau cross on his forehead.



Put me in the motorcade / put me in the death parade…

Marilyn Manson, A Place In The Dirt

The fourth addition to the site was a photo of Kern Gate, also known as The Gate Of A Thousand Doors. It’s creator, Peter Kern, a turn of the Twentieth Century Mason, created it both as an entrance to the village of his namesake, Kern Place, which is easily read across the gate, as well as the creation of a symbolic and metaphorical gateway into death. The gate also marks the entrance to a strip of land known as the Jornada Del Muerto, or Journey Of The Dead Man, near El Paso in the extreme west of Texas. It is also alleged that its creator was also ritualistically beheaded beneath it. This image is the element which represents JFK and his assassination in the public eye which led to him being hailed as the Second Christ, through his death in the spotlight. It is believed that JFK ritualistically passed under the gate and through the Jornada Del Muerto as part of a freemasonic rite. It is this theme which ties into King Kill 33°. Manson made first reference to Kern Gate in a post to the BBS on August 19, 1999 where he stated:

August 16, 1999 Author: [omega symbol] Subject: this is the end, my only friends Article: thank you all, far and away for helping us live through such a tumultuous tour….. I am writing to you from Kern’s Gate and from Death Valley the birthplace of our new album. Details to follow. With the shedding of skin we have discarded our Mechanical Animal clothes, costumes stage items, etc. This will be available for auction and a portion of the proceeds will go to charity. I love you all in the only true sense of the word. In the Name of Jehovah, Lucifer, Satan and their union through Christ and JFK


Upon adding this image to the site Manson had this to say on the Official BBS in response to mixed reactions about it stemming from its use of swastikas as symbolic decor :

To clarify any unnecessary rumours…Peter Kern, a turn-of-the-century Mason built a ceremonial entrance to his land to represent an esoteric gateway to death. This is the Jornada del Muerto, the journey of the dead man. Some believe that JFK passed through here on his way to Trinity and on to Dealy Plaza. It is located near El Paso. To my knowledge, it has no affiliation with Nazis nor do I CONDONE or PROMOTE any such beliefs. This is merely a mystical and bizarre piece of architecture I discovered on my quest for knowledge. If you look deeper, you will see its connection to Adam Kadmon as well.


Kern Gate, Frontal View. Note the symbolism such as the hexagram in the upper left. Also notice Peter Kern standing at the base of the left pillar.

Manson’s hint about the Gate’s relation to Adam Kadmon can be taken two different ways. More obviously that gate represents transformation as a metaphorical gateway to change, similarly how the succession of the sections of Holy Wood, sectioned off and abbreviated as ADAM follows the evolution and transformation of Adam himself, but another interpretation of this linkage is the fact that Kennedy alleged traversed through this gateway on his way to the Trinity atomic bomb testing site. In ancient Kabbalah there’s a certain belief that the Adam of the Old Testament, the first man on Earth, was actually a metaphorical personification of the first Atom of the creation of the world by god. Thus making Kern Gate the passage to the site where the splitting of the first atom took place, which was metaphorically and Kabbalistically represented as Adam.

The atom of Eden was the bomb

Marilyn Manson, Cruci-Fiction In Space

Kern Gate. The same photo as Manson used on website.

The following is an excerpt of an article on the history of Kern Place, the whole of which appears on the community’s website, which the accompanying photos also appear from.

Kern Place was created by local businessman Pete Kern, and construction began on Nov. 21, 1914. Earliest construction began on Cincinnati Street, and by 1917 about 40 homes had been built. Though urban today, when Kern Place was built, it was on the edge of the desert and was well removed from the populated areas of El Paso. The entrance to Kern Place was a lively arch across North Kansas Street near the Robinson Avenue intersection. The arch was built in 1916 and was designed by Pete Kern. It consisted of two rock and mortar pillars bounded on top by a myriad of artistically arranged pipes and 333 lights. The arch was decorated with swastikas and sauvastikas, which at that time were considered good symbols with positive connotations. At Kern’s insistence, the arch was built by workmen who were descendants of the Toltecs of Mexico. Through neglect and street widening projects, the arch eventually fell into ruin and is no longer present.
You can find a number of historic photos in the Kern Place Photo Gallery.

Peter Kern, front right, was ceremonially decapitated beneath his creation.



Later replacing the photo of Kern Gate, the fifth and final addition to which brings all the esoteric elements of Holy Wood together as with its inclusion all are represented. The image is known as the Third Pentacle Of Mercury as given in one of the most famous of all occult books, The Key Of Solomon The King translated by S. Liddell Macgregor Mathers, co-founder of the occult organization The Golden Dawn, the predecessor to the OTO. To anyone confused as to why it’s referred to as a pentacle is because the word ‘pentacle’ is actually a Latin word meaning roughly, ‘little picture’, so as to differentiate this from a ‘pentacle star’. In regards to the significance of this pentacle, which in it’s original orientation is actually rotated 90° to the left :

Figure 46 – The Third Pentacle of Mercury.- This and the following (meaning the following pentacle within the book) serve to invoke the Spirits subject unto Mercury; and especially those who are written in this Pentacle.
Editor’s Note – Mystical Characters of Mercury, and the Names of the Angels: Kokaviel, Ghedoriah, Savaniah, and Chokmahiel.

The Key Of Solomon The King

The god Mercury, or the Greek god Hermes, is known as The Messenger Of The Gods, bearer of wisdom. Used metaphorically in the occult, when invoked, Mercury aids in intellectual abilities as well as artistic and poetic flair, and with that being said should make Manson’s use of the symbol all that much clearer. Let it also be known that the original image of the Pentacle was also simply called ‘Key’, which after being replaced by the image of Kern Gate we arrive at the symbol of Mercury via Goler Wash, THE KEY TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT.



Sources & references of interest within THE LAMB OF GOD.COM section of The NACHTKABARETT:

  • The Tree Of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic by Israel Regardie, Third Edition
  • Van Eyck – The Holy Lamb by Leo Van Puyvelde (OUT OF PRINT)
  • The Alchemists by F. Sherwood Taylor (OUT OF PRINT)
  • The Arts Of The Alchemists by C. A. Burland (OUT OF PRINT)
  • The Holy Bible
  • Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi
  • King Kill 33 by James Shelby Downard & Michael A. Hoffman
  • Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman
  • The Key Of Solomon the King (Clavicula Salomonis) by S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers



Manson on the cover of Metal Edge magazine, September 2001, wearing a red ring with the Square & Compasses,
and a black one with a pentacle star, both of which are characteristic Masonic symbols.

Closely related to the Cross of Lorraine, particularly via the Knights Templar, Freemasonry is a topic which has been no stranger to Manson throughout his work, and this interest in a sense climaxing during the Holy Wood era, particularly with the song King Kill 33°. During the Holy Wood era Manson was shown in a photo shoot to be wearing a Masonic ring with the Square & Compasses and Manson was also involved with the Johnny Depp film From Hell in late 2001 which explored the Masonic conspiracy behind the murders of Jack the Ripper. However the first of such Masonic references can be found as far back as Manson’s first album Portrait Of An American Family on the song ‘My Monkey’ where he sings of “Little G’s and Big Dicks.” The song itself is a childlike nursery rhyme with much darker implications adapted from the song ‘Mechanical Man’ written by Charles Manson, this particular line is very subtle yet but also an incredible overt Masonic reference with the “little G’s” being the G that appears within the square& compasses with represents the Great Architect, God as well as geometry, the ordered principle of the universe, and the “big dicks” standing for the obelisks, a notorious Masonic symbol adopted from Egyptian mythology to represent the phallus of Osiris, which the “Little G’s” are often engraved upon, particularly as the gravestone of a Mason.

We are our own wicked gods / with little “g’s” and big dicks

Marilyn Manson, My Monkey

Left; The Square and Compasses, the most identifiable symbol of Freemasonry, evoking judgement and discernment though it has no general interpretation. Right; Masonic obelisk grave also known as Cleopatra’s Needle, representative of Osiris’ phallus in mythology, with the Square & Compasses engraved upon.
Left; Manson on another shot from Metal Edge with the Square and Compasses ring. Right; emblem of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry, the highest degree of all, and the number which inspired the title of Downard’s essay ‘King Kill 33‘, which theorizes on a Masonic conspiracy behind J.F.K.’s assassination.
Left; Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Mason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction. Right; portrait of Aleister Crowley in full Masonic regalia, signed with his infamous 15-sided cross of Baphomet, which is also related to the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry.

…and they orchestrated dramatic new scenes / for Celebritarian™ needs

Marilyn Manson, The Fall of Adam

A contemplative Twiggy as the High Priestess Tarot card, most similarly stylized in portrayal after A.E. Waite’s version (right) by use of figure positioning as well as the pillars. Waite himself was a Freemason and inserted certain Masonic imagery within his deck. The B and J on the pillars behind her stand for Boaz (‘strength’) and Jachin (‘to establish’) which together represent ‘Stability’. These are the symbolic representations of the foundation of Freemasonry.

When I’m god everyone dies

Marilyn Manson, The Reflecting God

Though not a Masonic element in itself Manson’s numerous references to the Baphomet share ties with Freemasonry. The Templars were indeed accused of worshipping an idol named Baphomet, which possibly inspired Léo Taxil’s famous 1886 anti-Masonic hoax “Les Mystères de la franc-maçonnerie dévoilés”, in which he suggests a Luciferian worship of Baphomet by Freemasons. On Taxil’s illustrations (right) the demonic idol is stylized after Eliphas Lévi’s Goat of Mendes, a psychedelic version of which was reproduced on a Marilyn Manson 1996 tour shirt (left, with a closeup on the forehead pentagram on its back).
Left; Devil card in Manson’s Holy Wood tarot, with the character wearing a traditional Masonic apron with skull and crossed blades as a loincloth, mimicking the idol imagined by Taxil on a promotional poster for his elaborate hoax (right), which suggests a Masonic re-appropriation of the demon.
Left; George Washington as a Freemason, 1867, wearing the Masonic apron. Right; detail from the cover of Taxil’s hoax with the Baphomet idol.

and I want you now to just kill the king…

Marilyn Manson, King Kill 33°

Right; Marilyn Manson reenacting the death of Hiram, similarly to a Masonic initiation ritual giving access to the Third Degree, which James Shelby Downard sees as a toned down version of the esoteric ‘Killing Of The King’ rite in his essay ‘King Kill 33‘, an ancient death ritual resulting in mass-trauma and better mind-control of the American population, which the author suspects to be the actual explanation lying behind John F. Kennedy’s televised assassination.

We’re the LOW ART GLOOMINATI / and we aim to depress

Marilyn Manson, The Golden Age Of Grotesque

Left; Manson emerging on a triangular platform during the Thaeter introduction to the 2003 Grotesk Burlesk tour, which is reminiscent of the pyramid & all-seeing eye symbology (right; on a one-dollar bill) usually associated with Freemasonry and the Illuminati by conspiracy theorists. The word Illuminati (‘enlightened’), which is also a grade of initiation in the O.T.O., being what the band’s title for the era, “The Low Art Gloominati“, is a corruption of.
Left; screen capture from MTV’s ‘Man5on TV’ 1998 special with Manson’s eye in a shining triangle (also see The Age Of Horus on The NACKTKABARETT). Right; projection of the U.S. Great Seal imagined by Gottfried Helnwein for a 2006 interpretation of Wagner’s operatic cycle ‘Der Ring des Nibelungen’.

From illfigure on 02/12/03:

myself and many others ive spoken to would really like to know your thoughts and opinions on freemasonry and even though it seems like you’re not a freemason, are you?

Answered by MM on 02/13/03:

That question requires a better understanding of what that group truly is, before I care to discuss my feelings. My genesis is deep in Bavaria. Things change, new names for old beliefs.

From ‘The Oracle’, a Q&A forum on in early 2003

Marilyn Manson on a Golden Age Of Grotesque era poster, wearing a military kepi adorned with a passion, red and silver cross usually present on the
chapeau of a Sir Knight Templar, the final order joined in the Freemasonic York Rite, which thus equals the 33rd Degree of the Scottish rite in prestige.


Even currently along with the implications of the Celebritarian revival, another Masonic parallel exists inherently (whether intentionally Masonic or not) even in Manson’s forthcoming film, ‘PHANTASMAGORIA: The Visions Of Lewis Carroll’. As Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas write in ‘Turning The Hiram Key’ while searching for the origins of Freemasonry,

“I felt like the duchess in Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll was a freemason-why else would his rabbit wear white gloves, and why else would he use a pseudonymous forename meaning, ‘son of a mason’? Perhaps it was during his initiation he got the idea for practicing how to believe in impossible things. The more I practised the easier it got.”

Turning The Hiram Key, by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas

Left : Charles Dodgson better known as Lewis Carroll, author of Alice In Wonderland and Freemason. Right : 2006 promotional poster artwork for Manson’s film project ‘Phantasmagoria: the visions of Lewis Carroll’. The headless figure is wearing traditional white Masonic gloves.
The Skull and Crossbones, omnipresent in Masonic imagery where it denotes a Master Mason and is often seen on gravestones. Left; on Manson’s gloves during the High End Of Low era, including the 2009 Arma…Geddon video. Center; an evocation of Memento Mori as part of the 2006 Celebritarian emblem flash montage. Right; as a discreet pin worn by Manson, here with Johnny Depp at the premiere of the 2001 film ‘From Hell‘ about a Masonic conspiracy.
Left; still frames from the Tainted Love video, 2002. Right; Manson posing for Vivienne Westwood in 2005, with the rings he was wearing during the era.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will never understand it.

Marilyn Manson, I Have To Look Up Just To See Hell

Left; Heideloff’s “Arms of the Masons”, an early Masonic emblem from 1515 borrowed by Manson on his cover art for Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon, coming full circle with the allusions he made during Holy Wood. Note the allusion to St. John the Evangelist, already present in the album’s lyrics, and the compasses wheel centered on the M which subtly implements Manson’s impressive collection of simili-swastikas flourishing during The High End Of Low.

The first Masonic congress occurred in the city of Straßburg, Germany in the year 1275. It was formed by Grand Master Erwin von Steinbach. This was also the earliest recorded use of the symbol of Freemasons, the square and compasses. Whilst Straßburg was considered the premier grand lodge of the day, other Great Masonic lodges had already been formed in Wien, Bern and the above mentioned Köln (Cologne); these were called Oberhütten or great lodges. Several Masonic congresses were held in the city of Straßburg, including the years 1498 and 1563. At this time the first recorded Arms of the Masons of Germany were recorded depicting four compasses positioned around a pagan sun symbol and arranged in the shape of a swastika or pagan / Aryan sun-wheel. The Masonic Arms of Germany also displayed the name of St John the Evangelist, the patron Saint of German Masons.

Bro. Henning A. Klövekorn, The 99° of Freemasonry: Turning the Solomon Key

GASPAR NOÉ: Has anybody ever said that your work was spiritual? […]

MARILYN MANSON: I think art is about creation, so it is spirituality. Forget about the religion ; whoever built this room, painted these walls… Even if you’re a mason, whatever you’re building, if you’re making something and putting it into the world, that to me is spirituality.

Mutual interview for MTV Talk@Playground
September 2009